
Unexpected Disaster

With a confused heart, Alexis started to walk back towards her home. She had never felt this kind of feeling before. Was it jealousy? No. She felt like a very important thing in her life was missing, like something important was vanishing into thin air and she was unable to catch it.

While Alexis was busy thinking these entire things, she bumped into Jimmy and was startled. "Oh! Sorry. Didn't see you there." Her cheeks turned red as she was a bit embarrassed.

"It's okay. Doesn't matter." Jimmy tried to brush off her embarrassment. And as if he realized it suddenly, he offered his hand and said, "I'm Jimmy by the way."

She shook his hand and then gave an awkward smile. She didn't know what to say or not to say. After all, he was the boyfriend of one of her enemies. Who knows if he is here to spy on her? But it would be rude to just give him cold treatment, so while giving him a friendly expression, Alexis said, "I'm Alexis."

But of course, Jimmy already knew her name. Alexis always undermined her popularity among the academy students. She had no idea that many boys and some girls fancied her. And Jimmy was one of them. Although he already had a girlfriend, he could not help but get attracted towards Alexis.

Jimmy tried to further the conversation, "So, where are you headed?"

"I'm going home, and what about you? I've never met you on this street before, except for yesterday of course." Alexis asked with a bit of curiosity.

Jimmy was caught off-guard with this question, and spewed a white lie, "I'm going to meet one of my friends." In reality, Jimmy learned from his girlfriend that Judy was going to complete what she had started the other day. Meaning the three girls were going to bully Alexis on her way home. And out of genuine concern, Jimmy was here to ensure that it does not happen.

Natalia had already reached home and started to groom herself for the date night. She took a shower, blow-dried her hair and sat down in front of a huge mirror to style her hair. She was in a very jolly mood and was humming to herself while applying straightening serum on her dark hair. Just when she was about to finish doing her hair, she got a call from Alexis in her new cell phone.

She picked up the call with a smile on her face and thought that her best friend was as excited as her about her date. "Hey! Lexi. I'm just done with my hair. I am about to do my makeup now. Hey what kind of…"

But some unfamiliar voice interrupted her from the other side, "Um… hey! We got a situation here. The owner of this phone is unconscious on the street. I think someone beat her up pretty bad. And I saw only one name in the contact list of her cell phone, so I called you." This person had found Alexis's new phone, in which only Natalia's new number was saved.

After receiving no reply whatsoever from the other end, the voice said, "Hello! Are you listening?"

Natalia was overwhelmed by this news and needed few seconds to comprehend the situation. After gathering enough breath to speak, she asked, "Why haven't you taken her to the hospital yet?"

The person simply responded, "I'm new here and I don't know where the nearby hospital is."

Natalia was flustered as well as angry from that response so she raised her voice and said, "What kind of a person are you? Don't you have navigator app? Shouldn't you have at least called an ambulance by now?"

"Well I did what I could. I have no idea about any of those." He could not help but think how ungrateful this person was. After all, all he was trying to do was help this girl lying unconscious on the road.

Natalia could not believe how ignorant this person was but still gathered her compose and asked, "Call 11 for ambulance. And use her OTHER cell phone, they'll locate you. Ask the ambulance to take her to the Longevity Center, her mom works there. I'll meet you there."

She cut the call, booked a cab, wore a flip flop, and stormed off in her bathing robe. All she knew was she had to get to the hospital as soon as she could. Her best friend was in the hand of some ignorant person and she was not even sure whether he would be able to take her to the hospital or not. All she knew was that she had to reach there, and if Alexis does not reach to the hospital by then, she had to search for her. After she got in the cab she called Melissa to inform about Alexis.

Although Natalia felt like she could pass out any minute now, she still tried to remain calm. "Melissa, I am so sorry to tell you this. Don't be alarmed, okay?"

Melissa's eyebrows furrowed with concern. "What is it, Nat?" asked Melissa worried but hoping that it was not some bad news.

"A man called me a while ago and said that he found Alexis unconscious on the street." Natalia's voice started to break and she was trying not to cry. After pausing for about two seconds she continued, "I have asked him to bring her to your hospital, I'm also on my way." She could not control her tears anymore and drops of tears started to roll down her cheeks.

It was a bad news. Upon hearing what Natalia said, Melissa's eyes immediately teared up, yet she still managed to uphold her composure. "Thank you for informing Nat. I'll go and receive her."

The person who found Alexis had called the ambulance and he was with her in the patient pod. As the ambulance was rushing towards the hospital, the health assistant was performing first-aid care on Alexis. And the guy who saved her was just staring at her.

This guy could not help but get smitten by her beauty although her face and body were bruised. The more he stared at her the more he could not help but think that she seemed somewhat familiar. After staring for some time, his emerald green eyes widened all of a sudden. And then he thought to himself, "Could it be her?"

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