
Chapter-25: Some changes in village and someone trying to Blackmail?

After an exhausting month of just introducing reforms and revising the village policies I was really burnt out.

The village's system was subpar at best.

All of it was plain stupid.

The corrupt officials were everywhere leeching off the resources.

I didn't like that one bit.

If someone is doing corruption, it must be me and only me.

I don't want other getting too rich and successful...That is how you ask for getting overthrown and get your business Thanos snapped.

I introduced several schemes in disguise to make things better for my own business too.

I also integrated my business' money pool into Konoha's vault till my tenure as a Hokage.

I, Kazuya Uchiha, have a legendary plan.

I will make myself rich and make other village pay for it!

I commenced the plan to do this.

I just started buying business en masse with Konoha's money and named all of it to myself.

I filled Konoha's vault with 20% of the money I earned in last 6 months which was quite a lot but still fell a little short to the money I spent from Konoha's vault but who cares?

People just saw that I invested, not taking money out and that is all that matters.

I also started buying a lot of land and I mean a lot of land in as well as out of Konoha.

I had a lot of land in Suna, Some land in Kiri and complete control of Land of Waves.

Kumo and Iwa were rapidly thwarting my attempts so recently, I started an unofficial war with them. I eliminated every resource trader as well Sabotaged the resource.

How? I just used ANBU and my own Shadow clones to check on them as well as a lot of explosion tags.

A lot of Explosion tags.

It was due to me being a fuinjutsu grandmaster.

Fuinjutsu was extremely easy for me and I could just use shadow clones to make them.

Fuinjutsu had only 2 parts: Effective part and Stabilizing part.

Effective part triggered the phenomenon according to chakra supplied and the true meaning of the word along with correct intent while Stabilizing part was to prevent the seal from collapsing due to unclear words or bad usage of words. It also enhanced the effect of fuinjutsu itself and reduced consumption of chakra too.

It basically was in form of letter being on the dead center of the medium and different stabilizing elements around the it.

I modified it to suit my needs and tried using a different language.


The meaning behind the word as well as sentence was extremely clear except for a few sentences.

It was far better than japanese as japanese just lacked the stability.

It was a delicate language.

One wrong stroke was enough to mess the whole seal up. That is why Stabilizing parts had to be used so much.

Usage of English removed majority of stabilizing part as the intent behind the words was extremely clear and the language didn't get too demeaned, even with an extra stroke. It didn't affect the seal whatsoever.

Learning fuinjutsu was filled with just learning stabilizing part as the effective part was just supplying chakra to the written words with correct intent.

The stabilizing part was hard.

I was still making quickly got accustomed to making seals in english.

The quality of seals was otherworldly with usage of English.

To give a degree of comparison, An average storage seal could store up to 5 cubic meters then my seal could store around 10 cubic meters.

The difference was extremely high.

Anyways, I just used ANBU to burn the resource producing places and used the a lot of storage seals to steal the resources from them.

Food was taken away, fields were burned, water resources were evaporated with fire ninjutsu, businesses' supplies were sabotaged, civilianswere put in genjutsu to create troubles etc.

It made Iwa and Kumo a clusterf*ck.

The didn't notice it initially but after sometime, they were alerted a lot but at that time, I was done.

Uchiha hub was now a brand name and not a area.

A business giant.

It was the company that was managed by my own personnel as well as Haku and everyone except Haku were got Danzo's tongue seal.

I could make it easily after a few attempts and using shadow clones.

Kumo and Iwa now lacked a lot of resources and the people were opening critizing them of abandoning the Uchiha hub.

They were under extreme pressure.

They knew it was me who did all this but they couldn't say anything.

They knew they started it and they didn't have the power to finish it.

The changes that I introduced in Konoha were as follows:

I revamped education system completely.

The enrollment age was 4 and it was compulsory for everyone to enroll.

I also used a lot of money to make proper schemes for the underprivileged children like poor, homeless or orphans to make Dormitories for them. They were provided food, shelter, clothing and training. It was compulsory to enroll all of them in academy and get a lot of ninjas.

A few C-rank techniques were provided to the academy and now graduation test included performing a single C-rank technique and basic three.

The books for ninja arts were re-written by my shadow clones it's quality was extremely high because of my own, Hiruzen's and hundreds of jonins' experience and insight.

I could pass other policies due to lack of time though.

Only these were done but hey, it was some sweet progress, something that didn't exist for decades since Hiruzen became Danzo's simp.

Currently, I was sitting in my office and doing my usual stuff.

Many people came here all the time related to their occupation with the reports.

Hiruzen implemented this little system for paperwork before he died.

At least he was a little useful.

I killed all of the moles in the village and reassigned the people and gave them Danzo's tongue seal.

After some time, the head doctor came inside the my office.

He said he wanted to talk.

I was a bit surprised as I didn't think that someone would just want to talk for no reason. It was suspicious. Too suspicious.

"Hello, Hokage-sama! I'd like to talk with you about your private matters. Can you please send the ANBU around away? It may be very~ critical information." Head doctor said with a smile on his face.

I knew that something was off.

I just sent the ANBU away. I can protect myself as I am confident in my abilities.

"Okay, speak. What do you want?" I said with no emotions.

"Now, Now Hokage-sama, don't be so cold. I came here to...make a deal." He said.

"What deal?" I asked.

"A deal where you give me money as well as authority and I don't spill your secrets." He said with a mysterious smile.

What secrets did he find out?!

"What secrets are you exactly talking about?" I asked as I activated silencing seal around the office.

"That you are not even Uchiha clan head's son and a corrupt individual. I have proofs regarding that and I suggest you don't act smart. I already planted these files with a lot of people and they will spread it. I wonder how will everyone react to that? hahahaha." He said with a vile smile.

I just closed my eyes, activated mangekyo and brought Haku out of my Kamui dimension.

"Come on Haku-chan. Sit on my lap." I said with a smile.

"H-Hai, Kazuya-sama." She said with a blush on her face.

"Wha-" the Head doctor looked a bit confused.

"I thought you would bring something better and do some actual planning but It's my fault...I will introduce myself." I said.

"what are you tal-" He tried to say something but I cut him off.

"My name is Uchiha Kazuya. I'm 13 years old. My house is in the heart of section of Uchiha hub, where all the shops are, and I am not married. I work as Godaime Hokage, and I get home every day by 10 PM at the latest. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. I also occassionally flirt with Hinata Hyuga, the former heiress of the Hyuga clan." I said as I fondled Haku's breasts.

He was still confused.

"I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what."

"After having a glass of sake, have s*x with Haku and do a 2 minutes of stretching before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning. I was told there were no issues at my last check-up." I played with Haku's p*ssy a little.

"did you go insane from the secrets getting revealed?!" He said in a angry voice.

"I'm trying to explain that I'm a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. No enemies remain in my path as all of them are buried six feet deep sooner or later. That is how I deal with the ninja world, and I know what truly brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn't lose to anyone." I said as I released some bloodlust and he started sweating a lot.

"w-w-w-what are you trying to say huh?!" He asked.

"Haku, I will go back to the dimension for the time being. We will drink together and have more than usual s*x today. I am happy to see that such jesters still exist and didn't learn anything. You will attend to my duties for the time being." I said as I activated my Kamui and went to Kamui dimension along with the Medic doctor.

He tried to stab me but failed.

I threw him away from me.

When I looked back, Karin was trying to hug me.

I just played a little with her *ss.

I then used a earth style ninjutsu to make a big throne for myself.

"You currently are in my personal dimension, where I am the God." I said as I sat on the throne ,embrace Karin and kiss her.

He widened his eyes and had a face filled with absolute shock.

"N-No! You're BLUFFING! THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE! NOT EVEN 3RD HOKAGE COULD DO THIS!" He said as he was shivering a lot.

"Why do you think that no one who could oppose or released my secrets could be discovered?" I said with a smile.

He was now really scared.

"...ahahhahahah! M-My men will release the secrets of your if you do a-a-a-anything to me!!" He said.

"You are Akihiko Hasegawa. 47 year old, the head medic nin in the Konoha hospital. I know virtually everything about you that is public. I can just get all the information about literally everything from you. I don't even need you to tell me. Just killing will give me all your memories. I will use those memories to my benefit. Your friends will die. Your wife and 2 girls of about my age...hahahahaha. I will make all three of them my own s*x slaves and then kill them off. They will suffer every moment from this point and ironically feel only pleasure for rest of their pitiful lives. I never thought someone so foolish like you would exist." I said with a vile laugh.

He was now petrified.

That moment, he knew, he f*cked up.

I could feel Karin getting scared and horny at the same time.

"Don't worry Karin-chan. I will claim you right now as my own. I didn't want you to be scared of me. I was just waiting for a good moment to do it. I didn't expect this clown to be here though. It's just intimidation tactics." I whispered to her with a genuine smile.

She just blushed.

"H-H-Hai..." She said meekly.

"Now, Now I can't exactly allow you to run around, can I?" I said as I looked toward Akihiko.

His eyes were filled with fear.

I closed my eyes, activated the Rinnegan and placed my right hand on the throne's arm rest to do summoning as I fondled Karin's *ss with left hand.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu: Chikushodo!"

A really big, multi-headed dog was summoned along with a giant drill-beaked bird.

I deactivated my Rinnegan.

Unlike Nagato's summons, mine only had the black receivers in them and the eyes were regular when I deactivated my Rinnegan.

"Go my beautiful summons! Make his life miserable with suffering. Don't kill him though. You mustn't break your toy again. I need him okay?" I said.

They nodded.

"Now go! Have some fun!" I said as I started fondling Karin's *ss even more.






(A/N: Did you like it?

I also accidentally deleted the draft so you get new stuff thought out, fresh outta my brain-oven.

The content I thought out was a little too big for a single chap so you gotta wait for next chap.

It was about 4000-5000 words. so yeahhhh~~

Get cliff-kunned.

I will include Karin's lemon on popular request and Hinata will receive her own later.

You save the best for the last after all.

"Give up on the Power stones now, mongrels. All powerstones belong to me, the Powerstone-king Gilgamesh."

Thanks for reading!)

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