
Equestrian Western


Just wanted to say that the thing with Little Strongheart was a completely random idea and she isn't going to be an official member of the herd.

Also I'm having problems writing because of that sickness. It's not like I don't have inspiration or motivation but I just feel like I'm not capable of doing as good of a chapter as I could before. Please tell me if the quality is still alright or if I should take a break until I'm completely healthy. It could also be caused by my irregular sleep schedule but who knows XD

Anyway hope you like it and like always ENJOY!!!


"Everypony! Get in! The train is about to depart!" Called out Applejack from the cart, as Starfall Rarity and Fluttershy galloped towards the platform.

The train whistled signalling it's leave as its wheels started to roll, causing the steam powered locomotive to accelerate. It was a good thing that this country technically belonged to horses as the trio easily caught up with the train and jumped inside, with Applejack helping the three of them not to fall onto the rails.

Starfall could have actually teleported them on-board without a problem, but with all the rush of the morning caused by the girls demanding attention, it just slipped his mind and they were already running when the idea went through his head.

So in the end he just aided their chase with a bit of telekinesis...

"Phew! That was close."Rarity sighed as Fluttershy tried to catch her breath.

Starfall laughed, being joined by a snicker from Rainbow, Pinkie Pie and Spike while Twilight rolled her eyes in amusement.

"Really you three... Fluttershy why didn't you fly?" The purple unicorn asked causing Fluttershy to momentarily turn crimson on the realization that she could have easily caught up with the train without getting so exhausted in the process if only she used her wings.

"I blame Rarity. She was the one who...uhh nevermind..." Starfall said almost blurting out that Rarity wanted to continue their nightly fun and caused them to be late for the train...

She send him a threatening glance before laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah sorry about it girls. We got a bit caught up in the morning."She explained trying to dodge any questions unsuccessfully.

"And what was Fluttershy doing with you then? Huh?" Asked an amused Rainbow Dash.

"Ohh! She must have slept with them! I'm sure you tree had a very fun night!" Exclaimed Pinkie Pie causing the two Mares to flush in embarrassment while Starfall wore a wry grin.

It took a while for everypony to calm down and turn the conversation into something more family friendly, but the presence of Spike and Phoebe made it basically a necessity.

The train slowly pushed forward as time passed and Starfall waited for the arrival of the Buffalos. Thanks to a bit of transfiguration, Starfall managed to make the ride a bit more interesting by creating some boardgames for everypony to play.

Because of that, Spike didn't go to sleep with Bloomberg the Tree and when the attack finally happened, Starfall decided to interfere on a bit wider scale than he originally planned.


"What was that?!" Exclaimed Rainbow Dash when she heard the sound of something hitting the roof.

"I think something jumped onto the train. I'll go check it out." Starfall replied already walking towards the doors of the cart.

"You sure? I can go take a quick look no problem." Rainbow asked stretching her wings to show her advantage.

"Nah, it's your turn to play and I'll be quick. Just no cheating! I know where my pawn is!" He said with a smile and left the cart.

A quick levitation spell placed him on the roof of the train from where he could see the Buffalo stampede closing on the train from behind, and a young buffalo running over the roof towards the last cart where Bloomberg was being stored.

"Hey kid! Wait!" He called out running towards the buffalo just as the stampede was about to clash with the train.

He decided to avoid any property damage and casted a large elastic barrier spell that stopped the buffalos in their track's. It was surprisingly difficult to hold all of them though, and he suspected that their racial magic had something to do with being very hard to stop in their charge.

But thankfully his barrier held and another bit of levitation had both him and the young buffalo safely escorted onto the ground.

He quickly send a message to the girls that he'll be back a bit later as he found something interesting and turned to the buffalo who looked at him wearily.

"Stand aside Wizard. We have no qualms with you. Our target is the tree your iron cart is holding." Spoke a large buffalo as he stepped in front of the group. He seemed to be the leader of the group and most likely the chief of their tribe judging by the large feather hat he wore.

The small buffalo stood beside the large one and looked at Starfall with a bit of worry and a amazement, although her cheeks were a bit flushed.

"Honorable Buffalo Chief. I'm sure there is a reason why you're targeting the tree of my beloved. By that I can assume there is some kind of disagreement between your tribe and the ponies of Appleloosa. My name is Starfall Blueblood As the Prince of Equestria I'd like to request a peaceful talk where we could come to an understanding..." Starfall lowered his head, hoping that the Buffalos are a reasonable bunch...

Chief Thunderhooves was stupefied. At first he wanted to disregard this pony and restart their chase, but the pony was not only a powerful mage but also turned out to be a member of the Pony Royalty. But what really shocked him was the polite request and the way he showed them manners. It was something that they didn't encounter during their talks with the Appleloosans.

"...Very well... I, Chief Thunderhooves agree to your request Prince Starfall." The Buffalo nodded before urging everyone to return to their camp. The other buffalo were surprised with the situation but followed their chief, while the young buffalo continued to look at Starfall with a hint of amazement and a small blush. She clearly never saw such powerful magic which could even stop the entire Buffalo tribe's charge.

It was twenty minutes later that Starfall arrived at the buffalo camp where the Chief together with the young buffalo named Little Strongheart explained the entire situation about the orchard stopping the buffalos from traveling their traditional Stampeding Grounds.

Starfall already knew the situation but he listened carefully nonetheless. He didn't want to cause another fight with the Buffalo tribe by misunderstanding something.

"I can understand your concerns Chief Thunderhooves. I agree that it was a mistake on the part of Appleloosa not to discuss this topic with the native tribes, but you can clearly tell that they were unaware of the existence of your Stampede Grounds. There is a number of things I would need to discuss and explain with the Appleloosans but what you need to understand is the importance of the trees to the ponies." Starfall went to explain the material importance of the trees and the fact that in a way, they were as much important traditionally to them as the Stampede Grounds were to the buffalos.

Starfall knew that it was not enough for the Buffalos but thankfully he wasn't done yet. While he could easily propose the Appleloosans to share their Apples with the buffalos, he knew that it would be much better to propose it while having the product prepared so that the Buffalos could really taste the food and happily agree to the compromise.

"I know that just hearing of how important the trees are to the ponies won't change your mind Chief. That's why I'd like to organise a meeting with the Ponies of Appleloosa where I shall propose an agreement that would satisfy everybody. Would that be alright with you?" He asked and Chief nodded.

"I agree. We shall speak with the Ponies. But if the talks bear no fruits, our Stampede shall commence as planned." He said slightly threateningly but Starfall just smiled.

"Don't worry. You shall be pleased with the outcome." Starfall said reassuringly causing the Chief to return a small smile surprising Starfall.

"Little Strongheart! Could you escort Prince Starfall to a tent for the guest's?" Thunderhooves turned towards the young Buffalo.

"Y-Yes Father." She replied a bit meekly. "Follow me please..." She turned towards Starfall with a blush and he smiled at her before nodding.

He was actually surprised with her behaviour towards him. In the show, Little Strongheart was pretty much deserving of her name as a brave a talented buffalo, but to think she would act so shy in his presence...Was he really that appealing even to a female of another race?

"H-here we are. Feel free to take a nap. We will depart for the town in the morning..."She said while avoiding his gaze and grinding her hoof on the ground in a cute manner...

Starfall smiled to himself and decided to have some fun with the girl. She was actually pretty cute which he wouldn't have expected to say before his reincarnation, but his perception of beauty clearly changed after becoming a pony. Little Strongheart was pretty young, maybe a year or two younger than him, which while not that big of a difference, with the addition of her naturally small stature made her appear much more petite and young than she actually was.

But it didn't change the fact that in the eyes of the buffalos' she was already an adult.

"So...I noticed you looking at me with curiosity. Is there something you wish to talk about?"He asked all of a sudden causing Little Strongheart to look up at him in surprise. He actually half expected for her to make an excuse and run away but just at this moment the girl showed why she was called Strongheart and steeled herself to reply.

"Y-Yes...I-I was curious..." She started shyly and Starfall stopped her.

"Come on. Don't stand in the entrance. The tent is big enough for both of us." He said with a smile which she returned before coming inside and sitting beside him.

"See? That's much better. Now tell me, what was It you wanted to know." He said and she looked him in the eyes.

"I...I saw your magic...It was so amazing!" She said with wonder in her eyes. "I was wondering if you knew more that you could show me?" She said a bit embarrassed while Starfall tried to suppress a snort. Who would expect little miss athlete to have an interest in magic. She made his work so much easier...


Two hours later and one breathtaking magical illusion show later, Little Strongheart was completely taken by Starfall... The Stallion never usually did stuff like picking up a "random" girl, but he found that he had a weakness when it came to a pretty native beauty that was already crushing on him from the beginning... Of course he wasn't planning to play with her heart. He wasn't somepony like this. If they really were to go any further, he would take responsibility for her.

But that was of no concern for Starfall now. That evening had only ended up with a shy kiss on the cheek from the young buffalo in thanks for an amazing time together. He would have to spend at least a few more days together with her if he wanted to go any further...


Chief Thunderhooves watched his daughter leaving the tent of their guest with an embarrassed but happy smile and couldn't help but sigh.

She was clearly enamored by the young Stallion, a feeling that he was happy for her as love was a beautiful thing, but he was surprised how similar his Daughter was to him... He never spoke with Little Strongheart about her mother...but her mother was not actually a Buffalo...

Originally he was worried that her unnaturally small stature would make it impossible for her to reproduce with the other buffalo's, but now...

To think, his little girl would find the solution in such a simple way... He'd have to speak with her about it. He hoped to one day see his grandchildren, and if there was such a chance presenting itself before him, he wasn't sure he would be ready to waste it... Let's just hope that tomorrow's meeting goes as the Prince said it would...


Twilight and the girls received a very interesting message from Starfall.

Apparently there was a disagreement between the Ponies of Appleloosa and the native buffalo tribe which they needed to ease on tomorrow's meeting he organised.

The letter detailed what was needed to be done and had outlined a solution that would appease the two sides without having to fight.

"Everything seems dandy but...Why did he specifically said that ah am to keep my calm while Pinkie shouldn't sing?" Applejack asked while reading the letter with a huff.

The girls looked at Pinkie who was already composing a song about sharing which was clearly very bad...

"Alright...I understand the second part but..." Applejack said a bit angry only to get calmed down by Fluttershy who started to caress her back with her hoof.

"Oh...Right. Sorry Fluttershy...It's just I felt a bit annoyed with the idea of cutting the trees in the orchard..." Applejack said understanding the point now.

Rarity giggled.

"Seems like he really saw through everything, didn't he?" She said and everyone laughed.

"Mhm. He's really amazing..." Fluttershy added.

"Blegh. Too much sugar. I'm leaving." Said Spike before jumping on and flying away on the back of an amused Phoebe...

"Alright girls. That's enough. Starfall wrote that we are to treat this as an official ambassadorial mission from the Prince of Equestria. We need to get to work and speak with the Sheriff." Twilight said ending the discussion as everypony agreed.

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