
Chapter 83: Phyton Flashback Finale! Watsumoto The Wisdom King Awakens!

Rygono lies on the ground, his eyes fixed on Watsumoto in utter disbelief, the exponential increase in his power leaving him astonished. "He's levels stronger than he was hours ago. What in the world happened? I could have sworn I killed him," Rygono thinks to himself. Watsumoto unsheathes his staff, and Rygono's eyes widen at the sight of it. This time, a faceless monkey with no body, eyes, just teeth appears at the top of it. "There's no way! He has awakened-" Before Rygono can gather his thoughts, Watsumoto slams his staff into the ground, causing a deafening shockwave that sends rocks and debris flying in all directions.


Rygono jumps out of Watsumoto's range and unsheathes his sword. "You may have gotten stronger, but you-" In a flash, Watsumoto appears before Rygono, striking him in the gut with his staff. The brutal impact with Watsumoto's staff sends Rygono flying through the air, the wind whistling past his ears as he soars over mountains and rocks. As Rygono recovers from his fall in the circle of trees, he glances out for Watsumoto. "What just happened? Wh-"


Once again, Watsumoto materializes in front of Rygono with lightning speed, catching him off guard. He invokes Mystic JōKai on his staff, and he uses JōKai Exertion to increase the potency of his attack. A green monkey spirit emerges from within Watsumoto, its eyes glowing with an eerie yellow light. It balls its fist, preparing to strike.


"Mystic Staff Way Of The Monkey King: Royal Judgement!" Watsumoto's staff connects with Rygono's chest, creating a massive shockwave that obliterates everything in its path. The sound of the explosion reverberates through the mountains, shattering rocks and trees in its wake. Rygono is launched a collateral distance away, tumbling through the air and crashing through multiple trees, rocks, and mountains before finally coming to a stop.


Rygono struggles to his feet, his chest heaving up and down as he tries to catch his breath. He can feel the throbbing pain in his back from the force of the impact. "Damn, I can barely keep up with him…" He looks around, trying to locate Watsumoto, but before he can react, Watsumoto materializes out of nowhere and lands a swift kick to Rygono's face, sending him reeling back.


"How has he gotten so strong? I don't get it! Beforehand, he and I were fighting on near equal grounds, now he's… Grah I've had enough of this! If I lose here, I'll become cursed! I can't cower down at all! I'll give it everything I've got!" Rygono unsheathes his sword and summons a massive amount of Mystic JōKai onto it. The JōKai materializes into a large green scorpion construct, its claws gleaming in the moonlight. Rygono intensifies his attack, using JōKai Exertion to lunge forward with a powerful attack. "Mystic Sword Way Of The Scorpion Ultimate Inner Beast Technique: Killing Claw Strike!"


Shockingly, Watsumoto moves toward Rygono with lightning speed and grabs his sword, ending the attack. "Enough of this fight Rygono…"


Rygono remains paralyzed in fear, the action of Watsumoto stopping his powerful attack with little effort, leaving him hopeless. "How did you…"


"Enough of this petty quarrel, Rygono. Surrender peacefully, and nothing else has to happen."

Rygono grits his teeth in anger, then unsheathes his sword. "I won't surrender!"


"Fine then... I'll force you to," Watsumoto raises his staff, and the golden rays of the sun flood the clearing, making Rygono squint his eyes. He then leaps into the air, and from the shadows, multiple illusions of Watsumoto appear.


As Watsumoto claps his fists together, multiple monkey spirits manifest from his illusions, and they all ball their fists. "Mystic Staff Way Of The Monkey King Secret Technique..". The ground shakes and trembles as the force surges through the land. The plants swaying and bending and many boulders tumbling down hillsides.


Rygono shields his eyes from the force. "What is this power? How is he so strong?!" The illusions and Watsumoto charge toward Rygono at rapid speeds, preparing to unleash a devastating attack.


"800,000 Cycles!" The attack from Watsumoto is so powerful that the impact of it sounds like a thunderclap, shaking the entire planet. The attack hits Rygono with such ferocity that he's hurled to a distant part of the planet. After a few moments, Wastsumoto approaches a wounded Rygono with a stern expression on his face. "Now come Rygono... come back to our clan. I'll give our clan permission to forgive you for your treason," Watsumoto holds out his hand in an offer to help his brother off the ground.


Suddenly, Rygono hears cackling laughter from behind him, sending a spine-chilling fearful sensation throughout his body. "Oh no! The contract!" Rygono thinks to himself. Rygono falls to the ground, and a sharp pain spreads throughout his body. "Go! Get away from me! Go away now!"


Watsumoto becomes fearful and runs toward Rygono. "Brother, are you ok?" Watsumoto's mouth drops as he sees Rygono transform.


As Rygono transforms, his once-green skin darkens to a pitch-black hue, his nose elongates into a gruesome snout, and his body bulks up with rippling muscles. Agonized screams escape his lips as razor-sharp bones burst through his skin. Rygono finishes transforming and then glances at his arm, which differs from what it was moments ago. His expression turns grim as the gravity of the situation now dawns upon him. "What... happened to me?"


The enigmatic, black-cloaked man materializes in front of Rygono, his presence sending chills down his spine. "So it seems you have failed to defeat your brother. Now then, come with me…"


"Let him go!" Watsumoto charges towards the man, his footsteps pounding against the damp ground, but the mysterious figure raises a hand, conjuring a pitch-black portal before whisking Rygono away with him. The portal makes a haunting sound, like a thousand wailing souls, before vanishing into thin air.


The next thing Rygono knows, he's standing amid a dark, secluded forest. The air is thick with the smell of musty earth and decaying foliage, and the only light comes from the pale moon above. "Where have you taken me?"


"This is the domain you will live in for eternity. These are the consequences of your actions."


Rygono's anger boils over, and he screams at the top of his lungs. The sound is deafening, shattering the eerie silence of the forest and sending a shockwave through the trees. The force of his rage is enough to uproot several of them, sending them crashing to the ground. "Why you…bastard!"


We now go into the POV of Watsumoto alongside his Noble Guards inside his pier. "So Rygono is...dead?" asks Ralzhon.


"Yes, he is…"


"I'm sorry, young chief. Do you need anything?"


"Yes, prepare the funeral for him. Although he betrayed us, he's still my brother..." The room falls silent as the guards prepare for the funeral.


After an hour-long funeral, Watsumoto turns his attention to The Shizonian Clan. "Thank you all for attending this funeral for my fallen brother. Although he may have gotten lost in his quell for vengeance, one thing is certain. Rygono was a strong, ardent lover of this clan, and the various acts of treason he committed because of his love for us. The clan of Shizonia is more than one person. We're all a united front. So we'll push through this time of grief as one and go on into the future. You all may go back to your piers. Thank you for coming..."


As everyone departs, Watsumoto stands above Rygono's grave with a look of despair. The sun is setting, casting an orange glow across the pier. "I have failed you, brother. I'm sorry... Forgive me, Father, for I have caused my brother to turn into a vile beast," Watsumoto sheds a tear and walks away from Rygono's grave. The sound of his footsteps is muffled by the soft dirt beneath his feet.


Subsequent to the day of the funeral, Watsumoto experienced an augmentation in power along with the Shizonian clan, thereby obtaining admiration from the major empires for a duration of 800 years. While Rygono remained in The Land Of The Beasts and donned a new name... Phyton A Supreme Beast.


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