
Chapter 30: Conference Call

As Wanda and Pietro looked around the meeting room, curious expressions on their faces, I sent off one of the Doombots to collect some members of the castle staff.

Along with someone I really want Wanda and Pietro to meet.

While the twins continued to look around I took a seat in one of the chairs.

I then used my armors' comm system to contact Lucia. While I also put up a small silencing spell around my immediate person.

Since I did not want mine and Lucia's coming conversation overheard.

"Yes. Hello my king." Lucia spoke. Her voice extremely professional.

As it should be.

Since right now we are in the roles of king and prime minister. Not lovers.

Though seeing as how her performance in her duties has been nothing less than exceptional I'll make sure to give her an extra special reward later when I have a chance.

Since I am nothing if not a generous lover.

"Give me an update on the war effort." I commanded.

"Yes. Of course." Lucia replied. "Currently our, and the Symkarian, forces have taken control of 70% of Sokovia. The remaining 30% of the nation estimated to be under our control by the end of the month. In a large part due to Zemo's efforts. On that note I wish to inform you that Zemo successfully made his escape. He and his family reached the extraction point without encountering any issues, and our now enroute to Latveria as we speak." She explained.

"Most excellent." I replied.

On all accounts.

Zemo has just proven himself to be the asset I knew he could. Having taken out Novoty and his loyalist followers, who were the government of Sokovia in every sense of the word.

Now with them gone the country is firmly within my grasp.

Especially with there now being no HYDRA in the country to interfere.

Though since I have taken out Strucker I know those tentacle cult bastards won't stay idle for long.

Which is why Sokovia must be secured before they make any sort of move in regards to Strucker.

"Lucia, I've decided to send another legion of Doombots to Sokovia. And I want the former country firmly under our control in two weeks. Not by the end of the month." I spoke.

"Yes my king." Lucia replied. "I'll coordinate with minister Zora, the Symkarian's, and our forces in country and make it happen." She spoke.

"Good." I said. "Now then, what news do you have for me in relation to our other ongoing matters?" I asked.

Since although Latveria is fighting a war it does not mean all of our attention is focused solely on that matter.

That would just be horribly irresponsible.

"First, the factories set to produce the products you created have been successfully restored and are now operational. Currently their workforces are being trained, and all the ones currently active have begun production. Secondly, several orders have already been placed with us in regards to the Medi-gel and gas mask. Mostly from countries belonging to the European Union and in South America. But both South Korea and Canada have also placed orders with us. All of them have also already sent some form of advanced payment. Which is being distributed to the various governmental departments and programs, you have created, as we speak Just as you instructed to happen." Lucia explained.

"Good." I said.

The money has finally started to trickle in, and now that is has I'll make sure it doesn't stop.

"Yes, it is." Lucia agreed. "Now then onto the third matter. The construction of the Werner Academy has finally been completed. Fourth, the reconstructions of our various embassies abroad has also been completed. Fifth, the United Nations is strongly recommending you come and attend the next general assembly meeting. Which will take place during the beginning of June." She explained.

My brow twitching at what Lucia just informed me about in regards to the United Nations. Me knowing "strongly recommending" is their way of saying come speak to them or else.

"If I do attend the general assembly meeting at the United Nations at the beginning of June, what kind of backlash could we expect?" I asked.

Since I have no time to dance around this annoying topic.

"At best, various sanctions. At worst, they could disavow your monarchy and declare the government you've created a rogue state. This it would give them cause to send in their peacekeeping forces if they saw fit." Lucia explained.

Me grabbing and squeezing the arms of my chair after she finished.

Those self-serving bastards think they can threaten me?!

They have no idea who they're trying to fuck with.

So I guess they need an example of what happens if they try.

"Lucia, set up a visit for me to our New York embassy and inform the UN I shall be there at the start of the next assembly in June." I calmly spoke.

"Of course my king." She easily replied. "And ask when there that you don't slaughter the entire UN assembly."

"No promises." I replied.

"Understood." Lucia retorted. "Now then, there is one more item on the agenda. And I saved it for last since it was the most important. Plus I knew it would put you in a good mood. I've managed to make contact with the Black Widow." She said.

Upon hearing this a smile formed on my face.

Lucia having been absolutely right in her judgement of that little piece of information.

It has put me in a good mood.

Since before SHIELD sinks their teeth into Natasha I mean to recruit her myself.

Because doing so will help me advance so many of my plans.

"You're right. That news has put me in a good mood." I spoke. "And just for that your reward is going to extra special later tonight for sure."

"Victor please. We are handling business." Lucia replied.

"Actually our business has just been concluded." I retorted. "Well then, continue your good work." I said.

I then ended the communication between Lucia and I and brought down the silencing spell I put up.

Immediately after I did so the doors to the meeting room opened and several members of the castle staff walked into the room.

Along with Boris, and the person I wanted Pietro and Wanda to meet the most, Kristoff.

Considering all three of them have a similar background.

I think he's just the person to help them come to terms with their current situation. I also hope the three of them will become friends. Considering Kristoff doesn't have anyone his own age he can call one. Given his status as my son, a prince of the nation, and his genius-level intellect.

It makes it hard for him to socialize, and I want to rectify that sooner rather than later.

Since the son of Doom will not be socially awkward.

As soon as Kristoff and the others entered the room Wanda and Pietro stopped looking around it and focused their attention on them.

When they did Kristoff walked up, a smile on his face.

"Greetings to you both. I'm Kristoff Vernard-Doom, and who are you?" He spoke.

"Wanda Maximoff." Wanda replied.

"Hey, I'm Pietro." Pietro replied. "Nice to meet you."

"The same." Kristoff replied.

"Everyone, Wanda and Pietro will be our guests going forward." I spoke. Drawing all eyes in the room to me. "So make them comfortable." I added.

"Will do father." Kristoff replied.

"Father? So Victor is your dad?" Pietro asked Kristoff.

"Yes, he is." Kristoff replied.

He and Pietro then started chatting. Wanda soon joining in.

Seeing this I nodded. I then went over to Boris. "I leave them in your capable hands."

"You can count on me Victor." Boris replied.

"Oh I know I can." I said.

I then excused myself.

Since although the news I just received from Lucia was great for the most part, minus the United Nations bullshit, there is still much work to be done.

Yes, still much.

Heading down to the castle dungeon I soon found myself standing in front of the cell where Baron Strucker was chained up.

Upon noticing me he looked up, a murderous expression on his face.

Too bad for him his dream was never going to come true.

"Now then, let's see what secrets that shiny bald head of yours holds." I spoke.

I then went to work on Struckers mind.

Showing the man exactly how worthless he truly is.


If you want more go to my paetron, where there are up to five advanced chapters of this story.

Here is the link: patreon.com/ArifuretaForever

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