
Chapter 6

(A/N: There might be some flaws in this chapter..please point them out for me so i can fix, ty!)

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The workers were already knocked out by the time we arrived meaning it had already started.

As the mist started to form, I decided this was my chance to sneak out and head to a certain place.

I made sure I was behind them and none of them would see my eyes change.

I felt my eyes change as strange patterns appeared.

Passing through the ground using Kamui, I dimension traveled to the basement where Gato and his men made plans.

I passed through the door again and stared at them with my eternal eyes, I could see their shocked faces.

"W-who're you?"

They all drew their weapons and aimed it towards me.

"Your worst nightmare." I replied.

With one hand, I did a few quick hand movements and blew fire out of my mouth, blowing up the lights and rendering the room dark. This was a pretty big room and it contained a hundred of them, I could see Gato in the corner protected by two men. Well, there isn't a need to rush.

"Where are the lights?!"

"Where's the girl?"

"Find her!"

Immediately, I used this to my advantage. Although my eyes probably shined in the dark, their eyes couldn't. They were fools, trying to find me in the dark, I can easily mislead them.

I saw 2 people coming my way, I stepped over to the right and both of them went towards my direction but crashed into each other.

"Why'd you run into me?!"

"I didn't! You were in my way!"

"Idiots! Just surround her! You can see her eyes!" yelled Gato.

It seems he does have some kind of intellect in his head but nevertheless, it was useless.

I closed my eyes and focused on their breathing, one was to my left about 2 feet away. I ran towards the direction and before he could breath one more time. I pierced his heart and killed him.


His body dropped to the ground making a sound, everyone's breathes were now facing me. I opened my eyes again, though this time only 3 tomoes appeared.

"Get her!" said Gato.

Though everything was useless, I was killing them easily. This was the difference between thugs and real shinobi, we had real training and experience while these guys haven't even entered the real world yet.

Plus, we had chakra and they didn't.

I went over to Gato and his two bodyguards, they both charged at me with their weapons but instead of killing me, it only passed through me as if I was a hologram.

"You can't touch me, these eyes of mine keep you from doing so."

With one hand, I used an earth jutsu and spikes appeared from the ground and pierced them both in different directions.

Staring into Gato's eyes, I could tell he was scared.

Sweat was dripping down his neck with a puddle under him.

"S-stop! I'll get Zabuza!" said Gato.

"Zabuza...I don't care who he is but..sleep for now." I said.

I looked at him in the eyes with my sharingan and erased the memories of my eyes from him and put him to sleep.

Placing his body in my dimension, I walked out of the room.


When I was near the bridge, I took his body back out of my dimension and dragged him across the hard surface of the bridge.

By the time I arrived, it seems like everyone was in a slight dilemma.

"Yo! Let's stop the fight shall we?" I said out loud.

I did a few quick seals and the mist dissipated revealing everyone's attention on me.

"Zabuza and Haku, you work for this guy right?" I asked.

I showed them the body I was dragging.

His eyes widened a bit before going back to normal.

"Is that real?" asked Zabuza.

"How could it not? I did go over and kill his 100 hundred men and him too." I replied.

Then he suddenly did the unexpected, he rushed at me with his sword in hand.

I frowned, I really didn't want to drag this scum around dirtying my hands and now he wants to fight me?

Tsk, fool.

I disappeared from my previous spot and used body flicker, instead of leaving a trail of lightning like Minato, I left a trail of small sparks that were red. In instant, I twisted Zabuza's arm, because of his surprise at my physical strength, he loosened the grip on his sword and I took it from his hands.

Body flickering back to my previous spot, I started swinging around his sword like a toy. I could tell Zabuza was surprised, his sword weighed about 66 pounds, and it was a unique sword.

His expression turned into irritation when he saw his sword swung around like a toy.

"Mira." said Kakashi.

"I'll explain later." I said as he nodded in reply.

"Give back my sword little girl." said Zabuza.

"This little girl took your sword from you, you should call me big sister now."

"I'll give it back when the battle is over and it's already over. I have the guy who contracted you so there's no need to fight." I said.

He contemplated for a moment, "Haku!"

In an instant, Haku was by his side and was staring at me.

"No need to stare so hard, I'll give it back. Kakashi, I think you should get Naruto and Sasuke." I said.

"Alright, but be careful." said Kakashi.

He sure trusts me so much, I wonder why.

Maybe because of my body flicker?

I didn't pay attention to it too much and focused back on the two individuals in front of me.

"Well, here's your sword." I said throwing it to him, "Also, why don't you two work with me?"

"Why? You work for the leaf, I'm a rogue ninja." said Zabuza.

"That's true but....let's talk later. I have to deal with this guy first. Meet me back at the bridge at midnight and you should think about Haku's feelings too." I said.

I grabbed Gato's body and started dragging him, picking up a few nails and hammers on the way.


I was currently at the center of the town.

Placing Gato's body onto the big cross I made, I made sure to stuff a cloth in his month so he couldn't speak. Targeting his muscles to render him immobile.


I slammed the first nail with the hammer onto his right hand, attaching his hand to the cross and did the same to the other hand. Soon enough, I had him on the cross with blood coming from his shoulders, legs, and chest. I may have tortured him just a little bit....maybe not a little bit but he's alive at least.


"Shut up, you don't deserve to even talk." I said.

I waited for a while for Kakashi to gather everyone at the center at the town, about 10 minutes later. Everybody in the town had arrived.

"Hello everyone!"

I smiled and waved to them all.

"Here is the person who had been giving you terrible lives since he came here."

I took off the cloth revealing a bloody man and a cloth in his mouth.

"I put him on the cross just like what he did to the hero of this village."

"Now, why don't you guys let out your anger and hatred you've all been holding out for the past few years." I said smiling and spreading my arms.

The villagers had anger, disgust, and hatred in their eyes as I walked away.

He should pray to god for a fast death cause he definitely won't.

"Mira." said Kakashi.

"Kakashi." I replied.

I guess it was time to explain.

I explained that while they were all distracted from the mist, I had sneaked away and slipped into Gato's hideout and killed his people. When he asked how I found his hideout, I replied with a lucky guess. He didn't press and further and went towards Tazuna's house where Naruto and Sasuke was resting.

Surprisingly, Sakura was able to beat them up with a few bruises. This was good, she had a lot of potential that was wasted due to her obsession with Sasuke.

Oh well, I guess I should go to where Zabuza and Haku were waiting soon.


When I arrived, they were both already waiting for me.

"Yo! Did you guys wait long?" I ask.

"It's 10 minutes past midnight." said Zabuza.

I laughed a bit.

Looking at the two, their atmosphere changed a bit, I smiled mentally knowing what happened.

"Well, I'll get straight to the point. Work for me." I said.

"What benefits do we get from this?" asked Zabuza.

"If it's money, I got it covered. Protection? Covered." I said.

"Fine, only cause Haku accepted." said Zabuza.

I gave him nod and a smile.

"Great, nice working with you." I said.

I threw them a card that had a lotus drawing on it.

"What's this?" asked Zabuza.

"When you put in your chakra onto the front side, it'll alert me and allow me to track you. The other side alerts you whenever I'm near." I said.

They nodded in response.

"Well, sayonara~" I said waving at them as they left.


"Kakashi, you can come out now." I said.

"I'm surprised you were able to detect me." said Kakashi.

"What are you talking about? You let me detect you." I replied.

"Who knows? Why did you want to work with them?" asked Kakashi.

"Well, working with them can be quite useful. Plus, we both want the same thing so it's only natural I make some business partners. And about the seal? I spent a lot of research about tracking and sealing so I thought about combining them both." I said as if I was reading all the questions Kakashi had in his mind.

"Though I have a question." I said.

"What is it?" asked Kakashi.

"Why do you trust me so easily?" I asked.

His eyes widened my sudden question but he answered.

"You act familiar to a friend of someone I used to worth with. The way he described him seemed like you." said Kakashi.

"I see..."

Itachi and Shisui huh..well, I guess I was somehow alike to Shisui in some ways.

I walked back with Kakashi while contemplating about some things.

I'm going to change the Naruto anime quite a bit, after all it's now Uchiha.

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