
028: First weeks of school part 3. Gaara Pov.

A.N yo im starting a proper schedule for updating. Every other day ill upload a chapter on this fanfic. So it would alternate between Monkey king In MHA and This one.

Monday: Monkey king In MHA

Tuesday A Cliche Multiverse Story

Wednesday Monkey king In MHA

Thursday A Cliche Multiverse Story

Friday Monkey king In MHA

Saturday A cliche Multiverse story

Sunday Break.

Though sometimes ill update an extra chapter.


It's all kind of, Unbelievable. I mean, i'm in another world! I'm learning magic! Though the most unbelievable thing is the fact that i have actual parents that love me. Parents that dont view me as the biggest monster to walk the earth. It's like a dream come true. Today was the first day of class. We went to a class and learned how to transfigure a matchstick into a needle! Kuro was obviously a natural at this.

Then we learned about theory and Kuro's explanation really put things into perspective on how magic worked.

We laughed, had fun, went to classes, ate, chatted. Just "Normal" school life. No wars, no fighting, just, having a good life.

I met this girl. Her name is Luna lovegood. At first i didn't really realize what was going on. But i soon found myself spending more and more time with her. I enjoy her Eccentric personality to a degree ill never admit outloud.

But its just, I dunno. It's fun being around her. I love sitting next to her during dinner, in class, walking from class to class with her. Who knows?

But on a different note, Kuro introduced me to this thing called an ipod. And its like this blue box, that produces music! I use it all the time during our runs, when i'm alone, etc.

'Oh theres luna!'


"Oh hi gaara! How are you today? Is my necklace keeping the nargles away?"

"Yes luna. I haven't seen a nargle at all, but i know your necklace is helping with that."

She beams at this.

God i enjoy seeing her smile.

We're reach the dinner hall and i hear Professor quirrel (The one shukaku tells me is evil) comes in and starts screaming. "TROLL! TROLL IN THE DUNGEON! Thought you ought to know." He says before he faints. Immediately theres panic. Kids are throwing food, pushing eachother, trying to get away etc. I hear a booming voice sound out. "SIIILEENCE!" That gets everyones attention. "You will all proceed calmly to your dorms. The teachers will take care of the troll. Prefects please lead your housemates off to the dorms quickly and quietly.

I see Kuro sneak off. Alright then, he's going to take care of the problem which means everyone is safe.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alright i know it was such a short chapter, but i don't really know how to put more into it right now. And i needed to whack out a chapter tonight as theres a family reunion tonight. I promise i will post more on my next chapter.

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