
He Knew That It Would Happen This Way

Anthony knew what would happen when he did not say a word about his visit to the princess before he left for the Red Palace that morning.

  He had thought about it too while he walked back from the palace. Anthony had thought about how he would tell the princess but knew that she would understand him when he explains.

But that depended on if she would hear about it from him first.

It had not happened that way.

"And Anthony, do not take me for a fool or for a child. Tell me exactly what you had gone to see the prince for", Ruby said.

Greta swallowed hard. The air in the little general room had chills in it. It was charged.

Ruby was changing and Greta could see it... she could feel it. 

Greta looked at Anthony and winked at him. This tie, it was not to flirt but to let him know that she was here for him. For him to draw support from her if he needed it. She felt a bit downcast that he was in this position.

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