
Blueveined Orchid

Alex finished making the pill and pulled it out. He took the pill into his hand and frowned a little. The weight of the pill felt fine, but something about its aura was different than what his master's was.

It was so subtle that he couldn't put his finger on it entirely.

"Something is different here, master. Can you tell me?" he asked, handing the pill back to his master.

Silvermist took the pill and with a single feel, he could tell what the issue was. He didn't tell Alex the issue directly and instead placed the pill into the tester that was next to him.

He waited for a moment and the answer came back.


"78%?" Alex exclaimed in shock. "But I used the same sort of pills—" he stopped as understanding dawned on him.

Silvermist smiled. "Did you figure out what you did differently?" he asked.

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