
Intense Aerial Battle!


"Thank you, Drake! Now… W-Who should I ride?" wondered Tisha, looking at the black and white crow, they quickly grew in size and became enormous, big enough to even be ridden by Ice Giants…

"Muninn is a brute, so ride Huginn, she's more delicate and attentive to details," said Drake.

Drake knew his crows so well he immediately realized, based on their personalities, which of the two was the best one to give someone a ride, Huginn, the white crow, was the best at it, she was more delicate and attentive to details, and her light attribute was pretty strong and would help Tisha greatly.

Muninn, in the other case, was more of a brute and a battle junkie, enjoying fighting enemies by combining his magic with his physical fighting, tearing apart his enemies with his strong claws and his sharp beak was something he took a bit of joy into…

"Very well, Huginn, I am on your care." Said Tisha.

"Craa!" Huginn quickly let Tisha approach her.

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