

Alexis left Eldred and Zuro in that room and then ran to the restroom. A wave of overwhelming emotion hit her thinking she was the root cause of the Inter World War between Earth and Celine. 

She could not help but think that if she had not given the Celinians the means to start the war, then maybe hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved. Alexis felt like her heart would explode because of the guilt that she was currently feeling. 

"Oh, my stars! What have I done? In the hopes of returning to the future, I gave away the very thing that caused the war. All those lives… no… why did I not think about this before? Was I so short-sighted and selfish to not realize this earlier?"

Alexis sat down on the floor and buried her face in her palms. She wanted to hit herself for being that stupid. And she kept on scolding herself for quite some time.

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