
Episode 7 - Losing (9)

The truth I've got it. But I didn't ever expect to be like this. I never would have thought the fact is so bitter to receive. Maybe this is the way of destiny. But why destiny that I had always a bad luck, huh? Whether it will continue like this until I leave this world? This is really unfair.


'I love you but your existence is destroy me!' His words are still remembered quite clearly in her memory. Shadowed, she could not remove it. The entences come in a row. Her head dizzy to think about it constantly.

Vanessa can't see her way at all. Her tears were already detained making blurred the vision. Shs fell, her tears instantly flowed so profusely once. She asked herself is this due her fall or her broken heart. No matter whatever it is, her pretty face had been filled by sadness.


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