
Diabolus Est Nobiscum

As promised! This is a long chapter that is worth two separate chapters because I will go out today, hope everyone enjoys this! Give me your powerstones! And please give me a review, it will help a lot ❤️


Renaldo isn't really worried about spies because of his innate advantages over them, he's a human but he's not a regular human at the same time because of the talents that the overseer gave him. He definitely won't lose out on intelligence gathering, currently, he knows every single food and weapons storage that the Spaniards are using, he can use that to his advantage when the time comes. Aside from that though, is the fact that two pioneers of internal combustion engine technology are currently on the way to be his chief engineers, he only needs to nudge them a bit in the right direction and they'll definitely develop cars or even tanks if Renaldo wants to squeeze out everything and if he wants to take advantage of their intelligence, because honestly, Renaldo might know the technology but he isn't smart enough to make them and follow them to the T.

The only field that he's expert with is probably gunsmithing, and war strategies, but on the other fields like aviation engineering and naval engineering, his knowledge are mediocre, he's only knowledgeable with the old technology of the 19th - 21st century and some specific knowledge of the things that he's familiar with in the 30th century, like the power armor technology that every country has developed in his past life, and some guns that were made by him and his bestfriend to help their nation thrive in a world of endless war, because before he died, the 4th world war is already brooding and around the corner. Unfortunately, he died before it started and he missed out in the future happenings of that timeline, overall though, Renaldo admits that he is not better than the geniuses of this era, they developed their inventions from scratch while he on the other hand is just a plagiarist who copied other people's inventions for his own selfish gains,

This is why he's keen on getting people like Karl Benz and Nicolaus Otto, because they will be the brains to his plans, he just needs to borrow their intelligence and nudge them to the right direction and inspire them with new ideas and give them information about the basics of the said technology in hopes that maybe one day, they'll be able to replicate them, of course he'll use his Eternal Loyalty buff to ensure their loyalty and keep them in his warband.

With that out of the way, Renaldo finally finished making his blueprints, all he has to do now is to convince those gunsmiths that he is deserving of their services, he also needs to control those spies and convert them to his service so that he can increase his own spy network, because aside from his animals, conventional spies are still needed to provide his enemies the illusion of safety, to make them think that they know how Renaldo gathers information when in reality, everything is just a facade to make them let their guards down, a brilliant move and one that will surely make his enemies pull their hair out in the future.

Renaldo then waited on til the alloted time is up, he sat in the highest seat in the meeting room, this meeting room is your typical world war 2 inspired room in the movies, Renaldo designed it this way because it is easy to replicate and is pretty much a very advance and sophisticated design for people of this era, he made it this way to overwhelm the people to give him the advantage in meetings such as these but not to the point that they'll suspect him of having more to offer which will surely give him a big headache.

The gunsmiths finally came to the room, they don't have much choice as they need Renaldo to give them permission if they want out. That's why they've decided that they'll announce their decision publicly as to pressure the child and at the same time humiliate him and give them the advantage. When they came inside the room though, they were taken aback by the sophisticated design, because it is not like the typical victorian inspired room of the nobles and royalty, it is new to their eyes, a bit weird but it is somewhat refreshing and is very simple but elegant, giving them the notion that things might go awry so they thought of more ways to botch this meeting.

Renaldo looked into each and everyone's eyes first, not backing down a bit and said something much to the disgruntled gunsmith's chagrin;

"Before we start this meeting, I would like to tell all of you that those who questions my abilities are to go to the room beside this one and wait for me there, I will address all of your concerns, I hope all of you understands my predicament" smiled Renaldo in a kind of unsettling way.

He continued;

"Meanwhile, those who doesn't have any concerns, all of you can stay here and I will give each and everyone of you documents that you may read to give you the necessary background on what we're going to talk about today"

Renaldo then ordered the mercenaries to escort those disgruntled gunsmiths and spies to the other room while he himself follows them, leaving those inside the meeting room baffled by the sudden turn of events.

Renaldo used his animal buff to get every nearby poisonous insects and animals in the vicinity of the forest to discreetly go to the room and wait there, they will be his source of security against the gunsmith spies that might have hidden weapons with them.

The insects then positioned themselves in the dark corners of the room there are scorpions, spiders, frogs and snakes in the shadows, all waiting for the right time to attack if things escalate quickly.

When they came inside the dark room, the gunsmiths are a bit suspicious of what's going to happen but they are not afraid, not one bit because they currently outnumber the mercenaries around them, there are only 2 mercenaries in the room and there are around 60 of them that definitely overwhelms the enemy, they also have balisongs with them that can help them, they obviously doesn't have guns because they're too big to hide, even the sidearms to they've settled with the balisong for personal safety.

Renaldo went to the other side of the room, he was in a small room with a see through glass and a microphone that can be heard on the other side, he definitely dont want to be in the same room as those people, he then spoke to the mic and ordered the two mercenaries to go outside the room and lock it, which garnered a violent reaction from the gunsmiths, Renaldo assured them though that nothing bad will happen to them as long as they don't do anything that is detrimental to the situation which calmed the people down, albeit still on guard against unexpected situations.

Renaldo then proceeded with his plans said;

"I've gathered all of you here because all of you have concerns regarding my age am I right?" Asked Renaldo in a playful and mysterious manner, like the devil trying to concoct his plans into motion.

Li Zheng, as the most vocal person out of the group and is the biggest instigator of this situation nodded affirmatively and said;

"Young master, forgive us for our rudeness but it is as you say, we are concerned with your age, we don't want to attack you as a person, for we don't have any grudges against you personally, it's just that we are questioning your abilities to lead us, to give us the direction that we need in order to achieve something meaningful, for we may be employed workers under your grandfather but we still have our pride as gunsmiths, the pay might be good but our dignity and pride is something we hold dear, we hope that you can give us leeway and let us go, for the consequences of not letting us go is something you can't imagine" threatened Li Zheng in a subtle manner as to not immediately earn the ire of the child.

Renaldo on the other hand laughed in his mind, he already knows their plan and expected it to develop in this path so he acted like a distraught child and said;

"Please don't! Lolo will certainly be disappointed in me! I promised him that I'll be the greatest gunsmith in the whole world! Please don't leave! I-I can show you the blueprints that I made! They're certainly very good and advance! Renaldo said, on the verge of crying and is looking distraught and panic, he's using the vulnerability of a child to let the gunsmith's guards down and let them feel superior to him.

The gunsmiths laughed and heaved a sigh of relief at the same time, they thought that it is normal as they are talking with a child, and children are easy to fool. They disregarded Renaldo's words about the blueprints as they are certain that a child like that can only make blueprints that are trash and rubble in their eyes.

Li Zheng, seeing the opportunity pressed the matter at hand and said; "Young master, we would like to give you a chance though, as to say that we stayed fair and treated you good, we would first like to see your blueprints and then decide whether to go or stay depending on how those blueprints will sway us" Li Zheng said in a mocking tone, he's confident as he knows that this kid is not on the level of the gunsmiths of Germany, that he's definitely better than an 8 yr old kid.

Renaldo smiled, seeing that they took his bait, he then proceeded to slip the first part blueprint of the Lee-Enfield Rifle No. 4 in the small slit in the wall and said;

"There! That's the first part of the blueprint that I've made for a bolt-action rifle that is definitely better and faster than the current time's rifle! It has the capacity to store more ammo compared to others, it has a 10 ammo max capacity compared to the Mauser93 and the Remington rifle!" Renaldo said with a childish tone as to make them let their guard down more.

The gunsmiths laughed in their minds as they know that there's no way that a bolt action rifle can have more than 4-5 max capacity, this kid is probably inventing a childish invention without any logical proportions based on mathematical equations.

Li Zheng on the other hand got curious and looked at the blueprint, at first he also disregarded the ramblings of a naive child and looked at the blueprint in disdain, but as he looked longer and analyzed the contents, he was shocked but he toned himself down as to not show his colleagues, he was shocked by the blueprints as it is certainly advance and better than most rifles nowadays, the sophisticated design and the unconventional steel heating technique that was described in this blueprint was phenomenal, even better than method of those germans, he was caught in a bliss!

Renaldo smiled as he saw Li Zheng grab the blueprint, he knows that he caught the biggest fish, hook line and sinker.

Li Zheng was consumed by greed and hid the blueprint though, he thought that he'll pry the rest of the blueprints from this child in one way or the other, this might be his ticket to become a rich individual with the patents of this gun! He can finally leave the life of being a spy if he cashes in on this!

His actions though, can not escape the eyes of his colleagues, they were curious as to why Li Zheng hid the blueprints, as they know that this guy is a proud person, he didn't even bat an eye on their own inventions so why did he hide that blueprint given by a snot-nosed brat?

Something brewed in their mind, and they don't like it one bit.

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