
Chapter 140

The "crosses" died down, no couriers, no reports on their activities. They seem to have disappeared from this city. But okay they are, so all the gangs are hiding. If there are any crimes, it is already according to the old tradition on the Crime Alley, and even then minor robberies and thefts. And that's all.

Gordon and the department heads on one side breathed a sigh of relief. On the other hand, they are preparing mentally for what will soon be. But the main question is - What exactly will happen ?!

My instinct has also been on fire in recent days. The system has never let me down in this regard. Namely, she gave me such an intuition. And according to the laws of the genre, something must happen in Gotham.

Eh! It's hard for me to live. But it's even harder for me to live in Gotham in my job as a cop.

I've been really thinking lately to get out of here to retire. And after all, a small dream is already pecking - the island where I live. Just me and my family. But where is the guarantee that no one will reach me there and the new Armageddian will not come exactly there? After all, I still have that karma ...

And suddenly I got a message on my phone from the editor of a local publishing house. My Game of Thrones has been approved and will be published. Yes! I finished it and finished it the way I wanted to see it, and soon it will be on sale in this world. The news is great, I think it should be noted somehow.

And I just had to think about it. I felt vibrations outside my training ground.

It was Kara, the one who is Power Girl.

During this month, I have developed a warm relationship with her. She nevertheless came to my house, or rather flew in. I really wasn't there then, but there were girls (all four), they met her, gave her a drink, warmed her up, chatted her, and when I got home, Kara was already smiling and squeezing little Artemis. And the small one shouted in response: "Get the invaders out of my house!" Looks like I'm bad for her. Already strange phrases have appeared.

In general, she began to visit our house from time to time. But she hasn't revealed her name to me yet. Only Kryptonian - Kara Zor-L. And the fact that I flirted with her a little did not affect negatively, although she knew that I have Pam. I was not hiding anything. Perhaps she appreciated this in me. In general, I try not to lie to anyone. It is possible to hide, not to speak, but not to lie in any way. This policy worked here.

As a result, we also began to meet in the evenings and drink coffee. By the way, she began to appear not only at our home and at meetings with me, but also in Gotham as a whole. And it seems to me that here she will be "registered" as a heroine completely. Moreover, a good attitude of the public has developed towards her. Vicki Veil, a local reporter who has influence in the media, did her best.

I do not know the exact position of Batman in relation to her, but I think he understands its value and will not mind. As a last resort, I still put one footage on the Internet, thereby spoiling his blood. I think the Joker will appreciate staging my clones on henge, hehehehe.

I showed up in a flash of light outside a few seconds later. There was no point in hiding from her. I told her about my strength. It brought us closer then. We can say that she saw in me, if not a kindred spirit, then a person who can understand her.

- Hi Kara. - I was sincerely delighted with her. - What are the fates?

- Yes, now it has become boring again. I decided to visit you, and you still train? You're driving yourself.

"Don't worry about me, by the way, I find time to rest. By the way, my hobbies are music and books. And I wrote one. Just got a message from the editor, it will be published.

"That's great, Isaac. - Oh yes, hug me, my favorite fifth size. - I hope you will give me an autograph at your first meeting with readers?

- Good. I hope the PR that Power Girl herself likes my work will benefit me and sales too.

- You have to.

- I am ready to repay the debt now. After all, this event should be celebrated! I offer my cooking at my house.

- I do not mind. I'm for-for-for! - she jumped in the air with joy. Well, at least not on the ground, but I feel that there would be an earthquake in our city.

Yes, my cooking after gaining the Bard class is enjoying even more success. And not only her. My songs and playing instruments have also improved, and as soon as I play, the relationship with the person improves noticeably. Even Harley, in addition to Friendliness and Interest, had the line Attraction! True, I did not play in the presence of Sarah, can I improve my relationship with her?

- Then grab my hand, and I will carry us to her.

She obeyed and she ended up at our house with Hiraishin. Apparently no one was at home. Pam, as far as I know, has some important project right now, Harley is wandering around somewhere. And the girls are at school.

- It looks like we are alone. Make yourself comfortable, and I'll cook. - and created a couple of clones as assistants.

The Croc sisters should be back from school soon.

I cooked with passion and perseverance. As a result, in a little over forty minutes I prepared a soldier for a company, and not for a small family and a Kryptonian guest.

- Well, "star girl", ready to taste my dishes? I shouted from the kitchen.

"I'm Power Girl, not Stargirl! - again "offended" Kara.

The funny thing is, I said that once by accident a couple of weeks ago. And, as it turned out, she knows her, they even managed to become friends, only now she gets mad when they are confused. I like to tease her a little.

- I'm sorry, I'm sorry I could not resist. The younger ones are already on the way. - I said according to the sensations of my sensor.

And so it happened, in a couple of minutes the girls joined us. They were supposed to come early today, but they were detained for school hour. As it turned out, they were assigned an extraordinary vacation due to the fact that the school building needs renovation.

Then, five minutes later, Harley came running with Pam. Turns out Harley is now working for Wayne Industries as some kind of specialist in something. Even I have not met such abstruse crap. You will need to find out what it is connected with. Although I suspect that with psychology.

And as soon as I raised my glass of wine to make a toast, I smelled Rene that was approaching us. And a sudden feeling of something wrong.

And a minute later my partner rang the doorbell. I was already ready for a lot, but only for me the following words of hers came as a surprise:

"Hey Isaac, I'm sorry to distract you. But we have a shift in the Krestov case.

- Found a new lead? - I perked up.

- No! We got a call ... the Boss of the Crosses himself, the voice was not identified, it was distorted. The call could not be traced. But he threw us a "negotiation game".

- Let's. Let's go, you'll tell us along the way.

- Good.

Apologizing to all honest people that were at my house, I drove off to work. Let the girls at least celebrate, since I can't do it with this kind of work. Eh! Still, you have to get rid of her. And the sooner the better ...

- ... An hour ago we received a package without specifying the sender's address, it was addressed to you personally. The courier was one of the Black Cross bikers.

- To me? - I was not weakly surprised.

- Yes, we had the same expression with Sarah. The parcel was checked, it was not poisoned and did not carry explosives. As soon as we opened it, the phone rang there, which was there. Sarah picked up the receiver, but pressed the loudspeaker. So we talked to the "Boss". He did not tell us anything concrete, but promised that if we break the rules of the "game" again, we will regret it. He told us that he would negotiate only with you, so I went after you, you did not answer your phone calls.

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