
Chapter 8

When I awake in the morning I know that I have to do all of the jobs I was meant to do yesterday. Grabbing a pair of jeans, a printed tee and some undergarments I quickly dress and shove my hair into a ponytail. Folding the shirt I place it on the end of the bed. Throwing all of the dirty clothes I can find into my washing basket I leave my room shutting the door behind me quietly. Looking at my watch I see that it is only 8 am and that I only got a few more hours of sleep after I awoke.

I enter all of the rooms and grab the laundry baskets. I enter Bills room and see that he is gone. Well not left because I can see his suitcase lying under the bed, I mean gone as in he isn't in the room. Shaking the thoughts out of my head I touch the necklace around my neck.

Kissing it I tuck it back into my shirt and lug all of the laundry downstairs and to the basement. Leaving all of the laundry at the door I go upstairs to the kitchen. I grab a bowl of cheerios, top it with some fresh strawberries and sit down at the table. Just as I pull the chair out I feel a pair of warm arms around my waist. I slap them away and turn expecting to see Will when I'm greeted by the lovely face of Grace. She's bent over laughing and I just crack a smile on my face then sit in my chair.

After I've finished breakfast I make my way down to the laundry room. On my way I see a very cute Will walking down the stairs. His bed hair is just so funny. Chuckling to myself I walk into the laundry and pick up the laundry bag I placed down here earlier.

Loading the machine and turn it on I place the bag on the hooks next to the machine. Turning around I almost scream at the sight in front of me. Here is Bill with bruises all over his face. Then it hit me. He was the guy from the party yesterday. I almost scream again but stop when I realise he's doing cocaine lines. As quietly as I can I sneak over to the door and throw it open then bolt up the stairs.

I reach the top of the stairs and collide with Will. He gives me a look and I hug him. He hugs me back but I know that he's wary.

"What happened? Why did you run out of there like you'd seen a dead body?"

"Please tell me what I just saw wasn't real ... Please please please ..." I trail off and he pulls away and looks me in the face. I know he is trying to understand what I'm saying so I delve further.

"Your cousin ... Bill ... Is down there ... Snorting cocaine lines!" I bury my head back into his chest and he holds me while I regain my composure.

Then when I have, he takes my hand and leads me up the other side of the staircase and towards his father's study. When we get there he grabs my shoulders and looks me straight in the eyes.

"Be strong and just tell him what happened!" With that he gives me a hug and kisses my forehead. He then takes my hand in his and knocks on the study door.

Mr McIntyne is surprised to see us and his eyes trail down to our hands. I slink back and take my hand out of Wills when he grabs it back and gives it a firm squeeze. I walk forward and slip into the seat in front of Mr McIntynes desk. He waves his hand and I start talking.

By the time I'm finished he looks deep in thought and deeply concerned about Bill. He nods and thanks me for telling him. We leave the room and Will embraces me into a hug. "I knew you could do it" he whispers into my hair. I can't help but beam into his shirt. We head back downstairs and I go to the kitchen with Will trailing behind me. He sits at the breakfast bar while I go into the kitchen and do the dishes. I pass Paolo and give him my warmest smile. Finishing up the dishes in the kitchen I go and grab Wills breakfast dishes. When I've finished the dishes I go and get the washing and hang it out. By this time Bill is long gone.

By the time I've finished all of my chores I look at the clock and see that it's 4:30 pm. Smiling at myself I go upstairs and shower. Changing into a sundress that belonged to my mother I walk downstairs and enter the rose garden. I sit on the bench and think about my family for a while, I also notice that I haven't seen Will since I left him at the breakfast bar this morning. I stand and place my phone on the bench under the pergola in the centre of the garden. Blasting a mix of Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran I start dancing around the garden. About halfway through the fourth song, I start to ballroom dance on my own. Closing my eyes I let the music move me and I feel all of the worry and tenseness drain away.

Thinking Out Loud comes on and I start swirling in circles with my imaginary partner when I feel a hand join my own and another encircle around my waist. Opening my eyes I see Will and I smile. He smiles back and we keep dancing. Photograph comes on next and as we keep dancing it starts raining. I open my eyes and look up at the sky smiling and laughing. Will joins in soon after and we look like total idiots drenched in water, dancing and laughing.

A few more songs pass and the rain shows no sign of slowing down. Will seems to notice this as he pulls on my wrist and I come tumbling (not so gracefully) towards him. He tells me to wait where I am and goes over to the pergola. He retrieves something and then comes back. He's holding a blue square box and my brain goes into overdrive wondering what this is for! He hugs me so tightly I don't think I can breathe and then he steps back. He passes me the box and I open it. Inside is a gold rose pendant with a ruby sitting in the centre of the rose. I look up at Will astounded and see that he has stepped closer to me.

"Happy Birthday Blossom", he whispers and I can't believe I forgot all about my birthday. Smiling this biggest smile I've had in ages he takes the necklace from the box and places it around my neck. When it's clasped I feel something warm on my cheek and I turn around to see Will slowly moving away.

All I can think is it's my birthday and if you're going to kiss me like that your gonna kiss me properly. He doesn't get to tease me like this. I grab him by the shirt and pull him towards me. I smash my lips against his and I feel him tense. Then he softens and kisses me back with as much passion as I always wished someone would kiss me. We kissed until I was breathless and all I could think was how amazing my first kiss was. Then before he gets a chance to say anything I kiss his cheek and run to the pergola. I grab my phone and turn the music off then I bolt back into the house.

I hear Will pounding up the stairs behind me but I ignore it. I run past Wills room and run into Graces room. She walks back inside from the balcony with her phone in her hand and comes over to me. She grabs my hands and starts squealing. Then it clicks. She just videoed everything Will and I did out there. I smile at her and she embraces me in a hug. "I'll give you your present later now go to Will!" with that she pushes me out of the room. I collide with something warm and see Will standing right in front of me. I smile up at him and take off running again. He catches me and pushes me into my room. I run over to my bathroom and lock the door. I hear him sigh and leave my room. I then unlock my door and walk out cautiously. It's only when two arms wrap around my waist that I realise Will hasn't left my room at all.

He turns me around and kisses me deeply. When he pulls away I see a happiness in his eyes I hadn't seen before. He starts to ask me something when my phone rings. I answer it without looking at the caller id. I put the call on speaker and just as I'm about to say hello I hear a group of kids start singing happy birthday on the other end of the line. By the time they have finished Will and I are laughing. I thank them very much and they pass the phone to Martha.

"Sorry, I haven't talked to you lately sweetie. The kids have been running around like spoilt kids with all of the new toys and clothes I got them." I laugh at that and Martha and I start talking about her plans for the week. When I get off of the phone Will looks like he is asleep.

I change into my pyjamas after I've dried myself off and crawl onto the bed next to Will. He stirs and I notice that he has changed into some dry clothes. He looks at me and smiles. He then kisses my nose and I smile.

"Soooo you didn't have any plans for your pupil free day tomorrow did you?!" He looks confused by my question but answers with a no anyway.

"Well, then we best get to sleep if you want to go on a trip with me tomorrow! I just have to do one thing ok! I'll be back in five." with that I jump off of my bed and throw on a pair of track pants. Placing a hair tie on the back of Wills shirt to make it look like it fits me I race down the stairs and up the other side to Mr McIntynes office. I knock and enter. He looks busy so I make my point quick and brief. He gives me permission for our little trip tomorrow and I thank him profoundly. I shut his office door and run back to my room. I find Will asleep on my bed and I chuckle. I grab a thick blanket and drape it over him. Cuddling up to him I fall into a peaceful sleep.

# Wills P.O.V #

I awake to Meghan's head on my shoulder and her arms draped over my chest. I look at the clock and see that it's only 6:45 am. Meghan's phone goes off five minutes later and she jumps up to turn it off. She pulls on my arm to get me up and she looks so happy. She starts dancing around like a little kid singing a song about road trips. When she thinks she has sung enough of that she grabs her phone and starts playing Ed Sheeran again.

She goes and takes a shower and then comes out dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a Pink Floyd shirt. She chucks a jacket on and places her converse on her feet. As she slips her foot into her shoes her phone starts ringing cutting off Ed Sheeran. She sighs and answers the phone. She then smiles and thanks the guy on the other end. She shoos me out of her room and tells me to get dressed etc and meet me downstairs in 10 minutes. I enter my room and see Grace sitting on my bed. She looks up from her phone then places it in her pocket. She gives me a hug and hands me a DVD. Smiling she leaves my room without saying a word.

Running down the stairs nine minutes later dressed in my jeans a print tee and my Nikes on my feet I see Meghan sitting on the couch. She smiles up at me and hands me a microwavable container then grabs my hand and drags me outside. She walks over to a car I have never seen before and slides into the driver's side. I recognize it as a Hyundai Getz. Sliding into the passenger seat she starts the car up and I'm surprised she has a license. She chucks me her wallet and i open it up to see that she is a P2 driver. I put her wallet in the centre console and she passes me a knife and fork. I open the container and see eggs and toast and bacon inside of it. I lean over and kiss her cheek. She starts the engine and off we go.

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