
Cagayan De Oro

~ My Favorite Novel (The Legendary Mechanic) is now completed, I'm super happy, please check it out if you still haven't read it yet, it's a great read!!!) ~

After giving Bonifacio his orders, Renaldo went back to the table in the midst of them, he looked at the map on top of the table and grabbed a blue flag in a small island east of the Philippines, a tiny island yet this is Spain's door to the eastern world and in his past life, one of the first bastion of The United States in the East and one of the biggest reasons why the United States is confident enough to wage war against Japan and China.

Renaldo marked this place because once he is done with the defense and liberation of the Philippines, Guam and the Pacific Islands are his next targets to serve as a defensive and offensive bastion against the United States, especially if they will try to conquer the Philippines in the First World War. Conquering the Pacific Islands is a bit dangerous though, given that they are under the jurisdiction of the German Empire, led by Wilhem II, which is currently the most powerful country in the world, so Renaldo will attempt conquer these islands once the Japanese have annexed them, Japan is an easier foe compared to that warmachine that is Germany.

While contemplating these things, Renaldo started the discussion of his plans to his generals, he prepped himself and said;

"The Spanish fleet will come from this direction, and their ships outnumber ours by a lot, we might have bigger and better ships but the sheer number of theirs will surely net us losses that are hard to cover." Renaldo said as he grabbed some red flags and put them in a tiny island east of the Philippines, the island that started it all, the island that Magellan has landed to, Homonhon.

"So I've built up a plan to let the Spanish Army land on Homonhon Island, this island is a natural fortress against ships as there are only two points of entrance, if we put some of our prototype artillery on both sides of the island, this will create a scenario wherein our artillery will continuously bombard the Spanish fleet that is going to cross these two choke points. This will then force our enemies to land on the island and destroy said artillery that bombards them."

Renaldo took a short breather but even before he can continue, Nicanor reacted to his plan and said;

"So Master, how will we force our enemies to focus their attention on the Homonhon island specifically?" Nicanor asked, clearly puzzled while Bonifacio is dumbly listening in the corner, anticipating the answer from their leader.

Renaldo looked at both of them and said;

"That's actually easy to do, we just have to manipulate the information that we have established our capital at cebu and that all of our forces are there, the only thing that we need to do is arm the civilians there with defective weapons and cold weapons and have them pretend to be soldiers, this will give the enemies the illusion that the information is true and also give them false information about our weaponry, making them complacent about a land battle. We will then open a path and allow their spies and scouts to enter the city to let them gather false information, of course we also need to fool our own people by making a staged establishment of the capital. It's a bit risky but it's the only way, if this doesn't work, then we have no choice but to fight them using brute force and swallow our casualties, we will win but it will be costly if we lose even a single dreadnought, this might be a bit cruel for the both of you, but people's lives are expendable, people are born every second, I can't say that for a warship of ours. I'd rather lose some men than those ships that will be crucial for our future plans of joining a bigger stage in the future, a stage that will envelop the entire world, a stage that will help us gain a foothold against these powerhouses."

Nicanor and Bonifacio had solemn looks on their faces, they also understand Renaldo's point but both of them are still young and disillusioned by the grandeur of being the man of the masses, which is why Renaldo talked to them about this to further remove such childish notions out of their mindsets, for they will be the pillar of his army, and he needs them to be as decisive as possible in tackling these kinds of situations.

After having a discussion about the morality of their methods, the three men has reached a consensus of going with the plan, which is why Renaldo immediately explained them the minute details that goes along with it, and with that, the strategic meeting came to its end, Bonifacio went to his people to prepare them for the liberation of Mindanao while both Renaldo and Nicanor stood on the periphery, for they will need to prepare for the upcoming battle with only a month remaining.

After the meeting, Renaldo ordered Nicanor to prepare the necessary defensive formations on the island, these includes the fortifications and all the positioning, of which Nicanor immediately followed everything to the T.

Renaldo on the other hand, set off towards his R&D base in Navotas, because he needs the help of those inventors of his to create a weapon that will help with the upcoming battle.

3 days later


Inside a room full of books and dust, Renaldo is currently sitting on a table while working on two blueprints, the first one is depicting a crude type of power armor and the second blueprint depicts a crude kind of chainsword, both of these are powered by fuel instead of nuclear energy, Renaldo made the armor work by including technology that is used when they were making tanks, making the armor clunky and is not as smooth as the nuclear powered one. The chainsword on the other hand uses technology that is on par with 21st century chainsaws but are smaller and contains less recoil to make it easier to handle on one hand. These two technologies are the ones that Renaldo is banking on towards this battle.

While Renaldo is busy making his blueprints, Bonifacio and his men have just landed on the northern part of Cagayan de Oro, this is where the Mindanao branch of the Revolutionary Order resides, and they have already liberated the whole province which made things easier for him and his men.

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