

The smell of blood and gunpowder permeates the air as a mixture of blood, dirt and some dead corpses surround the battlefield, hundreds if not thousands are being mowed to death by the these massive moving instruments of death.

Sergio is a Spaniard who grew up in Spain in the lowest caste, he was bullied often because of his financial status and because of his height, which led to Sergio having an extreme insecurity towards his physical and financial status.

He went to Manila at the age of 24 and he is living here for 10 years now, he became a soldier one year after coming here and despite not having work for half a year, he survived off of scaring these indios that are underneath him, he was overjoyed by the difference in treatment in here and in Spain, he was drunk for power to the point that when he became a soldier, he abused the hell out of the indios by raping, torturing and extorting massive amounts of tributes every harvest. But right at this moment, Sergio his battalion is being hunted down by the indios he spite the most.

He felt powerless and disgusted, why and how the fuck did these hijo de putas developed this technology capable of harvesting lives like it's nothing! The barbed wires didn't work! The trenches also didn't work, line infantry is probably not going to help and the cavalry is better at tickling the enemy than killing them! These moving vehicles of death can even blast through walls like a hot knife through butter! How can they fight an enemy this strong!?

Sergio is hopeless and is currently despairing! his comrades are all dead! And those indios on the side of their army pissed their pants and immediately surrendered when they saw those massive machineries!

As sergio is monologuing to himself, a friend of his approached him at the back saying;

"Retreat compadre! The fortress has fallen! the captain got hit and died! His body splattered into smithereens including a few of the other higher ups! This is a fight we cann---

*BOOOOOOOM* a big tank shell shot through his friend's body like it's not even there! Sergio was shocked to the core, with piss falling through his pants as the hand of his fallen comrade is currently slipping down from his shoulder slowly, down to the ground. Something snapped inside Sergio, as he wailed, cried and laughed and pulled out his hair!


*Boom! Splat!* a bullet passed through Sergio's head as a filipino soldier walked past him, his lifeless body immediately falling to the ground, being stepped on by a massive retinue of filipinos armed with guns, bombs and melee weapons in their sides.

Cogs, Bolts, Footsteps mixed with the sound of tanks, greyhounds and the booming shots of various guns permeate the battlefield, with various filipinos mixed in with some russian mercenaries march through the battlefield of corpses, some steer of the main army as they check the various houses and buildings around the city of Tondo, checking for supplies, enemies and other filipinos willing to join their cause, they will refer them to their rear to arm them with the lee enfields and maybe if they're good enough, they'll be able to become eligible to ride those Tanks their superiors call Tiger 1s.

In the middle of the army, a 19 year-old man is currently staring at his front, feeling melancholic yet stern, the man is passed through by the vehicles and the soldiers, some hitting him from is back as they continued walking, not minding that their leader is standing still as he looks through the scenery composed of rubble, destruction and death....

He murmured; "This is our first step towards ascension thine motherland"


Malacañang, Manila

A few weeks after the fall of various towns and cities in the surrounding areas and the naval siege that is currently ongoing to the whole Manila de bay, Emilio Terrero, the current Governor General of the Philippines is in a state of shock, anger and some regrets as he is one of the Spaniards that is secretly supporting the separation of church and state, because of the massive and rampant corruption by the friars, Emilio was appalled by their behavior which led to him secretly turning a blind eye when a friar is murdered a year ago, he is also somewhat of a supporter of the independence of the Philippine Islands as he believes that the indios deserve some kind of compensation towards what the friars and the governor generals before him did to them. But all of that is currently for naught right now as the indios are finally retaliating through the use of force! Emilio is shocked by the advance technology that the indios are using! Those armored vehicles and those ships that have turrets that can immediately turn and fire immediately! Those were weapons of war that will definitely destroy even the Main army back at Spain! yet he's now facing such war machines! He doesn't know what to do! The only thing that he did now is gather his troops and every krupp gun they have, as they're the only weapons that are somewhat effective against those armored vehicles, although it needs a ton of ammo to even destroy one of them! And the indios have an endless number of them! Honestly, Emilios is despairing deep inside, he's definitely going to die here as the indios doesn't even care about negotiations and they don't take Spanish prisoners! They kill each and every Spaniard they encounter and imprison those filipinos that side with the monarchy.

Emilio doesn't have a choice even if he doesn't want to fight. He currently has a standing force of 10,000 soldiers as this is the most number he could accumulate for a short number of time, include the problem of distance between the various garrisons in the Visayas, Mindanao and Guam islands, he's now alone, outnumbered and outgunned by his enemies, for fuck's sake they even have portable nordenfelt guns! (nordenfelt is the machine gun used by the Spaniards in the Philippine Revolution, it is somewhat like a gatling but fires less rounds and is much older, it is also not that good. Emilio refers to the MG42's as nordenfelt as he currently doesn't know the name of the gun and the nordenfelt is the closest thing to it)

*Knock knock* "Status Report General!"

"Come in" says Emilio

"Thank you sir!" The soldier salutes as Emilio salutes back

"So what's the status in our army and where are our enemies last seen?"

"It is as expected General, our soldiers are oblivious about the current situation as they are taking this revolution lightly, they don't also believe the intel that we spread among them as they deem it impossible that natives such as the indios can invent something more advance than what the monarchy can make. On the other hand, the enemies whereabouts are currently unknown, they were last seen by our scouts sieging (more like massacring) every town from all directions, our current information about the enemies are they came from every cardinal direction, from the northwest, an army from Navotas is currently seen as the largest and the best armed army, numbering around 30,000 soldiers and a big number of those warmachines that our weapons can't destroy, from our south, an army from Cavite numbering around 10,000 people marches towards us, luckily without those warmachines and those portable nordenfelts, but they are armed with normal nordenfelt guns and are supported by krupp artillery, a letter from Cavite on the other hand says that they have accumulated a number more than that so there's probably a smaller contingent that is either on the way towards us or is marching further south to conquer other cities. There is currently a small number of people blocking the roads on the east, around 5,000 of them with a small contingent of those warmachines, our scout says that they kill those that came further east and also kill those that try to go outside, especially the aristocrats, these news are the latest news that we've accumulated and it's been 3 days since then General"

Emilio sat down on his chair and said; "Sigh, I expected as much, so what do you think captain, do you agree about my proposed plan an hour ago? About breaking through the enemies from the South? Because in my perspective, we can't beat those armies with the war machines so our best bet is to take our soldiers and fight it out with those Caviteños led by that Aguinaldo person, he is probably acting on his own without the support and approval of the incoming army from the northwest as his army doesn't have those war machines and he's using those M93s and just some artilleries, they are probably the best bet for us don't you think? Emilio said, as he looked at his map the table, the south is his only hope for survival and he will grab because his life depends on his success of breaking through it...

Title: Memoirs Of A Dying Regime

~ Hello guys! Thank you for your support especially those that donate power stones to support the novel and also those that post comments! I really appreciate them and I hope that everyone continues doing so as I see them as feedback whenever I get a notification, it motivates me a lot! Take care in all of your endeavors and Late Independence Day Greetings for my fellow Filipinos out there! Mabuhay! ~

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