
Two Bodies, One Soul 2

Keng walked with the mysterious woman for a while. She kept quiet and gave enough distance for him to feel comfortable. He couldn't figure out why she was here but she didn't say much else other than her intention.  They walked the beach for quite some time until she finally turned and looked at him.

"It looks like it's time for me to go, child. I've enjoyed your company along this beach. Have you tried to go to the pier over there?" The woman pointed and the fog seemed to clear enough for Keng to see the pier. It went far out into the black murky waters. 

Keng shook his head. He hadn't even seen such a thing. He just walked the beach. 

"Go to the waters. Sit and enjoy your rest, child. We shall meet again." The woman smiled. Before Keng could say his goodbyes, the woman turned and walked deeper into the fog. Just as quickly she had come, she had left. 

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