
Fall progress and competitive ponies.


Just to clarify. I'm currently Studying and I don't have much time and inspiration to write this story so that's why the chapters are so sparse but don't worry because as you can see, I'm still here and it's just my speed that suffered the greatest impact.

I hope you like this chapter as it was a bit too descriptive instead of having actual conversation for my taste but I hope it turned alright either way...

So like always ENJOY!!!


"Would you be so kind to hoof me that garden pot Fluttershy?" sked Starfall as he moulded the dirt to cover the lower part of the concrete walls.

"Here you go Starfall!" Said Fluttershy happily, enjoying being of use as her coltfriend (She still couldn't believe that she really had a Coltfriend) worked on creating an artificial habitat for the Parasprites. She was also very happy that he kept his promise but she didn't realize that it needed so much work...Starfall had to create a completely new section in his 'secret' basement to contain living creatures and then prepare the so called Containment Unit that they were currently decorating.

She watched with amazement as Starfall casted a spell without using his horn but actually infused his hooves with magic, causing the barren ground to sprout grass and flowers at speed she didn't know was possible wherever he stepped on.

When he explained that she should be capable of doing the same after enough studying and training, she was completely by floored. She almost wished to ask him to teach her, but stopped herself because of her insecurities, plus after asking him how long it would have taken she was shocked to learn how much he trained to achieve it. Years! Because what he did was actually emulate an earth ponies' magic and use it consciously! She had a hard time wrapping her head around how amazing Starfall was, but when she learned that Twilight was almost capable of the same as him, a new level of respect for the two of them appeared inside of her...

"So, what do you think Flutters? Is that enough? Or you would like to add something?" He asked turning towards her.

She realized that she spaced out, because Starfall finished the unit before she even realized.

She blushed in embarrassment as her eyes moved over the Containment Unit assessing whether it was suitable and her eyes landed on a large orange crystal giving of a warm light in the center of the reinforced glass ceiling.

It gave of a warm light that emulated the sun and she still couldn't believe that there actually was such a thing in the world and Starfall could make it easily using some gemstones and magic. She even asked whether he could replace her oil lamps at her house with similar crystals and he easily agreed making her very happy.

The entire Unit was actually inside of a glass dome inside an even larger room with enough place for many similar domes. and it was also the Reason why it took Starfall over a week after their date, before it was ready for the final decoration.

But she wasn't disappointed with the result. Apparently the domes, while transparent from the outside, had an illusion that made the animals inside feel like they were in a much larger space in the wild and it allowed for an easy observation of their behaviour by the ponies outside.

She gave a last once-over of the unit and smiled at Starfall.

"I-I think it's as good as it could be Starfall. Thank you for doing that for me." She said with a warm smile and Starfall just waved his hoof. "It's really nothing Shy. I'd have done this one day whether you asked me or not and you just accelerated this project." He winked at her before getting an amused grin.

"Although if you want to reward me, I'd love to get some of that cute flank of your. He said with his hoof caressing her cheek and making Fluttershy blush crimson, but she didn't shy away as she also felt like it wasn't that bad of an idea...

What happened next certainly wasn't something suitable for little children...


With so much free time at hoof, Starfall finally could indulge in all his other projects and Twilight was more than happy to join him in that endeavour.

He would also visit the other girls and hang out with them from time to time, more than often ending the day with some 'innocent' fun with one or few of them.

During the nights in his dreams, he would often get a surprise visit from Luna, with whom he enjoyed some quiet times as the two of them talked about unimportant things and just chilled as Luna summoned a dream version of some console games that she enjoyed playing. They didn't do much more than just some light kisses, but both of them were alright with this as neither of them really wanted to do the deed inside of a dream. Starfall knew that despite Luna being over a thousand years old, she was actually a virgin. He managed to get out of her that she had a brief romance with a guy called Sombra, yes, that King Sombra, but they never went further than a few dates and kisses before the guy went all emo and enslaved an entire kingdom...

After that, it was all about her duties and responsibilities, and with her being the Princess of the night that rarely actually had a chance to meet other ponies, and later with her banishment to the moon, any chance for a relationship went down the drain, and now she was here...

Also she was already looking pretty much like a young adult and it seemed like her magic finally stabilised which meant that she felt comfortable with her new looks. The few compliments that he gave her might have also something to do with her impression of herself...

Starfall finally got to finish the first floor of his secret lab that contained his Study, Artifact/resource Containment room, the large room to contain the magical animals and a few others containing some of his projects like a magical gemstone research, rune combination chamber and even a few rooms for Twilight's personal ideas.

He also had a pleasant talk with Dr Whooves about Space Time continuum and how a time traveler can stay In existence even after preventing his own birth because apparently that's how time worked in this universe because of magic. There were no actual different timelines so to speak but other dimensions and alternative realities were unquestionably real and Whooves had this idea of creating a space-time traveling machine using only science and technology.

Starfall always enjoyed their little talks as they gave him another perspective to everything and broadened his horizons.

He didn't even realize when most of the fall passed by in flash and the winter was just behind the corner.

One morning, he got a surprise visit from Rainbow Dash. She reminded him of an event that he completely forgot about and asked that if he wasn't compeeting, he should come and cheer for her as she beats Applejack.

Apparently they spent the entire yesterday trying to find out who was a better athlete and finally Rainbow Dash challenged Applejack to an Iron Pony Competition. A series of sports contest to find who was better in exactly that.

But no one expected that they were actually going to tie in the end, so they decided to emerge a winner by participating in one last competition that was happening tomorrow.

The Running of the Leaves. An annual competition that supposedly helps the leaves fall from the trees thanks to the tremors from multiple ponies participating in the race.

The girls agreed that Rainbow wouldn't use her wings to play fair and the one who reaches the finish line first would be called the best athlete.

Starfall instantly said that he would also compete, as he felt a little awkward that he missed the girls' competitions. The Running of the Leaves was a cool event and he did feel like stretching out his legs for a bit since he neglected his training lately all the time working on his lab...

He didn't tell her though that his physical strength was already far above your regular earth pony thanks to his magic strengthening his body and he was most likely going to win... He was hoping to impress her as she was the only mare other than Pinkie that was yet to become his marefriend...

While he didn't want to say it out loud, he did feel like getting the 'entire set'...

That reminds him...He needed to go out with Pinkie one of those days...He remember when she opened up to him that one time and he felt that there was still much more she didn't tell but wanted to.

It's just like they say, The happiest looking ones hide the greatest pain...

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