
Dwarven King

As we walked through the almost identical castle, we finally arrived in what would be the throne room.

Instead were treated with a room with a circular table in the middle. It seemed like a smaller chamber of elders.

"The Dwarves have a king who is democratically elected by the heads of the dwarf clans. Their chamber of Masters is the equivalent to our chamber of Elders except with multiple crafting professions being the criteria for entry. Their chamber of the Earth is basically the same as our chamber of the people. With al those similarities, they have no royal family."

"Instead the dwarves have prominent families who are in control of most of the commerce in the dwarven kingdom. They elect a king from their clam heads to lead their decisions every few years," my father finished his explanation.

"One of the clan heads is someone you know actually. He was recently put in his position for being your teacher," my father said pointing to someone conveniently sitting in the round table.

I looked and sure enough I see my old teacher Alviss. When Alviss saw me walking in he immediately stood up.

I walked over and he smiled. He said, "Look my fellow clan heads, my star pupil has returned. How have you been Loki. I heard you passed all three trials yesterday, did you have trouble. Im sure you could handle it because I taught you. Did you.... if you need any help you know you can always count on me".

As usual, Alviss just won't stop talking. But I'm genuinely happy to see him. It makes sense he was a dwarf.

"Teacher!", I said interrupting him.

He smiled and tapped my shoulder.

"So this is the famous Titan Prince." Said a voice at the head of the table.

I haven't mentioned it yet but the word Titan can only refer to one person, the primordial Titan Ymir. Everyone else is just giants. That's why my nickname change from Giant prince to Titan prince is significant.

"Hello your Majesty, I'm sorry to disturb your meeting" I said in a bow to this unknown dwarf.

"Child, call me Hreiðmarr (it's easier for me to understand Hreidmar so I write it down as such later). You are royalty and I don't like etiquette." He said smiling

"In any case, it was your father who invited us here so you aren't disturbing anything. In fact you are the main event," he continued.

I looked to my father. "Son I've brought you here to beseech the dwarven king to allow you to learn forgemastering." He said that causing the room to erupt in whispers.

There's that word again. What's the difference between that and Smithing.

"Why should we allow that?" One of the council members asked.

My dad squinted his eyes and said, "because of his tri element affinity, his mind which I'm sure you've heard has come up with all sorts of inventions, and because he's one of our only hopes for unification".

"Unification? Truly, although I admit he certainly is talented, but I don't see anything here that would ind——-

"He speaks the truth," interrupted Alviss.

"That boy is not only the most talented but also creative child I've ever seen. He spent a lot of his time sketching machines I've never seen in his books. Not only that, he has already exhibited potential of taking Ymir's mantle. Also, I'm sure having the future King of Asgard be gifted with forgemastering would do wonders for our alliance. After all, I'm sure this is the first time he's heard of us."

He looked at me only to see me nodding.

The same clan head got angry and began to speak, "But—-

"Silence Fafnir. I'm aware of your feelings but there is no need to bring them into this discussion," said the king raising his hand.

He proceeded and said, "I for one believe that offering the chance for the young prince to learn our most sacred art would benefit our alliance considering he has never had any contact with us."

"All those in favor please raise your hands," said the king.

Six hands were raised while Fafnir was the only one abstaining.

I wonder what he's so worked up about. I wish Muninn were here to tell me.

[Wow, Mr. Popular finally met someone who doesn't like you]

I know right. I haven't done anything but work hard since I was born and I haven't tried to make any enemies. Now suddenly a lot of people hate me and some even wanna kill me.

[Such is life. Jealousy makes people do crazy things]

Yes but I feel like it's deeper than that. I feel jealousy and envy at times. Like of the elders, their so strong that I can feel the presence of their souls when near them and can't help but think when I'm going to be there.

[Some people don't internalize jealousy into drive like you do. They let it fester and turn into hate. It's a way of the world]

Then I'll change the world!

[Big words coming from someone so small]

Honestly I don't know if I can, but I do know if I become strong enough I can make a difference at least.

[It's a start I guess, by the way look at the dwarf king]

I snap out of it and see a smiling Dwarf king come up to me. He was a little bit taller than me.

"Congratulations, we've decided to grant you the right to learn forgemastering. For that reason we will summon one of the finest forgemasters to come and teach you the art. We will also grant you access to Nidavellir whenever you want through the connecting palace corridor in this castle to your palace. We Dwarves will welcome you with open arms," he said and then opened his arms and gave me a big bear hug.

He's a friendly guy.

My father broke apart the joyous hug with his next few words, "Now that we got that settled, let's head outside. We will need to make you a suitable weapon for your training as a warrior".

"Actually your majesty, why don't you wait a while for his new master to come, he will likely gift him a suitable weapon," said the king with a smile.

"In that case Hreidmar, we will get out of your hair for a while. Come visit us when you get the chance. We have plenty of ale for you to enjoy", my father said with a smile.

The dwarf king looked over with sparkling eyes, "of course old friend, I would love to visit."

"Well then Loki, it's about time we head back. We have something else to show you today." My father said grabbing me on the shoulders.

I look at him in a questioning way.

"We are going to teach you how to become a proper warrior and druid", said my father.

I could only get excited. Finally it's time you play with my soul.

[All I gotta say is be careful]

When have I ever not been careful


Okay don't answer that.

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