
Eva Snow, Spectacular Girl (Angie Star)

There were a couple of types of superheroines, Dr. Adam Anderson had noticed. There were those who kept two separate lives and two separate identities, despite most of them being known in each. People like Stacey Star, for instance. Everyone knew she was Star Child as well as Stacey Star, but she nevertheless insisted on keeping her identities separate. You wouldn't catch her wearing her Star Child costume while doing business as Stacey Star, that was for sure.

Meanwhile, someone like Amazonia was always on. The physically powerful superheroine was already dressed in her star-spangled wrestling outfit. It was a major part of her brand, to be fair… and she didn't even bother having an actual normal name. Everyone knew her as Amazonia, because that was the only identity she'd ever shown.

Eva Snow, by comparison, was both similar to Amazonia, but also her opposite. Where Amazonia was always on in the superheroine sense, Eva Snow was always on in the business sense. But that didn't mean the psychic didn't dress rather flamboyantly, openly displaying her super status with an outfit that would definitely draw the eye in most business settings if she weren't openly a super powered woman.

All white and all faux leather, her outfit left her shoulders bare and her cleavage fully on display while at the same time providing arm-length fingerless gloves, a swooping back skirt, and long white faux leather pants that terminate in shin-high heeled boots. The heels, which are a good three inches off the ground, might make one think she was a whore or high class escort at first glance, but Eva carried herself with such grace and decorum that it was impossible to see her as anything besides the absolute platinum-haired beauty she was.

She was also one of the two most powerful psychics on living record, of course, which definitely led to most people having a healthy dose of both fear and respect for her and her wife, Julia Phoenix. The two women were a power couple to end all power couples… but thankfully, they regularly wore neural inhibitors to prevent their psychic abilities from… leaking into business interactions.

And indeed, Eva Snow was wearing her circlet right now, the pristine and sleek-looking piece of technology sitting upon her brow like a queenly circlet rather than some clunky accessory, and all but completing her look as she sits there with one leg crossed over the other and her hands clasping at her knee.

Even with that circlet, Adam can't help but be weary. He's so very powerful now… his collection of powers, copied from The Team, makes him the most powerful man on the planet… and likely the most powerful human being on the planet as well. But one avenue in which he is NOT that powerful yet… is psychic abilities.

It was half the reason he'd accepted the meeting, when it'd come seemingly out of nowhere. The fact that Eva Snow of all people wanted to meet with him and had reached out to do so behind Stacey's back smacked of an attempt at poaching him from Star Industries. Adam was quite happy at Star Industries, especially since he was all but running the entire corporation behind the scenes at this point. He had unlimited access to all of Star Industries' resources… including it's hypno-slut of a CEO. Even Stacey's bratty cousin, Angie, was growing on him. Though he suspected that the young Spectacular Girl was getting close to a breaking point.

In comparison, what could Eva Snow truly offer him? Well, maybe not much on the business side of things, but in terms of powers… all he had to do was hang out with her for an hour or two and he should copy most of her psychic abilities without her even being aware of it, thanks to that inhibitor circlet of hers. It was high risk, high reward play, but quite frankly, too good of an opportunity to pass up, at least in Adam's mind.

And so, he goes in with a smile, walking into the penthouse suite that the gorgeous psychic set aside for this meeting with a certain level of confidence and a laissez faire sort of attitude. He wasn't looking for a career change… he was looking for new powers. That didn't mean he wasn't going to be picture perfect polite about it though.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Snow. I hope you'll understand that my time might be short today. I can't afford to have my current employer realize I'm meeting with you."

Smiling an ice-cold smile, the blue-eyed platinum blonde beauty inclines her head while gesturing to the seat across from her with an open palm.

"But of course, Dr. Anderson. Please, have a seat. Let's chat."

Sitting down, Adam makes sure to present the perfect façade of a curious, but also guarded man, with just the right hint of servility and submissiveness that is expected in a world where the only supers are women. He's very good at controlling his bodily functions at this point, and that includes everything from facial expressions to reactions to any unexpected stimuli.

"I must admit, I'm not entirely sure what there is to talk about. I should at least start by informing you that I'm very happy at my current position… I honestly don't know if you can offer me anything more than Ms. Star already does."

There, he's laid a foundation for his eventual rejection of Eva's offer, so as to soften the blow. After all, all he really wants from her is her psychic abilities. Once he has that, he's out of here…

Still, even if he's starting the conversation off with a clear hesitation to leave his current position, they both know Eva still has to try, and likely has a couple of tricks up her sleeves for this whole thing anyways. Indeed, her smile only grows a fraction of an inch as the queenly psychic sits back in her chair.

"That may be… but we won't know for sure until we take the time to find out, will we?"

Adam just smiles and nods, making sure to inject the right amount of hesitance into the gesture. As he does so, he's starting to hear a little murmur in the back of his head. Is that… are those the psychic abilities he's beginning to copy manifesting themselves? Either way, it's nothing yet, but Adam keeps an eye on it all the same.

Meanwhile, he and Eva begin to talk shop. The conversation, centering around business, is quite droll and utterly dull. This is for one simple reason… Adam can't actually tell Eva any of the details of the things he's working on. Not his top secret projects, like the power copying gene therapy and the power nullifying technology, nor even the regular secret projects he's creating for Star Industries. Company secrets, and all that.

At the same time, Eva has to be circumspect about what sort of things he would have access to at her corporation, the kinds of projects she and hers are currently working on. She can talk up how much money she can give him, what sort of benefits he'll have, and all of that good stuff all day long if she wants to. She can talk about how much more valued he'll be at her company, trying to connect to him over the fact that they're both scientists with doctorates and mentioning how Stacey can never truly understand until her throat is hoarse.

But she can't tell him secrets that would endanger her company, and Adam isn't expecting her to. Instead, he's expecting exactly what he gets from her. A whole lot of really nice words… and more and more of her psychic powers. That low buzz in the back of his head has become louder and louder the longer he's sat with Eva just chatting. They're just hitting the sixty-minute mark when he starts getting the first words from her mind.

… hear--Adam? Can you--- yet? … so close. Just a little---and you'll have access---thoughts. … you're so close.

Adam forces himself not to frown or furrow his brow, his reaction stymied by his utter control over his own body. Eva's thoughts, jumbled as they are, are confusing. None of it shows on the beautiful blonde's face, of course. She continues talking up her company while subtly finding ways to insult Stacey and Star Industries. Adam finds himself only listening with half an ear now though. Instead, he's focusing on his new nascent psychic abilities, drawing more and more from Eva, until finally her thoughts begin to properly crystallize in his own mind.

Can you hear me, Adam? Almost there. Ah… there you are.

He's lucky to have copied Joanna's powers, because the Roadrunner's ability to process things faster than the average human might just be what saves him. For all of a nanosecond, he recognizes what's happening. On the one hand, he's got what he wanted, he's gained psychic abilities from this extended interaction with Eva Snow.

On the other hand, the first clear thought he gets from the blonde's mind is a worst fear made manifest… she can hear HIS thoughts and has noted the exact moment he copied enough of her powers to hear her back with a complete and utter lack of surprise. Meaning that circlet atop her head isn't doing what its supposed to be doing. She's had access to her psychic abilities… this entire time.

In a flash, Adam lunges forward. He didn't come unprepared to this meeting, after all. There's a power nullification band in his hand before Eva can so much as blink, and he's racing to place it around her upper arm. Only to be stymied… not by Eva's conscious use of her psychic abilities, he's much too fast for that, but by a natural defense of some sort, a shield of psychic energy around her that he has to try and drill through with his overwhelming might.

A nanosecond turns into a second, and Adam sees Eva's eyes flicker from where they'd originally been focused down to his outstretched hand and then up to her face. He sees the coy, shy smile grace her lips… and then feels her willingly take down her natural, instinctive psychic defenses. The field protecting her from his physical approach vanishes in an instant, and he clasps the nullification band around her bared upper arm a second later, fully cutting off her psychic superpowers. What the circlet on her brow SHOULD have been doing all this time, he now does with his own technology.

Except it's more than that, because the neural inhibitors that Eva Snow and Julia Phoenix were said to wear, only contained their psychic abilities to within six inches of their skulls, they didn't nullify them altogether. Or at least, that was what they were supposed to do. His bands on the other hand, highly illegal tech that they were, did a lot more than that.

Eva jerks as the nullification of her powers goes into effects, the blonde shuddering as her eyes threaten to roll back in her head. Her perfectly pillowy lips part for an instant, and she shivers as she looks at him with new eyes, the icy cold of her gaze suddenly replaced by shock and awe.

Its… so quiet. Can you still hear me, Adam? Can you hear my thoughts? Ah, but I wouldn't be able to hear yours anyways…

After a moment, Eva flushes and speaks normally.

"I had hoped we would converse mentally, psychic to psychic, once your powers fully came in, Dr. Anderson. But I suppose I understand your… caution."

I've never been at such a disadvantage before. You must know, Adam, this is the most titillating experience of my life.

Gritting his teeth, Adam forces himself to take a step back, his arms crossed over his chest as he glares down at the blonde psychic. He's still not entirely convinced he's safe now, but as he copies more and more of Eva's powers, the band not preventing him from continuing to do so in her presence, he gains more and more of her knowledge as well.

"You should definitely be able to understand why I acted so swiftly. Just how long have you been lying about those circlets of yours?"

He doesn't let her answer verbally. As her mouth opens, Adam reaches out with his mind and uses his new telekinesis to snap it shut. He all but grabs her forcibly by the jaw while at the same time keeping his arms crossed over his chest. THEN, he dives into her helpless, defenseless mind. There's no doubt in HIS mind that her thoughts would be much more protected without the nullification band disabling her psychic abilities.

But right now, she's completely and utterly helpless before him, like any other non-powered woman would be. Perhaps even more so, because her reliance on her psychic powers to protect her mind is obvious the more he rifles through her memories. There are gaps in what he assumes would be her and anyone else's naturel defenses, left behind by the psychic walls she'd protected herself with before he came along.

Very rapidly, Adam gets a clearer picture of what's going on… and has to valiantly resist the urge to facepalm as he understands exactly who Eva Snow is in short order, and through her, gets more of an understanding than he expected to get of Julia Phoenix as well. For starters, the red headed half of this particular power couple, had no idea what Eva was up to.

Julia's circlet worked as advertised, at least as far as Eva knew. The red head was the one who played by the rules, the one who wanted them to be safe to be around people in the first place… despite, for all intents and purposes, being the stronger of the two of them in psychic abilities.

Eva, meanwhile, was a fucking maverick and a half. She'd found out about him at the party celebrating his success. She'd come to the party in the same faux neural inhibitor she was wearing now, with not even Julia aware of what she was doing. She'd snooped around in everyone's thoughts, not because she was going to use most of what she learned to get ahead in business, no, that would be too overt. She'd done it because she was a gossip, because she loved secrets and loved hoarding them.

Only, this time around, her reckless behavior had unveiled the greatest secret of all time… the existence of the first male super. She'd found out who and what Adam was, she'd learned exactly what he'd been doing with The Team, and she'd… she'd decided she wanted a piece of that.

… Seriously? Was every superpowered woman he met doomed to be a hopeless pervert lusting for domination? Eva Snow in particular seemed like such a strong, independent femme fatale… on the outside. Now that he was in her defenseless head, now that he had her helpless and completely at his mercy, Adam was peeling back the layers and finding the truth. Eva had always fantasized about a psychic male putting her in her place. She had a fetish for complete and utter domination a mile wide, but of course, no NORMAL human man could give her that.

It would HAVE to be a male psychic at least as strong as her, and preferably as strong or stronger than her wife. Because while Eva wanted to be dominated, her fetish was nothing compared to Julia's, from what Adam was gleaning. The memory of Eva and Julia's wedding night is pushed to the forefront, and as soon as he's done consuming it, Adam belatedly realizes that the blonde has been feeding him the relevant memories, outright pushing them up to the surface of her mind to show him her and her wife's true nature.

Upon realizing exactly what she's doing, and with his psychic abilities coming into their own, growing to be nearly on par with what Eva would be capable of without the nullification band, Adam mentally growls and seizes upon her mind in the same way he's seized her jaw. No longer letting her think thoughts besides those he allows her to think, Adam does his own, proper search of her mind, turning over every nook and cranny, assimilating every single thing that Eva Snow has ever thought with a rapid speed that's only possible thanks to Roadrunner's powers.

He has to know for sure that she's not just feeding him a sack of bullshit, that this isn't some trap or web of lies she's wrapping him up in. A fail safe, if you will, since he now knows she's known about his power nullification bands and his power-granting gene therapy for MONTHS now.

… But it's not. He keeps expecting to find something more, but there is nothing else. Eva's mind is genuine. Her desires are genuine. Under that cool, cold exterior, is a woman who wants nothing more than for him to do… exactly what he's currently doing to her. Being wholly controlled like this, being utterly dominated… Adam can't help but smile a little, when he realizes that the beautiful femme fatale has already creampied her panties more than once since he started.

What for him is just plain old survival, is for Eva Snow, the most arousing, most titillating, most ecstasy-inducing time of her life.

With a sigh, Adam enters Eva's mind. In a moment, the two of them are standing in a blank, dark room. Looking at Eva, he shakes his head.

"You're a hopeless slut, aren't you Dr. Snow? Just like every other female super I've met so far."

Shivering, shuddering, and licking her lips suggestively, Eva's face is flushed bright red, her hands twitching and fidgeting on either side of her body.

"I'm whatever you want me to be, Dr. Anderson. You've got me dead to rights, after all. You can do whatever you want with me and my wife now… and you know we'll love every last second of it."

Nodding, Adam smirks dryly.

"Yes, I'm well aware. And as far as doing whatever I want with you… I've already begun."

Snapping his fingers, a large 'screen' of sorts appears along one 'wall' of the black, blank space they're both in. The 'camera' angle is from his point of view and shows Eva's body in the real world has dropped from her chair, pulled down her faux leather top, exposed her tits, and is now eagerly wrapping them around his naked cock, moaning throatily as she stares up at him with lifeless, empty eyes, using her tits to give him an expert boobjob.

Except it's not Eva doing the using, it's Adam. Adam is the one controlling Eva's body at the moment, while her consciousness is trapped in here, in her mindscape, with him. Coming up behind her as she watches her utter subjugation in the real world, Adam slides his hands up and down Eva's body, groping and squeezing to his heart's content. Wherever he ends up touching her, her 'clothing' flakes away, showing just how far his control extends. It's not long before she's stood there in her birthday suit, mewling submissively and pathetically as he feels up her tits, fingers her cunt, holds her body to his own like it belongs to him.

And frankly, it might as well belong to him. She's his now, and they both know it. Given what she knows, there's no way that Adam lets her leave without using his new psychic abilities to control her, to make her his bitch, to make sure she can't reveal everything about him to anyone, including her wife. And of course, as powerful a psychic as Julia is, as close as the two of them are to each other, there's no way that the red head doesn't notice something is wrong with her wife if he just tries to leave it at that.

No, the only way forward is to give Eva exactly what she wants. Adam will have to dominate both her AND her wife, copying both of their psychic powers in full so that he's much stronger mentally than the two of them, in the same way he stacked The Team's powers until he was physically stronger than all of them individually.

More work, but Adam can already tell he's going to enjoy it anyways, and right now he's definitely enjoying himself as he bends the representation of Eva's consciousness over, pulling her arms behind her back and sinking his thick, fat cock into her sopping wet cunny from behind. Fucking her with hard and fast thrusts as she moans like a wanton whore rather than the accomplished CEO that she's supposed to be, they both watch on the 'screen' as her body continues to give Adam a titfuck until he blows his load all over her face and tits.

Then, out in the real world, Adam grabs Eva's currently conscious-less body by the throat and lifts it up, carrying her over to the nearby bed and slamming her down. In her mind, all Eva can do is moan wantonly, shuddering at the feeling of being utterly trapped. She might not be physically bound or restrained in any way, but she doesn't need to be. So long as that power nullification band is on her body's upper arm, they both know there's nothing she can do to fight back against him. Not a single thing. And that's just the way Eva likes it.

As she moans wantonly in the prison her own mind has become, similar noises erupt from her lips out in the real world, even as Adam fucks her in a mating press, bending her legs back over her figure, framing her massive cum-coated tits perfectly between them, and pounding into her from above with his huge, fat cock. He jackhammers into her cunt in the physical world just like he's jackhammering into her in her mindscape, not letting up for even a moment.

It's a truly spectacular experience, and Evan squeals at the top of her lungs, speaking her mind of a sort, a continuous stream of consciousness falling from her lips in the mental prison he's made for her.

"So good, so good, so good! Can't go back, don't wanna go back! This is better, this is so good, I love it to much. Cock, please give me more cock. Fuck me! Fuck my mind up! Make me your woman! Oh god, I made the first male psychic. I let him copy my powers, a-and then I let him disable them, and now I'm letting him turn me into his whore. Yessss, don't stop now. Rearrange my insides, both mentally and physically! Make me into a worthless, cum dump BITCH made for your pleasure! I want it all! I don't care if you make me a fucking bimbo, just GIVE IT TO ME!!!"

It doesn't stop there either, but ultimately it's more of the same, just Eva going around in circles as Adam 'listens' on in amusement. Out in the real world, the noises coming from Eva's controlled body are of a more primal, bestial nature. She yelps and grunts and groans, moaning and squealing as well, but doesn't say a word, mostly because she can't say a word. But the Eva trapped in her own mind is much more vocal, every little thought she's thinking spouted out of her metaphysical lips.

Its almost adorable, really. And its certainly very hot. As Adam fucks her, as he plows her in both the real world and the mental one, he can't help but be immensely aroused… and with his climax approaching, he picks up the pace a bit, penetrating her harder, faster… and deeper. See, while this might be what Eva wants, there's still what her wife wants to contend with as well. And Adam is developing a plan for that on the fly, already figuring out what he's going to do.

And so, as he pumps Eva's actual body full of his cum, the 'release' he experiences in her mindscape is a bit different, his 'seed' more of a psychic nature as it penetrates Eva Snow's mind MOST deeply. He's experimenting, to be sure, playing around with his new psychic abilities… but all the same, he knows what he's doing, what he's aiming for. And in the end, that's all that matters.


Back in the real world, Adam lays back on the hotel suite bed, his back against the headboard as he watches Eva Snow lovingly and loyally licking up and down his messy cock. Her eyes twinkle with mischief and wicked delight as she looks up at him, moaning throatily as she slurps away at his dick like it's the most perfect thing in the world, like its all she's ever wanted.

Adam smiles back at her, running a hand through her hair for a moment before gripping down tightly and yanking her head up and away from his cock, holding her firmly so he can look her in the eye.

"You know what happens next, Pet."

"Yessss Master. I'm going to help you turn my wife into your bitch. I'm going to lure her away, bring her to a secluded spot, and together we're going to overwhelm her psychic abilities with our own. It'll be beautiful, once she belongs to you, Master. It'll be so very beautiful."

Adam just smirks at that and nods. Meanwhile, he's probably the only one who can really see it. The true Eva Snow, hidden away in the back of this fake version's mind. Having constructed a cartoonishly evil version of her and supplanted it over her normal self, he's completely imprisoned the real Eva Snow for the time being. This 'Evil' Eva Snow will proceed to drop off the grid and go 'villain', complete with a new outfit, an 'evil' lair, and an 'evil' plan that will fall apart the moment you look at it for too long.

Then, she'd send a message to Julia, daring her wife to come a stop her. As the two most powerful psychics in the world, Julia will be forced to do SOMETHING. That's when she'll walk right into their trap. Whether she'll be completely oblivious about it being a trap, or simply ready to finally give into her deepest desires she'd told Eva on their wedding night, was still up in the air.

Of course, normally, its common in a scenario like this for the true version of the trapped mind to be raging against the injustice of it all, perhaps 'banging' against the invisible 'bars' of their mental prison as they shouted in horror at the actions that they were being forced to happily take. Alas, Eva had no love for the classics, that much was clear.

Because there, in his mind's eye, when he looked into the back of Eva Snow's mind where he'd imprisoned the beautiful psychic blonde's true self, he finds her hopelessly delirious with pleasure, more simulating the act of mentally masturbating to the complete and utter domination she finds herself being subjected to, rather than banging against any metaphysical prison bars.

Rolling his eyes in amusement, Adam nevertheless leans back and enjoys Eva's tongue across his cock, even as the 'Evil' Eva Snow he's constructed grins up at him wickedly, her eyes dancing merrily in malicious excitement.


One moment, he's walking down the street. The next, he's being hit by a speeding bullet in the form of a person, the superheroine moving so fast that she might as well be a red and blue blur to any electronic cameras watching, and certainly wasn't discernable to the average human being.

Of course, Adam saw her coming from a mile away, literally. He was reacting long before she so much as laid a hand on him. But that was a good thing, because if he hadn't seen her coming, if he hadn't reacted ahead of time, Spectacular Girl might have become a spectacular splatter across his chiseled jaw. Certainly, she would have broken quite a few limbs if he hadn't rolled with her first punch, and then outright let her lift him off the ground and blaze away from the city with him in her clutches as fast as she possibly could.

Dressed up in her normal costume as Spectacular Girl, Angie Star grits her teeth, fury in her eyes as she drives him into and through a nearby mountain. Rock and dirt and all of the minerals and ores found in mountains gives way with ease beneath his body, not affecting him in the slightest, save to tear at his clothing a fair bit.

Adam, meanwhile, reaches up and grabs her by the wrists almost nonchalantly, not quite doing anything with the grip yet, letting her continue to have her way for the time being as he raises an eyebrow at her inquisitively.

"I knew you were prone to temper tantrums, Angie, but this takes the cake."


She pushes him through another mountain, and then they're in the midst of an entire mountain range, about as far from civilization as one can get in the United States without going out of country. Deciding he's let her have her way long enough, Adam tightens his hold on her wrists… and in an instant, uses his own super-powered flight and speed to arrest their motion, spin them both around, and slam Angie down into the ground hard enough to crater it.

As Spectacular Girl gasps, winded for a brief moment, Adam lets go of her and rises to his full height, crossing his arms over his chest with a chuckle.

"Really, what did you think this was going to do, except piss me off?"

Her next act is to try and blow his head off with her laser vision again. But of course, just like the last time she made an attempt with this ability, Adam's own heat vision is there to meet it, the lines of red meeting in midair. However, Angie proves she CAN in fact learn, because it turns out that's just a feint, an attempt to blind him for a moment while she cuts off her own laser vision and lunges at his waist, attempting to tackle him to the ground where she can beat on him unimpeded.

Adam… doesn't let that happen. As Angie collides with his midsection, he simply stops letting her move him. Which means she ends up skidding across the ground on her feet, kicking up dirt as she clings to him, clawing at his skin with no noticeable effect, unable to so much as budge him an inch. Then, she finds herself frozen in place, forced back and suddenly floating in midair but not of her own powers… he's holding her there with his mind.

"What… w-what the fuck?! WHAT THE FUCK?!"

As Angie squirms and struggles against his psychic hold, Adam just smiles and shrugs.

"Met with Eva Snow today. Nice woman with a VERY nice set of… psychic abilities. Abilities that are now mine."

Angie's eyes widen at that.

"You… you were meeting with a competitor behind Stacey's back?! I'll tell her! I'll tell her and-mmph!"

With negligent ease, Adam forces Angie's jaw shut as he rolls his eyes at her, exasperated.

"Sweetheart, what part of your cousin being my cunt on legs is so hard to understand? I OWN Stacey. If I want to chat up Eva Snow, I'm more than allowed to. And after today, I own Dr. Snow as well, in case that wasn't penetrating through your frankly thick skull."

Unable to speak, but clearly extremely frustrated, tears start to trickle down Angie's cheeks. With her in her Spectacular Girl costume, it's honestly a little embarrassing. He's not sure he's ever seen her cry before, at least not while dressed to the nines and doing superheroine work. Relaxing his hold on her jaw, Adam sighs.

"Now, what was the point of all of this?"

Still struggling, Angie sputters angrily.

"I-I'm going to defeat you! You're a f-fucking supervillain, and once I knock you around, I'll deliver you to the authorities! They'll know what to do with you! They deserve to know that there are male supers now! The world needs to be ready to stop you and your k-kind!"

That's… so stupid that Adam blanks out for a second. But then he realizes, it's such an obvious lie. And, with his new psychic abilities…

"No, that's not it, is it? That's not what I'm seeing here in your bratty little mind, you stupid little cunt."

Angie freezes up, even as he feels her cunt clench at his insulting, degrading terminology. Her lower lip wobbles.

"… T-That's not fair…"

Adam just laughs.

"There's nothing fair in life, darling, and after being on the positive side of unfair for so very long, it's about time someone showed you the negative side. But if it makes you feel any better, I'm not seeing anything I didn't already know. You were so obvious it hurt. Still, if it helps, we can play this out."

Quite suddenly, Spectacular Girl is freed from his psychic grip. But before the young blonde can even hope to react, Adam is upon her, burying a fist in her gut and then slamming a haymaker into her pretty little face before she can get her guard up. Spectacular Girl squeals as blood flies from her nose and she goes flying through a mountain.

Adam follows after her, pummeling her. He holds back, of course. He doesn't want to kill her. He doesn't even truly want to hurt her. But it's what she fucking wants. She wants irrevocable proof that she's helpless against him. She doesn't just want him to bend her over and spank her silly like he's been doing, she wants him to BREAK her and make it stick.

Well fine. Fucking fine. He already knew from the mind control session what she was looking for but having direct confirmation from her inner thoughts gives new context and new connotations to all of that. And so, Adam works to give Angie what she wants… the beat down, aka the disciplining, of her lifetime.

He stops short of breaking bones but doesn't stop from drawing blood and leaving her black and blue with bruises. To be fair, they only develop so rapidly because they're healing rapidly as well, and Adam knows none of the damage he's doing to her will be permanent. Spectacular Girl will be fully recovered by the morning, even if he does start breaking bones. He doesn't though, because having sex with broken bones, even mending broken bones, doesn't sound appetizing at all.

To her credit, Spectacular Girl tries to fight back. Really, she does. But she never lands a punch or a kick again throughout the ensuing smackdown. Adam doesn't let her, mostly because he doesn't feel like rolling with the punches anymore, and she's liable to break her fingers on his chiseled jaw at this point. Instead, what follows can definitely be considered a curb stomp.

It's not long before Angie is laid back into the side of a mountain, amidst the rubble and rock, beaten black and blue and unable to rise no matter how hard she struggles. Coming in to loom over her, Adam snarls as he points his index fingers at either side of his head.

"THINK, ANGIE, THINK! I have your powers! I have your cousin's powers! I have the powers of the entire Team combined! You can't even hope to match a fraction of what I'm capable of, you stupid brat!"

Angie groans in pain, but also glares up at him through her one currently good eye. And so, Adam grabs her by her hair and spins her around, burying her face in the dirt literally as he slaps his hand across her crotch from behind and hooks his fingers into her leotard, yanking her ass and hips high into the air. A muffled squeak leaves the buried superheroine's mouth even as she's choking on dirt. Meanwhile, Adam pins her in place… and begins to deliver psychically enhanced spankings to her backside, far more brutally than he's done with her yet.


He keeps it up, each swat causing her body to jolt, her backside to jiggle, and Angie to yelp into the dirt she's currently buried under. Until eventually, he hears something besides squeaks and yelps. Cocking his head to the side, Adam smiles… and yanks Angie's head back out of the ground just in time for the litany falling from her lips to resound out through the mountain range.


His hand, about to come down for another brutal psychically charged spanking, stops mere inches from Angie's ass as he pauses and tilts his head to the side.

"What was that?"

Angie freezes in place, and the silence that ensues is telling. She looks back at him, a hunted look in her eye and Adam just smiles.

"What did you call me?"

A single whimper leaves the bratty blonde's throat. They both know what she was saying, what she called him. They both know that her confessions, delivered under mind control during their first meeting, are finally coming home to roost. Her bratty behavior is a direct result of her desire for a male authority figure in her life who can ACTUALLY boss her around. The early manifestation of her powers, the complete loss of respect for her wimp of a father… it's given her a daddy kink a mile wide.

Adam can see it in Angie's mind… she wants to run. She wants to flee as fast as she can from this encounter. Of course, he's not letting her go right now. No matter how hard she struggles, she can't escape him.

Before the fight truly goes out of her, Adam implants a little command in her mind with his new psychic abilities and then lets her go. The beaten and nearly broken Spectacular Girl flies away faster than a speeding bullet, leaving him alone in the mountain range in mere seconds. As Adam watches her go, he just grins wickedly.

Sure, he probably could have pushed her over the edge here and there, given her what she needed and made her his bitch right now. And with his new psychic abilities, he could even make it so she wouldn't decide to out him like she'd promised to do during that first confession under mind control. That was what he'd just done after all, placed a small geass in her mind that would keep her from trying to expose him as one final explosive act of brattiness.

The truth was, he wanted her to come to him. And with that minor geass keeping her from being EXTREMELY bratty, he had every expectation that she ultimately would come to him, in the end. It was only a matter of time. She would come to him, and if she could learn to be good… he would be her daddy for her.

Meanwhile, Adam had bigger fish to fry. As fun as Angie was to fuck with, Julia Summers was a much greater looming threat. He needed to be ready to defeat her and dominate her alongside his 'Evil' Eva Snow. Or else the powerful crimson-haired psychic might just end up exposing him to the world after all, and that just wouldn't do, no sir.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

If you'd like to contribute to funding my writing at all, check me out on P atreon.com/Cambrian

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