
Here be Chaos Part 2.


Sorry for the late chapter. I Got invited for a bowling party by my friend and just returned 30 minutes ago. I spend that time on finishing and polishing the chapter and while I feel like it could have turned out better, it's still pretty good and has around 2500 words so longer than usual, although that is starting to become my norm recently so whatever, haha!

Anyway Happy Easter everyone and like always, EEEENJOY!


Starfall quickly emerged from the basement, only to find the Library floating high in the air along with all the books which he promptly dodged.

The Chaos Magic permeated the surroundings and caused the gravity to go all weird and confusing.

Without wasting time, Starfall teleported out of the Library and onto the checkered grassland beneath it, ignoring the impossibility of the Lab being connected to the Library with it floating in the sky...

The Ponyville was in Chaos...Yep...But somehow...It wasn't that bad?...

Don't get him wrong. All the messed up gravity, floating houses, messed up colouration, edible weather and disfigured animals were indeed chaotic and troublesome...but it wasn't truly malicious... It was just as if an omnipotent prankster threw all and every possible thing he could think of into the world at the same time...Which he most likely did...

"Huh... That's pretty cool... Although a bit troublesome..." He muttered, clearly aware of Discord watching him very closely ready to do something which he wouldn't probably like...

Just like he expected though, his words prompted the neigh-omnipotent being to change his course of action.

Am ominous yet playful laughter resounded as if from all the sides, while a picture of the Draconequs moved over the ground similar to how he did in the show over the stained glass in the castle. Here though, the grass gained a different colouration, which together created a pretty nice impasto style impression of the Draconequs who apparently had a liking for the dramatics.

"I see... Discord I presume." Said Starfall calmly admiring the pretty impressive fit of magic. He had no reason to act all surprised or anything. He wasn't going to act like a prey...

A groan resounded as with a flash, the Draconequs appeared right in front of Starfall.

"Why didn't you act surprised! I worked so hard to...I-I mean...It is I! Discord! The Lord of Chaos! Bow before me Foals, as I returned to sow Chaos across all Equestria!" He spoke grandly as a cascade of reversed fireworks appeared behind him.

Yep...He's a show off...

Starfall tried to figure out how his behaviour in that short moment managed to push Discord so much off track that he couldn't keep the facade of a villain...In the show, he did so much intrigue, and played the puppet master, yet here, Starfall's lack of reaction instantly thrown the Draconequs off...

Discord waited to see the fear in the eyes of the Ponies, and indeed many of the Citizens scattered in the streets trembled and tried to hide from the Chaos around them, but the unusual Stallion he followed and tried to intimidate didn't even flinch.

"Greetings Mr Discord! It's my great pleasure to finally meet you out of your rocky prison. My name is Starfall Blueblood. As the Prince of Equestria I hope we can have a good discussion regarding the current affairs..." He said inwardly amused, again puzzling Discord who finally scoffed and snapped his clawed fingers.

Starfall felt the magic trying to invade his body and turn him into something else, which he recognised as a sugar coated palm tree, but with merely a thought the magic was dispersed not even having a chance to breach his skin.

Discord was now even more surprised and snapped his fingers a few more times. His gaze turning to a nearby rock that he transformed into a happy faced balloon. the balloon soared into the sky as his expression turned scarred and it started to scream for help... Discord satisfied with his magic working properly looked back at Starfall who watched all this happen with his smile still in place.

"Please don't mind me. Your magic is truly interesting, and I'd love to have a tea with you someday so that we could talk about it's applications, although I'd have to ask you to stop releasing it all over Ponyville, or things might become...messy." Starfall said the last part with his grin turning slightly predatory at the last part.

Discord couldn't understand what was wrong with that pony, but he liked the idea of a fellow Chaos Magic Enthusiast. Of course it wasn't like this idea was viable now.

He made his choice a thousand years ago... because of her...

"You're interesting...I give you that...But it's enough talking. Now we're going to play!" Discord said, just as a sextet of Mares emerged from the Library wearing some powerful jewelry that promptly vanished at the snap of his fingers...

And then with an extremely large blast of Chaos magic, the entire Town turned into a giant labyrinth...


She watched from above as everything turned into Chaos. But It didn't bother her. What she found infuriating, was the audacity of that Race-Insecure Fool! To attack HER STARFALL? as soon as she gets her hands on her beloved Stallion, she is going to annihilate that Draconequs for good. Should have done that from the beginning instead of sealing him in the stone...


"The blood worked! What was the next step Moony?!" Said Luna in a hurry, as she watched the process of her clone's body morphing with a slight hint of distaste in her mouth.

""We need to remove the Template! I mean the Mirror Pond magic. Do You remember?"" A voice in her head spoke as Luna frantically looked through all the equipment around her.

Just a moment ago, she felt a somehow malicious magic spreading through the air, and instantly made the connection that it was Tia. They needed to get it working as soon as possible but the more frantic she became the harder it was for her to focus, and would have long ago succumbed to pressure if not for Nightmare Moon's paradoxically soothing presence...

"Right, right!..." She spoke activating the proper Rune as a wisp of magic got ejected from the clone and dispersed.

Now It was the last and most dangerous part which neither of the "Mares" was certain about. They needed to transfer the consciousness into the body and give it life, but without the Spark from the Elements of Harmony, Moony would need to personally do all the process...

Taking advantage of her control over dream magic, Luna released blue smoke and connected with the Body, the following actions, surprisingly simple with Moony being nearly swallowed by the new body after the connection was established. The hard part was to not get sucked in as well, as the ritual wasn't set up to get the consciousness from a living container...

Suddenly the Runes lit up brightly as the final part of the ritual began in earnest and a powerful surge of electricity passed through the vat, taking Luna, who was still connected to the clone, by surprise.

But just at this moment, a wave of unknown magic passed from the outside, turning a few of the machines in the room into weird and chaotic abominations.

The Alicorn princes didn't see any of it though as the disturbed Rune Formation lit up to such an extent that it looked as if it was about to blow up...


Starfall stood amongst his Marefriends who looked everywhere in worry, Ponyville having been turned into some ginourmus labirynt of houses.

His eyes focused mostly on the necks of the mares. The Elements which supposedly disappeared, never actually left their bearers, but had been put under invisibility... He had to give it to Discord. That guy knew how to improvise on a whim... For a moment there he thought that his protection spells failed.

He was about to reassure his girls that everything was alright when a small earthquake reverberated through the surroundings, followed by the release of a surprisingly large amount of magic.

He didn't know what happened, but it didn't seem to have been caused by Discord.

He worried that something in his laboratory didn't appreciate the Chaos Magic, but most of the place should have been warded against it, with the exception of a few newer rooms...

"Starfall! What do we do?! The Elements are gone!" Said a worried Twilight, while Applejack and Rarity tried to keep Fluttershy from hyperventilating in fear.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie on the other hand decided to fly/hop around and see if they could find something interesting. The Labirynth was formed from the buildings of Ponyville and he could even see a few ponies wandering in the distance or hiding in the houses which occasionally spew out a Pony if he opened the incorrect doors.

Honestly, this didn't change their situation much, other than Discord trying to show off how much he could mess with the surroundings if he so wanted.

He patted Twilight on the head and smiled.

"It's alright. The Elements aren't gone. Discord made them invisible." He said simply, and that was all he needed to get a reaction from the Spirit of Chaos.

"Oh come on! I didn't even give you a riddle!" Screamed Discord as he materialised before them.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have tried this invasion in the first place? I'm all for having a quiet conversation with you regarding your problems Discord." Starfall said to everyone's bemusement.

"Yeah. We'd appreciate if you stopped your violent action against the Ponies of Equestria." Added Twilight picking up what Starfall tried to do from remembering his Journal...

"Enough! If you don't want to play by my rules, I will have to show you the true power of-"


A huge fiery explosion happened right in the place of Discord, this time surprising all the seven Ponies, neither of them expecting something like this to happen.

Then, a voice resounded from above, and that was when Starfall knew that this was only the beginning of their current trouble.

"Enough of this you Fool! Stay down as I speak to MY Starfall!" Said the voice of a pony, whom Starfall could only recognise as Princess Celestia, or more precisely...



Smoke slowly dispersed as the silhouette of a mare with blue wings and a horn tried to stand up after, what she could only categorise as an explosion...

*Cough, Cough* "...Ugh... Moony... You there?...Moony?" Her voice hoarse, Luna spoke expecting an answer, but getting none in return.

She instantly became alert as she assessed her surroundings.

The chamber, while looking as if a hurricane went through it, didn't seem too damaged... The machines, which she remembered transforming into weird chaotic forms for whatever reason, we're back to their normal although slightly battered appearance.

As for the Rune formation...

Her eyes landed on the middle of the room where charred floors and the ceiling indicated the place where the explosion occured, and right in the middle of it all, a lone body laid unmoving, covered in the fluids from the crystal Vat.

"...Moony!" Luna screamed, stumbling towards the body. She assumed that since she couldn't hear her Alter Ego, then the Ritual was successful. She wouldn't even consider the other possibility...

The mare reached the body and kneeled beside it. A lock of hair covered her right eye as she kneeled, but she just brushed it aside quickly not realising that it wasn't blue like it used to be...

"Moony! Moony!!!" She called out while shaking her clone's body rapidly.

"Ugh...Cease your yelling..."A voice sounded as the body slowly started to move.

Luna felt a huge burden lift from her chest, when she heard that voice.

"Moony! You're alright!" She exclaimed hugging the still fuzzy Mare in relief.

"Yes I am...Ugh...Now, could you unhand me please? I'm still covered in whatever was in that vat..." Said Nightmare Moon trying to wipe off the aforementioned fluid from her face.

"Ah! Sorry! I-I was just worried..." Luna said unhoofing her clone, but keeping her closeness so that she could check her over to see if she was really alright...

The first thing she noticed was that Nightmare Moon was different from before, her looks now closely resembling Luna's previous new appearance, although with darker coat and with her sparkly mane achieving a beautiful colour of violet.

And even her Cutie Mark changed! She didn't knew if it was because of her new body, but she didn't have time to ponder it much as Nightmare Moon finally got rid of the fluid blocking her vision.

"Ugh...Yuck...Remind me to never again eat jelly treats..." She muttered, finally getting Luna to release some tension by the giggle that escaped her mouth in the next second.

"I'll make sure to remember that." She agreed with amusement, while trying to use her magic to clean the rest of the mucus."By the way. How are you feeling?" She added.

"You want an honest answer?"The other mare asked in bemusement, before following."I feel as if I got ripped from my body and put back together, only to explode the next second..." She deadpanned.

"Oh...So, bad?" Luna asked embarrassedly, only to receive a chuckle.

"Actually... no. I do feel the effects, but it's overshadowed by the surprisingly pleasant feeling of having my very own body..." Said Nightmare Moon with a happy smile.

"Ahh...That's a relief." Luna smiled finally getting rid of the last bid of fluid and helping the other mare up. "Right! How is your magic?" She suddenly remembered, unsure how creating a clone could have affected the magic of an Alicorn...

Nightmare Moon focused for a moment and soon received a spark of purple magic forming at the top of her horn, before said spark grew and overlapped over its entirety. The mare grinned.

"It's there! I needed a moment to recreate the connection with my core, but it seems like there's no problem. I'm actually surprised because I expected my magic to fall short of a natural Alicorn..." Nightmare Moon said in curiosity and relief.

"That's great news! I was worried about it but it seems there was no reason to..." She sighed but then she noticed that the other mare looked at her in a slight confusion...

"What is it Moony? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked, getting an even more surprised expression from the other mare as she glanced at her flank before getting back to her face.

"Lulu...By chance...Have you done something weird during the ritual?" She asked confusing Luna.

"Huh? What do you mean Moony?" She asked not understand where this question came from.

"I mean...I'm pretty Sure our Cutie Mark used to look different and...Why do you have White hair?..."The Clone Mare asked.

"Wait, What?!"


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