
Gudea Faces The Queen

Begrudgingly, Gudea followed the guards to the palace. He ignored the incessant questions his brothers kept asking him about the reason why they were being summoned. Gudea was irritated and upset at the same time that he had to respond to the call of the queen – someone who had no authority over him. If it were the prince who had sent for them in such a manner, Gudea would not have had a problem with it. But as it was the queen, rage swirled within him.

"Wait here," the guard said upon entry into the palace building. He abruptly stopped and turned around to stand directly in front of Gudea with his hand raised and his palm facing forward.

The guard went in to make sure the queen was ready to receive the men. After getting his confirmation, the guard returned and gestured toward an entryway for Gudea and his counterparts to walk through.

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