

A few weeks had passed and the league was gathering new members.

Now they had Dabi, Toga, and Twice, a tall blond-haired man who always wore a mask.

Hannya was currently lying on her bed, gazing up at the ceiling when her phone rang.

Picking it up from her bedside table she looked at the number and smiled.

[Hello there Hinata-chan]

[Hannya-sama, I have some news you might want to hear about.]

Her eyes raised in curiosity, [Oh, really?]

[Yes, one of my people placed on I-Island informed me that it's been taken over by terrorists.]

Hannya closed her eyes, [Interesting, thank you for the information.]

[Your welcome Hannya-sama.]

Hanging up the phone Hannya stood up, she was intrigued.

Walking over to the door she opened it, leaned out and shouted, "TOMO-CHAN I'LL BE AWAY FOR A FEW HOURS."

"WHA-" Tomura started to say but Hannya had already disappeared.

Appearing on the tall skyscraper in the centre of I-island Hannya immediately regretted her decision as a metal pole slammed into her sending her flying.

Sighing she sunk into the ground as she was about to collide with it and gliding through the floor, appeared behind the students she had spotted earlier.

A frown appeared on her masked face as she saw a massive tower of steel and iron surrounding a glowing man she recognised.

'Wolfram?" she thought and suddenly saw two figures flying towards the villain.

They were Izuku and All MIght both of whom were racing towards Wolfram, at incredible speeds.

Only then did she notice the thing attached to the villain's head.

Hannya remembered her sensei telling her that someone was getting a quirk enhancer for him, and using deductive reasoning she gathered that that was probably it since she didn't remember Wolfram being this powerful.

Hannya's eyes widened as she saw Izuku and All Might place their fist together and shouting "PLUS ULTRA!" punch the massive metal monstrosity.

A huge shockwave blew outwards from Wolfram's position as his armour fell apart.


(Izuku POV)

Bursting out of the rubble I looked around confused.

"DEKU!" I turned to the source of the voice.

"Melissa!" I exclaimed.

Running over to me she helped me out of the rubble, "I'm so glad you're alive!"

As soon as I was out of the fallen debris I looked around for All Might and quickly found him.

"Melissa, they're over there," I said pointing them out to her.

A smile spread across her face, "PAPA!"

"ALL MIGHT!" We shouted, and the two older men looked up at us and smiled, but their expressions soon turned to shock and fear.

"GET AWAY FROM THERE!" All Might shouted and I turned around to see what he was concerned about.

There next to the unconscious Wolfram stood a new villain but this one was one that I had seen before and one that haunted my nightmares.

Hannya, the masked woman, participant of two U.A. attacks, and the one who apparently was even more powerful than the Nomu.

I took a step back and grabbed Melissa's hand and got ready to run, but the villain didn't move, she only stood there staring at us through the singular hole in her mask.

"Stay behind me!" I muttered.

"WOW, WHY'S EVERYBODY SO TENSE?" the villain shouted, wiggling her arm above her head.


A feeling of foreboding started to form in my stomach at her words and my concerns were confirmed when she bent down and picked up the quirk amplifier.

"AND WE WON'T BE NEEDING YOU ANYMORE!" she exclaimed before pulling out a kitchen knife and stabbing Wolfram in the heart.

Anger started to build up in me as the woman's words replayed in my mind, 'We won't be needing you anymore!' she had said.

Jumping forwards I used One for All full cowl and tried punching her fury coursing through my veins, "YOU MONSTER, YOU KILLED YOUR OWN TEAMMATE!"

But I didn't even manage to hit her since she disappeared into the ground.

"AHHHHHH!" I shouted, angry at how she could just kill another human being without even batting an eye.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, "It's not your fault Midoriya-shounen." All Might said.

"You'll just have to train harder if you want to defeat villains like her."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Sorry for the delay.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)

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