
One Small Step For Elf, One Big Step For Elfkind

"MOON, THEY'RE ON THE FUCKING MOON!" screamed Lucius as he stood up and pointed at the ceiling.

"What?" the rest uttered as they were shocked out of their reverie by Lucius.

"THE MOON, I can see a base on the moon! That's where those bastards have been hiding all this time!" explained Lucius as he gestured with a face filled with enlightenment and realisation.

The others looked at him strangely as they couldn't see anything but two big white circles and even Delilah could only see white after using her eagle eye technique. However, since they all knew Lucius' character they decided to trust him. Maria and Michael looked at each other before running off to find something deep within one of the bases store rooms. After a good half an hour of searching they finally found what they were looking for. They brought it out into the open and the rest gathered around.

"This is an old contraption of the space travel era, in that era we used special vehicles called rocket ships to reach the moons but after realising that it would cost way too much resources and time to reach other planets around us, and since those planets aren't really worth reaching anyway, the project was scrapped and the war effort was focused on instead. This is the last telescope that was found, the higher ups of the armies had destroyed most of them long ago and this one only survived because it was in an underground base of the Liberated Youths. With this we will be able to see if there really is a base up on the moon." explained Maria as Michael dusted it off and fixed it up into place.

Michael looked through the scope and adjusted the focus and magnification until eventually he was able to see that there was indeed a city on the moon. He could see small ant like figures on it and flying vehicles whizzing around the city.

"By Yamir's beard, there really is a base on the moon. I can see people and even flying cars up there. Those bastards really ran away to the moon. Fucking cowards." remarked Michael with anger on his brow and displeasure on his lips.

"If they really are up there, how the hell are we gonna get up there ourselves? The records of the rockets are all gone, right?" noted Julia.

"Well, we can try to make one anyway. We know the principle behind the way it is built and the aim to reach, with Lucius' help it will only take a few months to build one." replied Maria.

"Good, then we should start on this. Julia and Deli should go out and destroy all the nurseries while we do it though." proposed Lucius.

"Sounds good." Delilah answered.

The nurseries were basically, soldier training factories. Since they had been at war for an entire millennium, the two sides had established certain rules. The first and most important rule was 'No Nuclear Weapons', this was a rule established after the first nuclear war that decimated a third of the continent. The second rule was to never attack the nurseries. The nurseries were places where the young elves were born and raised and then trained into soldiers. If they hadn't decided to keep this rule then the elves would've already exterminated themselves, save for the people on the moons anyway. The nurseries were highly efficient but also highly indoctrinating so most of the current elves didn't join the Liberated Youths even after they had assassinated all the high ranking officials on the planet. If Delilah and Julia could destroy all the nurseries and literally liberate all the youths then their mission would be cut short, since they had already found the bases and it was only a matter of time before they destroyed the puppeteers of the war.

The next month was somewhat hectic as the Liberated Youth was on full blast. They were split into three groups, the researchers, the builders and the assault squad. The researchers were lead by Maria, Michael and Lucius and they focused on creating the space ship, the builders were lead by Jessica and Johnny as they expanded the Liberated Youths base to accommodate the increase in personnel, and finally the assault squad was led by Julia and Delilah as they destroyed the forces protecting the nurseries and brought all the children back to the base along with the necessary resources to nurture them.

The researchers were making good progress as they were able to create a vehicle that could travel to the moon and back within 15 days of starting but they still hadn't made it habitable. Right now if someone were to use it they would explode from the inside from the intense pressure it would bring on. The act of traveling such lengths at such speeds would be truly strenuous on the elves. It was find for the trio as they had trained their bodies enough though but they still needed people to detain the leaders, dismantle/plunder the moon base bare and then they would have to do it again since there were 2 different moon bases housing two different enemies. They would also have to make it sturdy enough as it would be under fire from the moon base as presumably they would be fully armed and ready for them.

The builders had also rapidly built housing, expanding the training facilities, and created factories to create the desired products for the new youths that would be joining them. They were able to relocate entire buildings by literally uprooting them and transferring them to the vicinity of the Liberated Youths' base. After a while they had made it big enough to be a city, which Jessica promptly named the Liberation City. The number of inhabitants had quickly reached half a million and it was still rising rapidly. Some of the opposing armies' troops had also emigrated from their army outposts and into the Liberation City. They City had far better living conditions and gave a breath of life back into the soulless husks that the soldiers used to be, creating the most boisterous and creative city since 800 years ago, when the last ancient city was remade into a military base. Still though, there were soldiers that couldn't just switch sides as they had lived their entire lives one way and couldn't bring it out of themselves to just change that easily. Accordingly so, most of the immigrants were younger and more susceptible to change. The old usually stayed on in the armies and even now they attacked enemy outposts even without any orders or supervision from their superiors, who were dead.

The assault squad was extremely successful as they had already liberated 800 different nurseries and there were just 1200 left, there were 1000 nurseries on either side so they had taken around 40% of the nurseries already. The nurseries were mostly close together and guarded by a single platoon of soldiers of higher as because of the second rule of war, they didn't focus on protecting the nurseries anymore. They were also unaware of the Liberators and unprepared as they had already assassinated all of the high ranking army officials and disrupted all the communication towers and destroyed most of the communication bases that were focused on ordering around the army. The assault team was effective, lethal and swift when they were headed by Delilah. Delilah and Julia would slaughter through any opposition while the rest of the squad would load the children onto heavy carriers and take them back to Liberation City. There was a constant stream of input into the Liberation City and by a month in, the City had reached 1 and a half million people (1 million of those being the children from the nurseries).

By the end of the month everything was in place for the final battle. The space ship was built and ready to go, it was time for the battle that would decide the fate of the elves of Hazmit. The ship was 500 metres long and 100 tall, it was 80 wide and streamlined in shape. Almost like a jet but it had a bigger bottom section so like a boat with a jet on top of it. It was strange in shape but it would be effective in its mission. It was engraved with many formations and built with high tier alloys that would defend the ship while also retaliating in turn. The ship had 500 cannons on the sides, 250 on each side and they were systematically 2 metres apart. They could shoot an attack that would kill experts up to the second tier but it was accordingly slow and took time to charge up. There was also a main cannon at the front that could kill tier 3 experts and severely injure tier 4 experts but this would use up all of the ships energy and it wouldn't be able to fly anymore after it was fired. The ship was midnight black with lines of light blue spreading through it like veins of pulsing blue blood. It made the ship seem like it was alive and left the onlookers in awe.

The ship had taken 100,000 men combined to complete it in just a month and it was able to hold the same amount of troops inside it. On the first day of August, the ship was loaded with 50,000 men along with Lucius, Delilah, Julia and Maria. The rest of the Wernits family and Johnny would stay back and continue with the expansion and prepare for the unlikely chance that the other moon would use this opportunity to attack the Liberated Youth.

"BOARD THE SHIP IN AN ORDERLY MANOR. SINGLE FILE. BOARD ACCORDING TO YOUR NUMBER PLEASE." shouted the boarding supervisor as men and woman trailed onto the ship constantly like ants entering an anthill.

"Haa... Now that this is really happening, I'm kind of nervous actually!" Maria remarked

"I know right, It's nerve wracking thinking we are about to go up into space and have a battle on the moon. Lets hope the space suits don't fail on us huh?" Lucius joked.

"Luciiiiiiiii! Don't make jokes like that!!! You know I get scared really easily!" Delilah screamed as she chased Lucius around the cockpit.

"By Yamir's beard, I hope these two misbehaving little gods of destruction don't fight like this on the moons. Haha." Julia chuckled nervously.

At that moment, the boarding supervisor walked into the cockpit and announced that all personnel and resources had been loaded onto the ship. He left the room with a bow as Lucius and Delilah stopped fighting. Maria went up to the front and called in the flight crew. These were researchers that had made the ship with them and knew how to drive it. Maria and Lucius would work in conjunction with them to steer the ship to the moon.

"Now then, lets get this show going!" shouted Maria.

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