
Chapter 30

I knew I was saying trash. I was spewing nonsense faster than I could think but I couldn't help it. I felt angry, jealous and betrayed.

"Is this why you asked me to help him that night?" I asked. "So you could win his love and he'll let you fuck him?"

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and yanked me close. The package I held fell to the floor. He held up his fist in a threatening manner.

"One more word like that and I won't hesitate to punch you"

I let out a bitter laugh. "You'll hit me for him?"

So I wasn't worth much in Ryu eyes. I'm nothing. The fag was more important.

"What were you doing with Sara then? You accuse me of using people and hurting them but you're doing the exact same thing! You used her...and me" I whispered the last part.

"If hurting you is what it takes to protect a friend then I'll do it" Ryu stated. "And I never used Sara . We went on one date. That's it". His voice went low. "I never used you too. You're the one who messed up. Besides, aren't you her boyfriend now?"

"Boyfriend my ass! I'm not with that slut!" I defended.

"Funny you call her that when you're basically the exact same thing" he sneered. "You'll fuck anything in a skirt. Disgusting"

He released his hold on me and pushed me away. "Get out. Now"

I couldn't believe it. I stared at Ryu, shocked. I couldn't believe I just got insulted like that and there was not a single word present in my head.

My anger just kept rising and rising until I felt like I was going to explode.

With one last glare, menacing enough to make them feel chills, I stormed out of the house, slamming the door in the process.


The next few days were like hell for me. Especially in school. I was like a ticking time bomb. You could so much as breathe and I'll give you hell for it.

I was like a dark cloud looming over everybody's head. I was extremely angry and depressed. My friends were concerned and kept pressing me to tell them what was wrong but I could only say the name Dai. That was enough for them.

Dai had it even worse than me. Rumor spread fast that he pissed me off that was why I poured my anger on anyone I see. They, in turn, poured their own anger on him.

He was bathed in lunch food, toilet water, pelted with raw eggs, bruised, battered and there was nothing Ryu could do to stop it. I made sure of it. He can't save Dai every time he is being bullied.

Another rumor was that Ryu had slept with Sara which pissed me off but no one could touch him. Not even the jocks unless they ganged up on him but Ryu never gave them that chance. They were left with giving him death glares. Besides, I told them not to hurt him for it wasn't true. Still, they didn't like him.

Sakura was bummed that we were having this kinda silent war with him because she couldn't ask him out. If she did, I would definitely expose her own secrets first. Not that I said it to her but I definitely will.

I was pissed that Ryu valued Dai over me. He gave the fag more importance. Dai to me was insignificant. A thorn in my heart. He killed Aera. Everything was his fault. And now, he wants to take the person I have this massive crush on. Ugh I hate him!

As for Sara, she was enjoying her life as my 'girlfriend'. She hangs out wih us everyday. I would have broken up with her but Haruto said it was a great idea to date her. If we hang out in her room, we could find something to use against her. It was energy draining but I had to do it for Aera. Sara has to go down.

Our sex life was awkward. I could only get it up when I thought of Ryu. And even then, I couldn't perform as well as I used to. To protect my reputation, I had to buy viagra from some college junkie. It made me super horny so that part was covered.

There was something strange about Yua these days though. It started when me and Sara got together. They started to fight more, calling each other names and going as far as throwing stuff on each other.

I confronted Yua and she said she just didn't like the bitch. Sara on the other hand said Yua was jealous of us. I think the former is more believable. There's no way Yua likes me like that. If she did, I would know.

Haruto on the other hand was concerned about me. He said my behavior and moods kept fluctuating and that I was starting to remind him of the way I acted after Aera passed away. He was scared, thinking my mental health was deteriorating because my mood was always terrible. I told him I was fine but he threatened to inform my parents if I didn't get my shit together.

Well it's not my fault that Dai's existence felt like a curse and I terribly wanted Ryu but things were ruined already and I had no fucking clue how to fix it.

"Guys, you think Momo will like me" Toshiro asked me and Haruto. He was applying gel to his blonde hair while staring at my mirror.

We have a party to attend tonight and Toshiro was still getting ready.

We were in my room. I was laying stomach flat on the King sized bed while Haruto was sitting at the edge.

"Who's Momo?" I asked, while scrolling through Ryu's Instagram pictures and taking a screenshot of each one. He is just so hot. I'm basically stalking but who cares. I'm still angry with him for saying mean things to me and choosing Dai but my heart still wants him too. I know I'm gonna see him tonight.

"Ugh ever since you got together with Sara, it's like other girls have been swept out your stupid brain" Toshiro complained. "Momo. Hot tall Momo with the big ass. She's in our chemistry class you dunce. Her ass is so big man. How can you not notice?"

Haruto started to laugh. "Dude is ass and boobs all you think about?"

"As of now, yes. I haven't got laid in a while" Toshiro replied. "I'm looking forward to spending tonight with Momo. I'm gonna release weeks worth of load"

"Dude don't give me a mental image" I said, scrunching my nose. "That's disgusting"

Toshiro scoffed. "Yeah that's because you've got Sara to dump yours in"

I'd rather dump it in someone else's hand or mouth like last time. Which was weeks ago. Sara gives me no satisfaction and I don't think Chan and I will make up anytime soon.

As long as he's with Dai, I don't think I can bring myself to talk to him.

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