
Dungeon Exploration


"This looks pretty eerie to me." Said Yuki. She had come with us alongside Frost and Huginn and Muninn, and obviously, my beautiful Kuro-chan too, her beautiful black scales were shining brightly today. She seemed healthier now that she had been filling her belly lately. The mean idiots of the sect seemed to not even feed their pets correctly. When I adopted her after I killed her previous owner, she was actually starving.

"Woof!" Frost barked bravely as he looked into the depths of the Rank 1 Dungeon in front of us, there was a massive amount of dark aura coming out of it. He gritted his teeth, showing off his sharp fangs as if he were barking at something and not just the dungeon itself…

It is often said that dogs can perceive things that we usually cannot! Well, I can also perceive it, there's definitely a something there.

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