

Jinwoon already knew that was the case but he was still getting nervous because he didn't know what they were talking about. He couldn't just barge in. Sung Hoon had sent him away for a reason and as long as there was no good hiding place, the queen would discover him right away.

He had no choice but to wait in the kitchen until the queen left. A few hours later Ki Ha walked into the kitchen with Jinwoon's new clothes. "The head maid, Binna, was waiting for me. Chang Min, the chef, told her to inform me that the queen was here."

Ki Ha bowed at Chang Min, who just smiled. "It would be very awkward to explain why we need these clothes. I'll show you." Ki Ha sat at the table and began to pull out bright colored pants and tops out of bags. Jinwoon heard the maids gasp.

"Ki Ha... I'm really sorry but do you want me to wear this?" Ki Ha looked at Jinwoon with bright eyes. "Yes. Aren't they pretty?!" The maids giggled at his comment. Jinwoon first thought that Ki Ha was joking or even getting revenge but that really wasn't that.

One of the maids, Hara, walked over. "Ki Ha nim. Are these clothes for the selection tomorrow?" "Yes, aren't they perfect?" Hara started to pack the clothes. "I hope you don't mind but I'll get some new ones." Ki Ha pouted.

"You don't like them?" He turned to Jinwoon. "It's... p...pretty but I don't want to make the wrong impression with the queen and the ministers." They were clearly made for women only. "I think that we need to tone them down." "I agree. Ki Ha nim did a great job, really."

Jinwoon whispered 'Thank you.' when she passed him. She chuckled and left. Ki Ha still had a downcast look on his face. Chan Min walked over and put a plate of food in front of him. "You've worked hard. Here is your favorite."

Ki Ha's face lit up when he saw the dish. "I do deserve a reward! I went around like a madman." Jinwoon went and sat near him. Chang Min also gave him a plate. It was meat with vegetables. It was simple but indeed really tasty.

"You can buy them next time for me, alright?" But Ki Ha refused. "You can take Sung Hoon next time. I really don't like shopping." Jinwoon just couldn't understand Ki Ha. He was too unpredictable but he liked the man.

Hara returned an hour later with the new clothes. These were simple pants and blouses. They had soft colors. "They are made for men and women." Jinwoon could finally smile. "They are really nice." Ki Ha gave the new clothes a stare. "So boring." The others ignored him.

After looking at each set of clothes, the maids went back to their work. The queen wanted a 10 course meal and they were at course number 5. "She just ate 3 bites and left it!" Binna was irritated. "She did this the last time time!" "Then put small pieces on her plate."

Chang Min scoffed. "If we do that, she'll complain too." Ki Ha grabbed the plate and started to dig in. "Then there is more for us." The other laughed at Ki Ha. Ki Ha didn't care. He even put some of the food on Jinwoon plate.

"She doesn't know what she's missing!" Ki Ha said with his mouth full. "Binna, did you hear anything?" Jinwoon wanted to know what had happened. "The queen keeps on trying to find out who you are and Sung Hoon is refusing to cooperate."

"She might leave before we reach the end of the dinner." Chang Min hadn't finished his words when they heard a loud thud. "You think you're so great! Well let me tell you. You are going to marry the girl I chose!" They all turned when they heard the queen's angry voice.

A few seconds later they heard the slam of the door. "I think the dinner is over." Ki Ha commented. Seconds later the door opened. Sung Hoon looked tired. "You can go back inside." Then he saw Ki Ha stuffing himself. "Glad you're enjoying yourself." Ki Ha looked up with his cheeks full.

"Thanks." Sung Hoon rolled his eyes. "Did you get the clothes?" Ki Ha nodded before shaking his head. "He did get them but they were... bright. So Hara got a new one." Sung Hoon frowned but didn't ask for further explanation. He was too tired.

"Did you eat?" Jinwoon nodded. "Alright. I'm going to take a bath and go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." Sung Hoon turned and left. "Poor Sung Hoon." Ki Ha looked at his friend leaving. Jinwoon had the same thought.

"Jinwoon nim. I think you should do the same thing. Tomorrow is going to be very taxing. Try to sleep as much as possible." Binna ushered Jinwoon out of the kitchen. Jinwoon didn't protest. "See you tomorrow." He bowed to everybody before leaving.

He went up stairs and stopped in front of Sung Hoon's door. 'He is taking a shower. I can talk to him tomorrow." He hesitated for a few seconds before leaving. As Binna had advised, he took a shower and climbed into bed. He wondered how the selection would be.

He didn't know when he fell asleep but he eventually did fall asleep. "Jinwoon nim. You need to wake up." Jinwoon's eyes opened to see Hara staring at him. "The prince had to leave for the queen palace but he'll be back to pick you up."

"Let's get you ready." Jinwoon blinked a few times before rolling out of bed. He took a quick bath and got dressed. When he arrived down stairs, breakfast was already on the table. He tried to eat but he was too nervous.

Binna and Hara came and saw his half eaten plate. "Don't worry, you'll be with the prince, Ki Ha nim and I'm sure the elder will be there too. You don't have to say a thing. They will do all the talking for you."

Jinwoon knew all this but that didn't make his worries go away. Hara helped him tie his hair in a ponytail. He still had a lot of time to kill until it was noon. He was wondering what to do to keep him in mind of the selection, when Young walked in.

"Jinwoon! How are you feeling?" Jinwoon winched. "Do you really have to ask?" Young burst out laughing. "Sung Hoon sent me over. The queen is being difficult and stolling. It seems that a few of the participants have yet to arrive."

Jinwoon sat up straight. "Did you see them?" Young shook his head. "No, that is what I heard. Of the 8 girls 3 have yet to show. Since nobody, except the queen, knows who they are, there is no way of finding out where they are."

"Will the selection be pushed back." Young stroked his beard. "No. The ministers are already against the queen. They will never agree in her favour. That's good for us." Jinwoon was wondering if Young was right about that.

Young sat down. "I'll explain how the selection is going to proceed. The participants will be presented to the court. After that they will be cross questioning. I can't prepare you for that because I don't know what they are going to ask."

"After that there is usually a break and then the prince will choose. But since the prince has already informed people of his choice, that part will be canceled. I don't think it will take long." Young gave Jinwoon a smile. "The ministers can protest but that never ever happens."

"Can the queen reject the prince's choice?" "No, the selection is for the prince to choose the right person for him. As you have read, there has never been a forced marriage in ages. I know none of the ministers are willing to break that."

Young looked at his watch and saw that it was nearly time. "Ki Ha should be here soon to pick us up." The butterflies in Jinwoon flared up. 20 minutes later Ki Ha entered. "Jinwoon, are you ready?" Jinwoon and Young stood up. "I think so."

"Then let's go." They left the house and got in a carriage that was waiting for them. "Have the other girls arrived?" Ki Ha shrugged. "I don't know. We were stuck in the queen's quarter. We'll see when we arrive in the throne room."

They took a short ride to the ruling palace. The building looked grand with large stairs and dark red color. The inside was just grand. It could hold around 100 people and there were pillars every 100 meters or so. Jinwoon turned his head left, right, up and down, the place was too beautiful.

"So this is the infamous princess selected by the prince." Jinwoon looked up to see a young woman looking at him with disgust and hate in her eyes.

Next chapter the princess selection!

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