
A Little Rejection

Another week went by without warning, and Soohyun is all set for his return to the company. And how his relationship with JiU have grown, made him exhilarated all the more to come back to work. Ever since that visit to his place, JiU has been visiting regularly but not alone anymore, she would bring both Gray and Tiffany. Then they would spend time till late nights just talking and spending time like old friends. Soohyun becomes a little bit more confident in talking to JiU, and the latter becomes a bit more open as time passes. To sum up the week, Soohyun is completely satisfied with nothing but smiles on his features. With renewed confidence, Soohyun is ready to meet JiU again.

For the first time in his career as a young and successful CEO, he's never been so excited to work. He had called Yoochun an hour early about wanting to leave early for work. And he waited outside of his apartment building ten minutes before Yoochun arrived, much to the latter's surprise. Soohyun acted as he has never been before, a cheerful and joyous spirit.

Soohyun had much more in store for everyone back at the company when he arrived earlier than usual. He greeted every single person that waited for him to arrive. Everyone was utterly baffled at the sight of their new CEO, but none of them are complaining. All in all, everyone likes this new side of their boss. And the same kind of energy ushered itself along with Soohyun to his floor, bringing another set of people struck with disbelief.

"You look different," Gray entered Soohyun's office with a raised eyebrow, "What's with the glow?"

"Come on, bro," Soohyun smiled as he sits back on his chair with a sigh of content, "Shouldn't I be happy to get back to work?"

"Right, and to whom or what do I owe such excitement?" Gray takes his seat across Soohyun's table, "For years, I've been trying to get you excited for work, but now you're here, and I have nothing to do with it?"

Soohyun shrugged as he spins his chair around, "Maybe the accident changed me?"

"Wow… Maybe I should hit you with my BMW last time," Gray's playful remark earned him a flying pen to the face. The two best friends shared a brief moment of laughter after a long time, not doing so. "Good to have you back, man," Gray states with a nod to his best friend.

"Thank you, bro...Hmm… it's good to be back," Soohyun leaned forward on his table and looked around his office to see if anything changed since he left the room vacant. "So, anything I missed?"

"None that should concern you, though," Gray's answer initiated a question mark to Soohyun.

"What do you mean?" Soohyun frowned slightly upon hearing the reply.

"Well, JiU's reputation is not just another show; she handled everything reasonably within the company that it made me and Tiffany look bad as the right hand of two of the most successful CEOs in the country," Gray chuckled with amusement. "You know? If this weren't a fake contract, she would be one hell of a keeper, bro."

Soohyun can't help but smile at his best friend's appreciation towards the girl he admired so much. It is no surprise to Soohyun to hear such high praise for JiU's work since he had witnessed it when working as Byung Joon. JiU's dedication to her role as the head of the company is quite the sight to see, and her employees are more than a living proof of her work ethics. All in all, to Soohyun, she is the embodiment of who he should've have been as a CEO.

"Ahem!" It wasn't until Gray cleared his thought that Soohyun finally realized that he had wandered off at the mention of JiU's name. "Umm… you okay there, bud?"

"Ah! Yeah! Totally!" Soohyun replied with a little too high of a tone after noticing the trance that took him over. "So, is JiU around?"

"Sorry, man, she had to go to K Inc, to take care of something," Gray's answer brought dismay to Soohyun's high anticipations, "But she won't be long, at least, that was what she said earlier today."

Once again, the slightly dimmed light of hope lits up one more time. "Alright! What do we have on the menu today?"

Just like that, Soohyun's first day, after the accident, begins. He had to attend three meetings that day with some of the board members of the company. Then he had to take a long ride outside of the city to survey his father's project's development. Yet, no matter how tiring the day progressed, he's still looking forward to meeting JiU again.

Soohyun arrived an hour later to find the man he hated the most, loitering around in his office. "What are you doing, Sung Rok?" Soohyun's tone was cold and flat, indicating the clear message that he didn't want him here.

"Such a tone towards your senior?" Sung Rok stayed calm, but his reply sends that eerie chill as he walked back and forth around the room, "I came here merely to ask a simple question."

"What?" Soohyun asked just as coldly as he was earlier.

"How did you it?" Sung Rok stands right in front of Soohyun, asserting quite a dominant aura as he still towers over the latter in height.

"Do what?" Soohyun stared back at the man without as much as giving up a blink.

"Get the beautiful lady like JiU-ssi to partner up with you after such fiasco you pulled out months ago?" Sung Rok decided to walk circles around Soohyun as if to find any flaw he could exploit, "And becoming your girlfriend the next."

Soohyun was a bit taken aback at the question that no one ever bothered to ask until now. Sung Rok's way of staring at him and studying is an annoyance in its own right, and equally intimidating. His father's right-hand man is one of the brightest around, and it is no surprise that Sung Rok became the youngest and most trusted personnel within the company. But beneath all that bravado, Soohyun can see the corrupted mind hidden inside.

Soohyun scoffed and walked towards his desk, giving his back towards Sung Rok. "I don't owe you any explanation Sung Rok-ssi," Soohyun emphasizes the honorifics in a somewhat sarcastic tone, "It is none of your business."

Sung Rok only laughed and shook his head, "You might have fooled those around you, but you will never fool me," he then stares Soohyun dead in the eyes, "I don't know whatever it is you're hiding, but I will find out sooner or later. And when I do, there will be no trace left of you in this company."

Just as Sung Rok finished his threatening statement, JiU stepped in along with Tiffany. "Sung Rok-ssi, surprise seeing you here," JiU was puzzled, seeing the man since he was never around much, "What business do you have?"

"Leaving," Soohyun answered in Sung Rok's stead.

"Yes, I have concluded my conversation with Soohyun-ssi," Sung Rok smiled towards JiU, but his smile was a little too unsettling to reply. "Have a nice day," He strolled passed JiU and Tiffany without a second glance towards Soohyun.

"What was that about?" JiU walked towards Soohyun with a frown that still compliments her features. According to Soohyun.

"It was Sung Rok being the annoying ass that he is," Soohyun shrugged and turned to take his seat. "So, how was your day?"

"Busy, as always," JiU sits on one of the couches while Tiffany joins in, also dismissing her question about Sung Rok, "And you?"

"Pretty much the same, although not as fun as when you're around," Soohyun replied in a playful tone.

"On the contrary, I was doing well without you around," JiU replied with the same tone, yet not as pleasing for Soohyun.

"Hahaha," Tiffany's laugh only added the salt to the wound. However, the tension the room dissipated with a brief moment of laughter from the three.

Whatever form of tension they ever had, became a little less so. Much to Soohyun's delight, he does the moment where he can talk in a more casual tone with the woman that gives him both admiration and curiosity. And such interest has invited an idea. "So, JiU-ssi, are you free tonight?"

That question raised both of the ladies from their comfort on the sofa. "Wait, are you asking her out?" Tiffany points her finger at Soohyun then points back to JiU.

"Well, if it's not too much to ask," Soohyun complies.

"I'm sorry, Soohyun-ssi," JiU looked a little more apologetic than she needed to, "I got plans with Tiffany and some friends."

Much to Soohyun's dismay, he replied with a smile, "Oh! It's alright; maybe I can tag along then?" He's never been shy away from rejection, and he's not going to do that now.

"Ah, well, it's more of my circle of private friends," JiU's reply made Tiffany frown, but before the latter could utter a response, JiU gave her a nudge on the shin.

"Yes," Tiffany, understanding what JiU is implying, responds immediately, "It's more of a girls' night out, so boys are prohibited."

"Oh," Soohyun sounded very disappointed without even meaning to do so, "I got it, sorry if I sounded intrusive."

"No, not at all," JiU smiled rather sheepishly, feeling that she had to turn him down in such manner. Over those days where she would come and visit with Gray and Tiffany, she'd seen different sides of him that she finds interesting. However, she is not entirely comfortable letting him into her life as a whole yet. Even though she had found comfort in his company, it is not evident enough to express that trust towards him, by her standards. "It was just not the right timing."

Soohyun felt very discouraged and bothered, but he expected nothing less. It was a long shot from the beginning, but he tried his luck anyway. She remains a mystery that he can never solve unless she gives him that chance. "Next time then," He smiled gently towards her, and surprisingly she did the same.

"It's nice meeting you today," JiU states as she stands from her seat, "See you tomorrow."

"Looking forward to it," Soohyun replied before watching her disappear through the door along with Tiffany.

Soohyun buried his face in his hands with a grumble. Too fast, man, too fast on that throttle, regretting that he had probably gotten too quick on being too friendly with JiU. He stared at the door and sighed. Why? Why do you bother me so much? What is it with you that I can't get enough? What did you do to me JiU?

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