
63. Terror.

A fierce thunderous roar exhoed throughout the building, shaking the cave house to its core, which threatened to collapse down on its inhibitants. Or so she thought.

Oh god, Zeus is about to die.

Grabbing the wall for support, all thought about eating escaped her mind. Whatever had crawled up the masters arse and refused to budge? He truly sounded as if he's dying.

"Hey, where did you say again." She called out to the maid that was full blown panicking.

"Th..the hall of flame."

"The direction damn it. Even if it's hall of fire right now, I won't be able to locate it in before we get buried under this."

"Oh, this way." The two ran in the direction the commotion was coming from. Que had no idea what's going on. She just hoped the master isn't dying.

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