
Black Holes...


Alright, alright... You Perverts... Can't say I ain't one either though so... here's what you wanted.

It just wrote itself by instinct as soon as I started writing today and it was much better than my original idea so guess you can be excused of pushing me into it.

I'd say I'm amused but with all that happened to me today ...well... I'm probably mostly exhausted...one word...

Exams... But hey I passed one today...and probably failed another, but at least it's a 50% success right? That's something...

And I have two more exams in two days time that I have no idea how I'd pass because I don't even have any material for studying (stupid Academy...) but whatever...We can only hope for the best I guess...

But let's not dwell on the bad things and get back to the chapter which I hope will make all of yours day much better than mine haha...

So anyway hope you like it and like always EEEENJOY!!!!


Starfall could hardly believe himself how lucky or unlucky from another perspective he was, as he followed a cute and excited pigtailed mare into a dark alley.

The girl was short and sweet, with pinkish pigtailed mane and a cyan coat, and looked to be extremely happy to meet him, alongside being clearly hopeful that they were going to do something 'fun' in a very short while...

At least that's how she looked for him on the outside...

Starfall kept on his confused but smiling expression, going along with this so called, 'greatest fan spiel' while inwardly wondering how it happened that Chrysalis chose the exact time he went into town, to look for a suitable target. And then she even knew exactly who he was, because judging by the method she had chosen to catch his attention with, she was very much aware of his status and achievements.

Then there was all this acting as an overeager fan, clearly willing to let him have his "fun" with her in a back alley... Actually...would that even work for anypony?

Or maybe she relied too much on that weak charm aura she was subconsciously releasing around her to fool and entice her targets and hadn't realised that her acting was pretty mediocre at best...

"Come quick! I know a good place! Oh I'm so happy! My Prince! I...I always admired you! I Can't wait!" She said with a fake blush and Starfall simply went along, wondering whether he should just catch her now and be done with it, though he was actually finding this situation quite entertaining...

It was to his surprise when the Changeling Queen actually led him into a small house a bit further from the main road, the insides giving a quite cosy feel to it.

He wasn't sure whose house it had used to be before, but he felt a bit worried about the owner...

"Come in! Come in! Would you like some tea? O-Or maybe...You'd like... a bit of...me?" She asked getting close to him and whispering seductively with a slight fake embarrassment.

"A tea would be fine for now dear." Starfall said politely, and for a second he could see a slight glint of annoyance in the eyes of the mare, though it was quickly masked behind the same excited smile.

"Coming right up!" She exclaimed turning away and awkwardly flashing him her cute backside as her tail swung to the sides. It was clear she was already getting annoyed with her target's seeming resistance to her magical charm...

Although Starfall had to admit, he was getting a bit turned on by the situation...Speak what you want, but he used to be a human, and a small part of him found the idea of dominating the evil seductress to be a particularly arousing one...

Though the idea of doing something behind his marefriends' backs made him instinctually reject the idea... until he remembered that polygamy was a thing in this world...

There was a certain thing that he had been made aware by his girls quite recently...Herds aren't the only outcome of the skewed up birth rate. Because with so little Stallions it isn't weird for even married Stallions to go for one night stands if only to impregnate a lonely mare from the neighborhood... The same with the Lesbian couples who want children...

With that said, had he knew about it beforehand, he might have not really needed to take responsibility for Little Strongheart... though that's not true...he had came to really like her, and their first time came upon from their mutual feelings for eachother. He would have still taken steps to ensure her stay with them, even if he did know about all of that beforehand...plus she's a buffaloe...

While Starfall wasn't planning on making one night baby making stands a regular thing, his herd being easily enough to satisfy him anyway, the fact he actually got a silent permission from Twilight if such a thing ever came around, made his lewd imagination wander...even if he thought he wouldn't ever need it...

But looking after the fake but still pretty cute backside of the Villainess, made him reconsider his previous ideas. Although what pushed him into his following decisions was nothing more than regular but still intensely overbearing curiosity...

After all it wasn't often, you could actually do it with a Changeling...Not even mentioning their Queen, whom according to Kevin's knowledge doesn't even take part in the reproductive process of the hive dwellers, despite still caring deeply for her subjects in her twisted kind of way...

...What you can deduce from this sentence is that... Chrysalis... is probably still a virgin...

A smirk arouse on the face of the Stallion as the tip of his horn lightly lit up, soon releasing a thin invisible aura that surrounded his body.

He hadn't been wasting those last few minutes on idle thoughts alone after all...He had been analysing the passive charm magic of the Queen, curious how she would react to her own medicine...


Somewhere under the streets of Ponyville, a certain petrified Draconequus suddenly Shuddered while he was petting Fluffderic...For some reason he was very glad that he was born a male at that moment...


"H-Here you go! I hope you like it! I put a lot of my heart into it!" Said the disguised Queen, internally scowling over how much she had to work and act for this Stallion to drop his guard around her. He had yet to fall under her charm, and she was unable to cast any direct magic that could make him less of a threat, because all his attention had been on her from the very beginning.

She heard a lot about the recent news from the previous owner of this house, who currently was residing in a large cocoon somewhere down in the basement, and she had curiously listened to the stories about this so called Prince Blueblood. It was that, and the staggering amount of love she smelled on the pony, that prompted her to try and woo him over as soon she laid her eyes on him only thirty minutes ago. She knew that it might not have been the brightest idea, her having only regained a small fraction of her power until now thanks to her most recent hunts...but it had been a while since her instincts felt so attracted to somecreature, and while she felt some kind of danger hidden under those voices, it was drowned under all the love that was almost blinding her senses.

She watched as the Stallion took a sip of the tea, never taking his eyes away from the Queen, and for some reason she suddenly felt a very weird emotion..it tasted like... embarrassment? That...No...Why would she feel embarrassed. It didn't make sense. She's the Queen! The Queen of Changelings! Those foolish Ponies feel fear at the mere mention of her kind...

And yet her heart bit slightly faster the more time she spend exchanging simple talk with this disgusting stallion...Most of it just bluff and improvisation to be honest but who cared...soon enough he was going to be under her control and she could find out at her own pace what was wrong with her emotions...

She failed to notice, that during her inner monologue, Starfall placed a hoof over her own, gently tracing her coat up and down and making her body shiver.

As she finally noticed the situation, she was unable to think for a moment...This...what was this...

She couldn't understand it...But... wasn't that what she wanted?...Like this...her magic should easily be able to ensnare him in a few moments...

So why...

Why was his hoof touching her side...this never happened before...

Her entire body shudder under his touch and she could feel something growing inside of her...a desire...one she had failed to identify.

She wasn't blind to what sex was. She was the damn Queen of the Changelings! They lived through taking love...

...But their method of acquiring it, was based on sucking it from an ensnared target. There was never a need for any intimate contact because their targets needed to simply believe we were the ones they loved.

And while her subjects did often performed the vile act between themselves in order to continue their species, bringing in the new larvae to grow into her strong and beautiful soldiers, she was always disgusted with the mere idea of anyone touching her, or so much as thinking they could talk with her as equals. And as she was immortal, leading her Changelings since the day of their birth, she had no need for any kind of successor whatsoever.

It was when she felt his his hoof slowly reaching lower, where no being ever dared to even think about touching, that she finally snapped from her reveries and almost hissed at Starfall, before stopping herself as not to break her now almost fragile cover...

She quickly stood up and took a step back.

"I...I thank you for your visit my Prince...but...I do believe I still have some things to take care of. I'm really sorry for ending our "tea" so suddenly, but I hope you'd be willing to grant me another visit another day?" She asked with a lot of effort trying to play it off as nothing to which Starfall just nodded as if totally understanding.

"It's quite alright miss. I understand there are things beyond our help. I shall be on my way, and be assured I'll make sure to visit you again. Our next meeting shall be much more...pleasant. I assure you." He said with a bit of a husky tone, winking, and causing Chrysalis to shiver slightly at the insinuation.

As soon as the doors were closed behind him, the Changeling Queen closed the curtains and turned back into her real form while slumping onto the ground holding her chest.

Her black hoof covered with see through holes from the regular lack of sustenance, slowly went down between her hind legs and soon returned back up, covered in wet, slimy juices...

Her eyes watched them in disbelief which soon turned to an unrivaled anger.

That day a lot of breaking noise, and green explosions could be heard from behind the closed doors, which soon led the patrolling guards to come and investigate, sadly finding nothing but a lot of broken furniture and an abandoned house...No sight of the previous owner, who would be found a few hours later a dozen streets away, weak and exhausted without a memory of the entire previous week...

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