
A Few Questions

Alex and the rest teleported back into the open field where they had been sent before. He looked around for his family who had been standing by him.

"Finally, I'm back," Liz couldn't help but say as she looked around the modern world that she had missed so much.

"Brother Fan, actually, I should probably call you Frank since you're back. You know where you're supposed to go right?" Alex asked.

"I do," he said with a solemn face. He looked around the old world that looked foreign to him now. 

Alex turned to his daughter. "Can you buy a couple of phones and give one to Frank? Get one for grandpa and grandaunt too," he said.

"Okay, I'll get one for you too," Ronron said and walked away from the field with her new younger sister.

"Don't worry… uh, uncle Frank. If you end up not having a home, you can come live with us on our farm. The place is massive and will have enough place for you and little sister," Ronron said.

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