
27: End of a new love story

Ishan and Mable go to a jewelry store after office work. Ishan buys beautiful golden ear rings for his fiancée. Mable buys an entire box of lockets for each family member. When they get back home, Ishan gifts Mira the ear rings. Mable takes the box and gifts everyone their lockets. Tony's wife asks Mable why she has bought them," tell me sister in-law, what is the occasion and main reason for these gifts"

Mable hugs her sister in-law and tells her why she has done it," if I died today, all of you would remember me with these lockets,that's why"

This time Mark really gets angry at Mable and scolds her," why are you saying all these things, its not funny anymore so stop it!"

Ishan goes back to his house, but upon entering the house,someone knocks him so hard on the back of the head such that he collapses and becomes unconscious. In the morning Mira goes to Ishan's house and is surprised to see the whole house in a messy state. She gets terrified and goes to Mable. Ishan regains consciousness but is weak and finds himself in a strange place, Andy reveals himself and starts talking to him," you thought you were so clever when you reported me to your leader right?now I will kill you to send a message to Mable and of course the family "

Mira reaches the house and tells Mable what she found at Ishan's house, just then Mable receives a phone call from an unknown number, hello there great leader, it's Andy, I have a little surprise for you, I have your right hand man, Ishan with me, start making funeral arrangements because your friend won't make it back home"

Mira gets even more terrified, " you better let him go or else... or else...I will not spare... just...just let him go! "

Mable also warns Andy with no fear in her voice," let him go coward! this battle is between you and I so let my friend go or else..."

Before she could finish the sentence, the family hear a gunshot in the background and they jerk with fear. Mira screams in pain and instantly freezes. Mable, Kel,Tony and Ray go with the police to look for Ishan. They find his body in his house. Mable is angered and declares war on Andy. Getting home, Mira is anxiously waiting to hear that her fiancé is alive, Mable breaks the news of Ishan's death and Mira is left shattered, "no!this can't be happening"

The family arranges for the funeral and three days later,Ishan is buried but Mira can't get over his death. Salma goes to Mira's room to give her some food as she hasn't eating anything in two days,but Mira refuses, " aunt?am not hungry, I just miss Ishan so much,we were going to get married in a month but that stupid man killed him,I don't know why this tragedy chose me over everyone, its not fair aunt not at all"

Mable is filled with pain,anger and vengeance, " you messed with the wrong breed of humans Andy, I will fight you with all my might if it is the last thing I do, because of you, my sister and friend lost two love of her life, I don't care if I lose my life fighting you"

Mable calls Andy on the phone and tells him to prepare for his own funeral.



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