
Chapter 155 - Those honey coloured eyes

Hundreds of zombies on that floor chased after them.

Hanging on Yue's shoulders, Fan Xui calmly looked back. The ones running behind them tried to grab onto him. He just simply froze its arm. The frozen part just shattered into dust.

While going through this entire ordeal, he had only one through running through his mind. 'why are they so weak?'

Even the weaker ones are usually a level three, but none of the zombies here seem to have advanced.

They were all basic level zombie without any abilities.

'This is weird. What place is this? Why is the infection so infective here?' he shook his head.

All of a sudden his head banged into flesh. Fan Xui tightly closed his eyes with a slight flush. He tried his best not to look, but this person's ass was right in front of his face. It was not very easy to avoid.

'I can't believe this person is a guy...'

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