
Chapter 75: A Dynasty Begins

A/N: Yesterday winner was Hellfire45.

Now, insert an image of Robert Drake/Iceman Here.

PS: He will be gay in this fic like in the comics. For anyone wondering when I introduce his character.

Also post a Pokemon GIF for a tribute to the recently deceased Pokemon VA Rachael Lillis who passed from Breast Cancer.

You will be missed.


(Doom: POV)

As I saw that Reed Richards was well and truly gone I savored the moment.

I then stopped for a second and use both the technological and magical means at my disposal to make sure for certain there was no chance of Reed having survived.

Since as I have said numerous times before this is a Marvel universe.

Where shit can creep up on when you least expect it.

Even when you except it you still might end up fucked.

Hence my actions at the moment.

After a few minutes I stopped checking.

Since all the results I got came back the same.


I couldn't find any single trace of Reed Richards anywhere.

Cementing his death as a permanent fact.

When I was a absolutely sure of this I raised my hands in the air and waved them like I just didn't care.

That is until HERBIE began floating towards me, a glass of red wine in his grasp.

Seeing him I stopped my actions.

As he reached me HERBIE handed me the glass of wine. "An excellent accomplishment my emperor. Here is a drink to celebrate." The little robot told me.

Since he, like all other technology within the Baxter Building from the security systems to all the devices in Richards lab are under my control.

Since when I inserted Brainiac into the F4 systems, during what I am now calling the Blastaar Incident, I wasn't just having him feeding me information from their computers and spying on the four. I also tasked him with slowly hacking everything in the building and turning it to the side of Doom.

All in preparation for this day.

"Why thank you HERBIE." I said.

I then accepted the glass and drank from it.

Savoring the taste of the wine as it traveled down my throat.

Eventually finishing it.

Once I did I handed the glass back to HERBIE and walked over to one of the many terminals in the lab.

Since there was still one more thing I needed to do to make sure none of the remaining F4 ever discovered I was responsible for Reed's death.

Blow myself up.


(3rd Person: POV)

Leaning her head against the window of the SUV she was in Susan was lost in her thoughts.

"Are you okay Ms. Susan?"

That is until Krisroff called out of her.

Since she was currently with the boy.

Along with her brother Johnny.

Victor had asked the two of them to take him out and show him New York today while he and Reed finished working on some big project they had been collaborating on for the past week.

A request neither Johnny or Susan had any problem fulfilling.

So they took the boy out, where Kristoff had a marvelous time.

Though now they were heading back towards the Baxter Building.

"Mhm,yes I'm fine." Susan replied.

Though truthfully she wasn't.

For there was something she needed to urgently discuss with Victor in regards to their relationship.

"Jeez sis, you're a bad liar-Ow!" Johnny shouted.

As his face was pushed forward into the back of the seat in front of him. Courtesy of one of Susnan forcefields.

"Johnny maybe for once you could learn to keep your mouth shut." Susan spoke.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Johnny replied.

Picking himself up and seating back in his seat.

Just as the SUV they were in pulled up to the Baxter Building.


Only for smalls explosion to go off just as they did.

Hearing this Susan, Johnny, and Kristoff all jumped out of the car and turned their gazes in the direction the smoke created by the explosion was coming from.

The same with their security detail.

Seeing that the explosion came from Reed's lab Susan didn't hesitate.

She created a forcefield disk under her feet and started flying upward.

"Flame on!"

Johnny flaming on and doing the same thing.

In no time at all the pair of siblings reached the lab, and found a big hole in the side of it.

Looking inside they saw much of the lab had been destroyed.

"Victor, Reed!" Susan shouted out.

"S-Susan." Victor replied.

Hearing him Susan manuegeed herself into the lab.

Johnny following right behind her.

The two of them getting inside, just as Victor threw a destroyed computer terminal off his body.

His clothes in tatters.

Landing in front of him Susan ran up to hug him. "Victor, I'm so glad you're okay."

"Thank you Susan." Victor replied.

Wrapping his arms around Susan and reciprocating her hug.

"So, what happened here?" Johnny asked. After he landed.

Once he did Susan and Victor parted form their hug.

"Something with wrong with the machine Reed and I were working on. We're not sure what, but all of a sudden energy just stated to build up an we both knew it was going to cause a devastating chain reaction that would take out possiblly half of New York. We did all we could to stop it,but nothing worked.

Then Reed found a solution. Which he then tried all on his own. Sacrificing himself in the process." Victor explained.

Johnny and Susan get looks of horror on their faces as Victor's words.

"No Victor you can't mean..." Susan trailed of.

"I do. And I'm sorry to say but Reed is dead." Victor spoke.

"No, that can't be true. It just can't!" Johnny exclaimed.

"But it is." Victor said. "And once more I am truly truly sorry. I tried to stop Reed. I tried to save him. But I just wasn't able to and for that you have my deepest apologies." He spoke.

Which of course was a load of shit.

But if anyone checked any remaining security footage, our data from any of the machines left in the lab, it would fully support Victor's story.

Just as he planned.

Since there was no one left around to say otherwise.

Susan and Johnny had been out with Kristoff.

While Ben had taken the day to visit Alicia.

Victor having made sure he and Reed were the only two ones in the lab at the time of the "accident".

So with this his murder of Reed Richards was complete.

"What are we going to tell Ben?" Johnny asked. "The big guys going to be devastated."

"If you wish I can tell him." Victor spoke up. "I think it's only right. Considering I'm the one who failed to save his best friend."

"No Victor. Don't blame yourself." Susan suddenly spoke up. "You did everything you could. I know you did. Because you're a kind and caring man." She said.

"Thank you Susan." Victor said.

He then wrapped Susan in his arms and pulled her into another hug.

Though this time when they hugged Susan whispered quite the revelation into Victor ear.

"I'm pregnant." She said.

Victor suddenly learning he was about to become a father again.

A prospect he found terrifying, but also found himself loving.

Since this was the first step to starting the Dynasty of Doom.

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