
Chapter 91: X-Posing Xavier

A/N: Yesterday winner was PimpGandalf.

Now for today I have decided on a special challenge. Which I have decided to do as well as in the future. But onwards.

Insert a GIF of Danny Rand/Iron Fist Here

Insert a GIF of Luke Cage/Powerman Here

To win you have to put a GIF in both categories.

Good Luck readers.


(3rd Person: POV)

As soon as Charles Xavier entered his throne room Victor made a gesture with his left hand towards Mystique, and the guards surrounding her.

When he did this one of the Doombots removed the power suppressing collar around her neck.

Allowing Mystique to use her powers again.

Where she quickly shape-shifted through several appearances. Before settling into her true form.

Blue skin, and red hair.

Plus this Mystique wore the same white outfit she did in the comics.

Which Victor took in.

Since Mystique made the outfit look that good.

But Victor only did this for a moment before making another gesture, with his left hand, toward all the guards in the throne room. "Leave us." He commanded them.

Hearing this all the guards left the throne room.

Closing the doors behind them as they did.

"Now that we are alone, let's get down to business." Victor said.

"Yes, please." Charles said. "Now then Victor, can you please explain to me what Erik is doing here? You know who he is and the things he has done, right?"

"Of course I do Charles, please don't insult my intelligence." Victor replied. "I know exactly who Max is, and the things he has done. But I have asked you here today to tell you he has turned over a new leaf." He spoke.

Victor's words stunning Charles.

Along with Mystique.

Who Victor didn't even plan on having present for when he revealed his relationship to Magneto to Charles.

It was simply a lucky coincidence she chose to try and infiltrate Latveria on this day.

But that doesn't mean Victor isn't going to use this happy accident to his advantage.

Since it means he has a better chance of bringing Mystique, her lover Destiny, and their adopted daughter Rogue to his side.

Given that his sources informed him Mystique was the one who convinced Irene not to travel to Latveria two years ago even though he had approved her and Rogues entrance into the country.

But Victor could respect standing by your lover.

Which is what the two women were.

Given that the history of Mystique of this universe was a mix from the revised X-Men films and the Earth-616 comics.

Meaning she was also Charles adopted sister here.

Too not even mention the fact she still ended up being Nightcrawler mother.

Who exist in this world.

Victor already having informed his people to recruit the blue-skinned teleporter.

Whose father is still thankfully Azazel from what he's been able to gather.

Not his new retconned origin from the comics.

Yet another unnecessary change Marvel made in his opinion.

Like again, making it so Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver aren't Magneto's kids in the comics.

Which ruined so many older storylines involving them for Victor.

But he is glad the world of X-Men'97 didn't make a change to the relationship between Magneto and his children.



"You're joking?" Charles asked Victor.

"I do not joke about things of this nature Charles." Victor replied.

"He is not lying to you Charles." Max spoke up. "I now have a working relationship with the king of Latveria." He said.

"Why?" Mystique asked. "Why Erik?"

"Because my dear blue-skinned temptress Raven Victor has proven to me he has what it takes to protect our people from the ignorant and petty masses that would see it harmed. On another note he has given me back some things I lost long ago. My name and my family." Magneto spoke.

"You're name and your family? Magnus, what are you talking about?" Charles asked.

"It is just I explained to you Charles. I was been given back what I lost. First my name is not Erik Magnus Lehnsher. No, that was a facade I created to hide from the pain and trauma of who I really was. But no longer. Now I have reclaimed the name I threw away long ago. Which is Max Eisenhardt. That is who I truly am." He proudly spoke. "Secondly I am now able to spend time with my children." He revealed.

Shocking both Charles and Mystique again.

"Children? You have children?" Charles asked.

Magneto nodded. "Yes. I do. A boy and two girls. All of whom reside within Latveria. Where they are never persecuted for their gifts. Never called freaks. Never attacked on the streets simply because they looked at another person the wrong way. And all of this is thanks to Victor and his people. So I have decided to stand with him." He passionately spoke. "Just as you have Charles."

"I see." Charles mused.

Meanwhile Raven remained utterly silent.

Though her gaze was focused on Doom.

The man Irene had informed her she'd had a powerful vision about. Which is what made her want to bring Rogue to Latveria.

Hearing this Mystique just simply believed her lover was exaggerating, like she did when having several other visions over the years they had been together.

But now, after what she just witnessed, Mystique knew Irene had not been exaggerating about Doom one single bit.

Because if he could get someone like Erik, no well now Max, to change his ways.

Then maybe he could do just about anything.

"Well I must say congratulations are in order to you then Max." Charles spoke.

"Thank you, Charles." Magneto replied.

"Yes, that's all well and good. But let's move on." Victor spoke. He then turned his Mystique. "Normally anyone who did what you attempted to do would be executed. But given your relationship to Charles and Max I will be merciful this time. You will not lose your life. But from now on you work for me. Also bring your family to Latveria. Since here they will be protected. Is that understood?"

"Yes." Mystique replied.

Since she knew arguing was not the way to go.

"Victor, you can't just demand Raven work for you." Charles spoke up. "It's not right." He said.

After this happened Victor directed his gaze squarely to Charles.

"Charles, I understand you care for Raven but remember to whom you speak and where? You are in the throne room of my castle, inside of my kingdom. Where I am the ruler. And Raven broke the rules of my kingdom. So now she must live with the consequences." He spoke. "And do not talk about what's right to me. Given what you have done."

"What are you talking about?" Charles asked.

"I speak of the mental blocks inside of young Ms. Jean Grey mind." Victor said. "Which after having some of my people look into I know we're put there by you."

"What, are you crazy, Charles would ne-"

"-Wait, please. It's not what you think." Charles spoke.

Hearing this Raven turned to look at her adoptive brother, finding a slightly guilty expression on his face.

Telling her all she needed to know.

Looks like she was wrong about Charles this time.

Meanwhile Magneto had a shit eating grin on his face when Charles spoke up.

"Then tell me Xavier, what is it like?" Victor asked.

"When I first met Jean her powers were running out of control. For she had awakened to her abilities far younger than most other Mut-I mean EVO's do. The power would've consumed her. So to help her regulate it I put those mental blocks into her mind."

"Yes, but that's not all there is to it. Is there?"

"So you even know about that?" Charles asked.

"I know many things Xavier." Victor replied. "Some of which would make even your mind break ." He said. "But to answer your question. Yes, I know about that."

"Charles, what does he mean? What is he talking about?" Raven asked.

Charles sighed. "While putting in the mental blocks to help Jean regulate her powers I sensed what I can only describe as an entity inside of her. One which called itself Phoenix. Immensely powerful. I thought it dangerous. So I sealed it behind the mental blocks in Jeans mind." He revealed. "But I only did it for Jeans protection. Honestly."

"And I believe you Charles." Victor said. "Given the situation at the time I would've done the exact same thing. But the question AI have for you now is why haven't you begun working to remove the mental blocks you placed in Jeans mind now that she has a better understanding and control of her powers?"

Hearing the question Charles had no words.

"I see." Was all Victor said. "I understand. Well then there is only one thing to do. Some of those under me will work with you to remove the mental blocks you placed in young Ms. Grey's mind immediately. No exceptions. You will also inform the other members of the X-Men of your actions."

"But, that's-"

"No buts Charles." Victor interrupted. "Again, I understand why you did it. But Ms. Grey isn't the same child she was. She's older and close to being an adult. She should have the right to know. To say nothing of the Phoenix entity you sealed away inside of her. We have no idea what your actions toward it might've done."

Though Victor did know.

Which is why he was addressing the issue right now. Since he didn't want to deal with any sort of Dark Phoenix bullshit in the future.

Plus having a greatful and sane Phoenix avatar on his side didn't hurt.

But the last thing was that with the reveal of Charles' actions in regards to Jean it would damage the trusting relationship he had with the X-Men.

A thing Victor had always intendeded to start.

To make sure that when the time came for him to reveal his true agenda for the world at large he could easily get rid of Charles Xavier if necessary.

Since Victor is sure he is one of the people who might stand in the way of his ambitions.

Which he will not tolerate.

For in the end Doom never fails to get what he desires.

"Yes." Victor replied to Charles.

Once he did the meeting came to an end.

Victor having gotten all that he wanted out of it.

Like always.

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