

*Thursday 9 January 1992*

Sitting in the astronomy tower's lounge, with Lord Murphy purring away in my lap, a thought occurs to me. 'I'm switching schools next year.'

The sheer idiocy of the school management and by extension the teachers and students I have borne witness to, boggles the mind. It's honestly not their fault. They have not learned to think or verify claims for themselves.

I had been going over the administration records for Hogwarts for the last 100 years. Armando Dippet was competent and ruthless. He ran a tight ship and brooked no arguments from the board of how to run his school. The subjects offered in school and the number of exchange programs available for a student to go learn what truly interested them was truly fascinating.

Dumbledore is...an idiot. But an idiot with power and prestige. Going against him is basically social suicide. Him removing and watering down the syllabus was a very strong statement. That he's strong enough to protect Britain. You couldn't kill Tom Riddle, nor Gellert Grindelwald, but you're going to prance around like you're hot shit?

It's all to do with that silly wand if his, without it, he's far less dangerous. And perhaps more aggressive in his fights.

Violence of action and initiative. Two of the most important things in a fight. If you have the firepower, you have the liberty to defend and plan. If you are the underdog, you have to be far more aggressive and ruthless.

Maybe I should just let him be?

Perhaps I can have Hermione take over 'the chosen one' duties while I'm away?

Doesn't matter I'm getting the hell out of here.

I've kept my distance from the general populace. Thankfully they've returned the favour. Susan Bones has been a great help in keeping the rest of the little shits away from me. She also spends most of her time with her friends, Hanna Abbot and quite a few muggleborn and half-blood girls. At least she's taking her lessons and my advice to heart. She's making mutual connections and friendships, and taking her studies seriously. I don't know if she is being taught how to duel or advanced magical lessons. At this point in time I don't care. If Amelia marries Sirius, more like if Sirius every mans up and proposes, then maybe I'll give a fuck. Right now Sirius and Amelia are dating. I'm not going to invest myself in their relationship until they are engaged.

It's not like I'm mean to Susan or the other members of my house, I just like to keep my distance.

It has worked out very well for me, "the witch burning" made the Wolfpack wary. Which was picked up by the rest of the house. So subconsciously the entire house would be on edge every time I walked into the common room.

The only person I would converse with was Hermione. 'Puffs shared most of our classes with the 'Claws, Hermione and I paired up for our first potions class. After that we would usually sit together in other classes as well. I encouraged her to make her own friends. Being stuck at the hip of a heir to a 'Most Ancient and Noble House' is going to destroy any credibility she has. I introduced her, formally, to Heir Boot and Heir Goldstein. House Boot were potioneers. House Goldstein, were a branch of the Swiss Goldsteins. They were heavily focused in the mercantile and financial sectors of the magical world. They were the only ones to pay back their small loan and negotiate for future favourable conditions. I respected that.

I also introduced her to Heir Carmichael and Miss Clearwater in Ravenclaw, as well as Heir Longbottom in Gryffindor, and Heiress Bones and Mr. West in Hufflepuff. I would prefer if she used her time efficiently, but she's having too much fun being a child. Still it's a part of my responsibility to ensure she's aware of what's around her, and whom she can rely on. The word of House Potter still carries weight.

I suppose it's for the best. Not everyone has the burdens of the world on their shoulders. I would like her to be better prepared for the harsh realities of the world. Perhaps a conversation with Heir Malfoy can rip the rose tinted goggles from her eyes. I will let that play out organically. I wonder if she's kept up with her physical exercise? Probably not.

She's fighting the Basilisk next year. I honestly couldn't be bothered.


I've looked into transferring schools and the possibilities and opportunities available to the rich and privileged are insane!

As it is in most cases, fame opens many doors. But in the magical world, so does prestige, talent and dedicated effort, in certain circles.

As Heir Potter I could transfer to almost any other magical school in the world. There are 9 total affiliates with the ICW, but there are many more who couldn't be bothered.

In Europe alone there are 4 affiliated schools. Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Drumstrang and Koldovstoretz. I can transfer to any one of them, at the beginning of the year. But there are also institutions and colleges that decide to teach or research on their own.

The Draiocht Institute in Ireland, is a prime example. Teaching and researching Celtic, Druidic and Scandinavian magic. Rediscovering Druidic magic and it's more primal connection to magic is their current major topic of research. They train exceptional illusionists and artificers.

There are similar institutes in Sicily, Gibraltar, Berlin, Trondheim, Mt. Eiger (the town of Grindelwald is close by), and Milan. They either teach post 7th year or an eclectic mix of subjects based on the history of the region. Also they are hard to get into, mainly due to tuition. It's G1500 a semester. That's a fully warded house in some parts of Britain!

The reason why wealthy magical families will send their kids off to an ICW school is prestige and connections. Take Viktor Krum for example. A pureblood going to Drumstrang. A quidditch star on the rise. After he's done with school, he will most likely go to the Debrecen Academy. Like his father and his father before him. They only accept people who can pay or people who are outstanding in their field. You will find Unspeakables or similar at these schools teaching and researching various topics that you can assist in, to a certain degree.

Much like the general public, I thought Unspeakables were locked up in a room at the Ministry, and they let them out every once in a while, to see if they're still alive and what they've broken. That is not the case, Unspeakables and their ilk are spread all throughout the world. Researching different phenomena. Some are trying to rediscover, while others are trying to invent. It's a whole hodgepodge of interesting and exciting ideas. If you're into that sort of thing.

My interest lies to the East. Mahoutokoro in Japan and Kailash Parbat in...well it's in Kashmir. The weird thing is the magi in the countries surrounding it, really don't give a shit about muggle politics. But certain actions have far reaching consequences. Like no one with a lineage under 500 years ever being near Kailash Parbat. You want to talk to the parsle-toungues and learn? Welcome to Kedarnath. You want to learn nature related magic? Well the Indians would recommend you go to Lung Chen in Bhutan. Or Rangoon in Myanmar(Burma).

Kailash Parbat? Never heard of it. It's only fiction. It's a nice thought. Or any other non answer. Push too much and you disappear.

I honestly don't blame them.

What I find interesting is the sheer number of smaller institutes and schools in Asia. Persia alone has 83 distinct institutions. Some so well hidden that even well travelled wizards and witches won't know about them.

The most famous in the region are: Babylon, Iraq, Alexandria, Egypt and Babel, Ankara. I would like to visit them. The knowledge stored and taught there is very unique and quite unfathomable. I mean I can get a book from the SHOP, but going there and learning where some of the greatest minds pondered over the mysteries of magic and the philosophy of the human condition, would be a very special experience.

Mahoutokoro is very interesting. Because it gets students not only from Asia Major, but Asia Minor and Anotilia as well. It's actually very diverse. Due to which the students started at age 7. To get used to the schedule and learn about each other and different cultures without the poison of elders, politics and tradition. It actually teaches not only the standard ICW syllabus, which honestly speaking is dogshit, it also teaches combat. From a variety of cultures and sources. The standard 7 year education does not apply, for as long as the student wishes to learn, they can remain there. Granted you have to earn your keep, paying tuition is not good enough. Teaching the younger students, or assisting the professors, or even presiding over a test. The emphasis on learning and excellence is what separates their students from the rest of the, frankly, riff-raff.

It's not just the children of magical families that start from age 7. All children willing to attend the institution do. The tuition is actually very reasonable. There is a trust fund, as with all ICW schools, but it's very transparently operated. Donations and such are recorded on a ledger, without the donors actual name. And the amount disbursed to a claimant is recorded with full details.

Let's say I was a first generation orphan in Hong Kong. The fund would record all the money I received from in and why. After my schooling, let's say I wanted to, over time, pay back the kindness shown to me. I could without hesitation, keep making small deposits to partially or wholly pay back the lent amount.

I know because there was an article in the monthly ICW magazine that explored this wonderful phenomenon. The tuition from 1960 was paid back this year in G5-25 deposits by the same donor. All G1500 for the time he or she was there. Then they went back and saw many similar things happening. Some old alumni would donate, some clans or sects would also send money every once in a while, usually once every 12 years or so.

And because Mahoutokoro had the funds, and managed them properly, they had the best facilities and equipment out of all the schools.

Hogwarts, was in shambles. The weak-willed population and Dumbledore's pacifist preaching has left the average British Wizards completely useless in a fight.

You can take a look at history and find out how many "dark lords" there have been and how long their reign of terror lasted. Voldemort is 114th on the list. But if you compare casualties, he's 57th. That's a huge tell. The practitioners of dark magic were very open to his philosophy. But the masters of dark magic saw him for what he was, a charlatan.

That being said the discrepancy between length of reign and the casualties caused due to it, shows how ill prepared the British public was and how defanged they were. After Grindelwald, Hogwarts stopped offering in campus apprenticeships. so there were basically a bunch of college age kids trying to fight of people who had better education and training.

A quick side note, a Death Eater out recruiting in Ireland was 'accidentally' blown up by an IRA bomb.

I cannot be in this environment. Self motivation is great and all, but if your environment is not conducive to your goals, change it.

Maybe I'll pay Ilvermorny a visit as well. They have an extensive curriculum on rituals. So does Mahoutokoro but the origin of the ritual is different. Who say's I cannot study and learn both?

I also want to have a word or two with Grindelwald, so a visit to Drumstrang might be necessary.

I shall discuss this with Hermione and Sirius. When Lord Murphy decides to wake up.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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I wanted to spread the magic throuout the world. I do not wish to offend any one.


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