


With everything that had happened, it seemed like ages since Kathleen's death. Still, Catherine held her close in her thoughts, hidden away from the people around her. Keeping busy, all the while getting closer to trapping Conall, allowed her to at least feel the illusion of peace.

Catherine and Bowen had been on their journey for days. She had thought it a doomed quest but trusted that following Bowen would somehow make everything work out for the best. During her most down moments, all she really wanted was to kill Conall. When she was blinded by this need, she didn't care what happened to the rest of his followers. She would fantasize about different ways to do it. She’d find herself hoping for the chance to kill him before they cast the curse, but her hopes were dashed by the memory of his strength. It didn't matter what happened to her, she just needed to find a way to beat him.

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