
Day After and Day Before

Marquis Tristan Ophrys was a slender but built fellow. Blond wavy hair, brown eyes and dressed in blue noble attire with a saber at his waist. It is easy to tell that he is a duelist. He was seemingly in his late 20's and was a jolly fellow. He had a charming heroic face that was soft at the touch.

"Your name has spread throughout Fereldyn Noble Sir Jupiter." Marquis Ophrys said with a charismatic smile. "Defeating the cultists of Heilgrash and cleansing the grand sacrifice hex is a great feat. As it so happens, your ranking in the Knight Union has increased to the top ten, you're ranked 8th in the continent now."

Sargon wasn't surprised his name had spread throughout Fereldyn, but he didn't expect his ranking to jump to 8th place so soon. "Thank you for your praise Marquis Ophrys, I just acted according to my Knight Code which stipulates that evil must be fought against when met."

Marquis Ophrys's respect for Sargon shot up for him as his code was righteous. A truly righteous code is a rare thing for knights, especially powerful ones like Sargon. "No need for formalities anymore Sir Jupiter, you can call me Tristan. I would love to be a friend of yours if you'll have me." Tristan had a bright smile on his face harboring no hidden intent.

"I happily accept your friendship, you may call me Sargon from today onward," Sargon replied with an equally bright smile.

"Thank you for accepting my friendship, but even though you've given permission I would like to call you Sir Sargon. It just seems so appropriate to call you as such." Tristan said.

Sargon grinned and nodded in affirmation. Yeseme chuckled lightly along with Dexaril and Pharis.

"Sir Sargon, I have arranged for a celebration to be held in honor of your heroic victory against Heilgrash's evil. A week-long festival will be held starting tomorrow on the first day of the week, Meyday. A banquet will be held on Tehnday four days later. If you feel that you have recovered enough strength to kick off the festival with me tomorrow, I encourage you to join me in making an appearance and saying a few words." Tristan was waiting eagerly for Sargon's answer.

"I will have enough strength to make an appearance with you, I will do so no problem."

"Thank you Sir Sargon, it'll be a very merry occasion. I'll take my leave now and allow to rest while I take care of celebration preparations." Tristan left soon after saying a farewell.

As Yeseme was the only only one not present in Fereldyn since she was training in the knight burrow, Sargon wanted to explain the current events to her. He was interrupted by her as she said, "Dexaril and Pharis already filled me in. No need to explain, they didn't leave out a single detail. As for why I am here on this beautiful Seyday morning, I ran here as soon as I saw all the astra you released in the distance. That move you did turn night to day, very impressive Sir Sargon."

"Thank you for coming Yeseme. I apologize if I've worried you." Sargon said to her.

"Since you did worry me, I'll accept your apology. Although the worry seems unnecessary after you defeated every archmage that faced you without sustaining injury." Yeseme said with a smirk.

Sargon replied with a smirk of his own, "Although I am powerful, I am not invincible. I would be glad if you continued to worry about me, for it shows I have another person call upon for aid."

They met eyes for a short while as Pharis went and chuckled lightly with her deviant thoughts once more. Dexaril coughed awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

Their eye contact broke with Pharis chuckling and Dexril coughing. They have each other a small smile afterward. Riva was also mischievously with some hidden intent at this sight.

"Well, I have recovered my energy and my body feels alright. I have felt changes within me since I've woken up. I will be training my astra for the remainder of the day. Lunch will be unnecessary, but please call me for dinner."

His companions all nodded and left the room to do their own things. Pharis went city exploring, Dexaril went to assist with cleaning up the cult remains with his task force and Yeseme went to assist with the celebration preparations.

Sargon laid back in bed and received into his astral horizon. The island with some grass, surrounded by some water was still there unchanged. A new addition to the environment was a small floating light. Sargon recognized the new addition upon close inspection.

"It is a tiny blue star. No bigger than a common fly, haha. So it was you that helped me out with that huge hex, wasn't it." Sargon was enamored with the little star he felt a close connection to. HE only began training after a few minutes of staring at it.

He was surprised to see that it was much easier to make grass now. The island was now full of astral grass. He then tried to make a tree within the center of the island. It was difficult and took a while, but he did it. His strength as once again increased as a result of his sudden comprehension of making astral bodies. He pondered how his comprehension had increased so much and thought back to the little blue star.

While thinking, Riva appeared next to him and startled him a little.

"Riva! You startled me, I did not think you could appear within my horizon. Although it isn't too surprising since you are guardian angel, haha." Sargon laughed it off.

"Yep yep, I can be in here too. As for the answer to your question. Is this a little blue star not a manifestation of you? An avatar crafted by the truth of your being, created by your will and desire to banish evil?" Riva questioned Sargon.

Sargon went into deep thought and realized that she was right. The star is a manifestation of myself.

"If you can manifest a star avatar within your horizon, why not materialize a tree or blade grass?"

Riva's words made sense. Manifesting a star avatar is many times more difficult than materializing plants and earth, of course, his comprehension would increase greatly.

Sargon decided to act upon his level of astral comprehension. He expanded his island to be much bigger. It is now 6 kilometers in radius with three ponds, with grass and flower fields. A small forest also surrounds the newly risen mountain in the center. A single strong tree stands upon its peak. Sargon also made a cozy cottage on the mountaintop for Riva. A cozy cottage she absolutely loved.

He greatly expanded his waters. The still water of the horizon sill makes up 70% of all water that can be seen, but the rest is flowing water with small waves. Sargon looked onto the results of his training and he said, " I love it."

Riva agreed with Sargon while floating around him in strange orientations such as upside down. He felt that he was being and brought his consciousness back to reality. He rose from his bed, wearing his armor except for the helm, to meet Yeseme as she entered.

"Sir Sargon, dinner is about to be served. It is time to gather in the dining room."

"Alright, Yeseme let's get going then. It is rude to keep your host waiting after all." Sargon said as he stepped out of the room followed by Yeseme.

He turned and said to her while holding his arm out, "May I have the honor of having my lady walk with me to the dining room?"

Yeseme smiled and took his arm silently. They walked through the castle towards the dining room, passing many a maid and staff worker. Yeseme wearing a pristine flowing white dress with blue accents along with Sargon in his epic armor, they were a formidable pair.

They all parted to make way for them as not only were they prestigious characters, but they are both abnormally tall for humans.

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