
Chapter 92: Disappointment

A/N: The winner from the last contests was Juhiko on both accounts.

Today post a GIF of Jessica Jones Here.

Since like I said. This is my main work. I just wanted to get my Spider-Man fic off the ground.

Speaking of I'll try to post at least two chapters for it every week. But don't hold me to that.


(3rd Person: POV)

A bag of cheddar and carmal flavored popcorns in his hands Thaddeus ate from it, even though he didn't need to eat to survive but it had become one of the joys and pleasures in his life, watching the show in front of him.

Resisting with all his might the urge to viciously smirk.

While he watched on as Charles Xavier told Jean Grey, Orroro Munroe, Hank McCoy, and Logan the details of just what he did to Jeans mind.

Just as his creator and emperor had instructed Charles to do.

As Xavier continued speaking the four in front of him out various expressions on their faces.

Logan looked angry.

Ororo disappointed.

The same for Hank McCoy.

Meanwhile Jean herself looked sick to her stomach.

Seeing all of this Thaddeus could tell Xavier's relationship with his X-Men had just been damaged a great deal.

Exactly as his Lord Doom planned.

And this was only the first step in separating Charles from his X-Men.

Thaddeus having been informed by Doom, along with the other Primarchs, about a few more of Xavier dirty little skeletons that he planned to slowly bring into the light.

Like the artificial intelligence that spawned in the X-Mansion Danger Room that Charles locked away.

So say nothing of the man's probable hidden son, David Haller.

Just remembering all that while Charles Xavier was in front of him putting a look of shame on his face disgusted Thaddeus.

For he knew most people made mistakes, but Charles Xavier mistakes were bigger than most.

Not to mention it makes him seem like sort of hypocrite.

'At least Magneto's generally honest about who he is and the actions he taken.' Thaddeus thought.

But Xavier was different.

He is trying to hide his greatest mistakes.

Thaddeus knowing, just like his emperor and fellow Primarchs, it would come back for bite the man in the ass.

Likely leading to the people he surrounded himself with getting involved in such events. Whether they wanted to or not.

The children at his school being a prime example.

Thaddeus not liking that one bit.

Since after vising the X-Mansion once or twice, and playing with the children there, he has grown fond of them.

Which is why he is going to personally make sure they stay safe by kicking Xavier ass and forcing him to deal with his shit.

"And again, I want to say how sorry I am to you Jean." Charles spoke.

Having finished his explanation.

"Sorry, your sorry?!" Jean cried.

A red aura suddenly appearing around her body after she did.

Seeing this Charles wheeled back.

But Thaddeus stepped forward.

'Ms. Grey I need you to calm down.' He telepathically spoke to her.

'Why?! Why should I ?!' Jean telepathically replied.

'Because if you don't you might kill everyone in this room then find yourself along amongst the stars for the rest of your life.' Thaddeus explained. 'So please, calm down?.'

Jean stared at Thrashes for several seconds before nodding her head.

She then worked to calm down.

The red aura fading from her body.

"Alright, good. Thank you." Thaddeus said.

He then turned to Charles. "Xavier, at the moment I think it's best you vacate this room." He said.

"Yes." Xavier replied.

He then rolled out of the room.

Once he did Thaddeus turned his attention back to Jean and the others.

He then held up his popcorn bag in their direction. "Cheese and caramel flavored popcorn anyone?"

"This ain't the time for snacks bub." Logan spoke. "Especially with what he just saw happened to Jean."

"Yes, most peculiar. She has never displayed an ability like that before." Hank mused.

"Perhaps her powers are growing?" Storm mused.

"Well yes, but also no." Thaddeus said.

Getting everyone attention back on him.

"You know something about this situation bub? If you do then start spillin. Also, why are you even here in the first place?"

"To answer your second question first I was sent by king Victor to make sure Charles told you all the truth and nothing but the truth. Secondly what you just saw was some power from the Phoenix."

"You mean the monster I have inside of me?" Jean asked.

"Ms. Grey the Phoenix is not a monster. It is one of the most powerful cosmic entities in the entire universe." Thaddeus revealed. "One that embodies the cycle of life, death, and rebirth." He explained.

Stunning Jean and the others.

"Wha-Why is something like that inside of me?!" Jean shouted.

"Well to unleash its true power the Phoenix needs a host. Generally a humanoid one and at the moment that is you." Thaddeus spoke. "But don't worry. It's not a bad thing. So long as you learn to communicate with the Phoenix and don't reject it your life shouldn't change much. Save for getting a massive power boost."

"How do you know all of this?" Hank asked. "From your knowledge of the Phoenix, to its purpose, to even how you discovered the psychic blocks within Jeans' mind?"

"My king, Victor." Thaddeus easily replied. "Through certain means, which I am not allowed to discuss, he picked up on fine blocks in Jeans mind. He then began investigating, eventually discovering that Charles put them there and also about the Phoenix. Which is when he knew he had to move and fast. Otherwise the world as we know it would've been in trouble."

"Why?" Ororo asked.

"Because, Phoenix host who reject their power or never learn how to properly control it end up becoming twisted by it and turn into what are known as Dark Phoenix. Who have the capability to wipe out all life on Earth in simply a few hours to a day tops." Thaddeus explained. "But like I said earlier. So long as you learn to work with the Phoenix and don't resist it you'll be fine and won't fall to the dark side Ms. Grey." He spoke.

"Am, ok." Jean unsurely replied.

"I know it seems like a daunting task but have no fear. You won't be working to complete it on your own." Thaddeus said. "All of us here will be fight beside you. And even Charles too."

"No, I don't want him around me." Jean said.

"Look I get it. You're upset. But you heard Charles earlier. He did that to protect you Jean. Even if it wasn't right. The man made a mistake. That's all. So let's not hold it against him." Thaddeus said.

"I'll try." Jean replied.

"Good. That's all I ask." Thaddeus said. "Though in regards to this matter it does make me wonder, what other kinds of secrets just might Xavier be hiding?"

After he did he observed the expression on the X-Men faces and scanned their surface thoughts to find them all pondering his question.

Thaddeus grinning on the inside.

Since he had just sown for seeds of doubt within the X-Men.

He can't wait to tell Doom.

For he is sure the man will be proud.

Moving on.

"Alright. Time to get a move on. Ms. Grey and Storm, please follow me?" Thaddeus said.

Neither girl saying a word they followed Thaddeus.

Who led them to another room.

Where the Ancient One was seated. Enjoying a cup of tea.

"Teacher?" Storm questioned.

Given that she was now a student of her mystic arts. After Doom had revealed the truth of her mother's family history to her.

"Hello Ms. Munroe." The Ancient One replied.

She then turned her attention to Jean Grey. "And hello Ms. Grey. Truly, this is an honor

For me to meet an actual human host of the legendary Phoenix Force and to have the opportunity to train them. Looks like my life won't just be boring repetition after all."

"Thank you?" Jean said. "Also, am I not the first human host of the Phoenix Force?"

"Correct, you are not." Thaddeus spoke. "There have been others. Including one that lived over one billion years ago named Fire hair. Who I'm pretty sure was a redhead like you. So I guess that means the Phoniex Force has a type." He said.

"What, truly?" Jean asked.

"Do not worry Ms. Grey in time you shall have all the answers to the questions you seek. And even those you have not yet asked." The Ancient One. "Now then, let us begin." She said.

Jean nodded.

Once she did she was made comfortable.

While the Ancient One and Thaddeus went to work removing the mental blocks in Jeans mind.

Sensing this the Phoniex Force felt something it hadn't in years.


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