

What had she done?

Elexis stormed down the streets of the now abandoned streets letting the storm in her heart rage on.

What had she done!

Lighting forked down from the now gathered dark clouds.

What had she done!

What had she done!

What had she done!

Ana, it was Ana who had stood there in front of her, she would have known it from a passing glance. And it was Ana whose very soul Elexis had just shattered.

She had seen it in those scarlet eyes, eyes that matched her wine and brandy hair. And she had seen the moment that had shattered her, that had shattered a part of Elexis too. What had happened to never harming a sister?

A part of her raged that Cinis had killed her Rebels, yelled and screamed that it wasn't Ana still broken in the abandoned warehouse. That same part of her boomed with the thunder in the sky and cracked with the energy coursing through her blood. But Ana, Ana was alive, and she was there, and Elexis had walked away. Had left her broken and scrambling to pick up the pieces. Axton stood at her side now, though when he had joined her she didn't know.

"It didn't go well?" She heard the I told ya'' tone in his voice but kept walking, not even daining to acknowledge him by turning her head.

"She is broken, as you said, but we might be able to put her back together." She begged the goddess for it, for the hope she could help put Ana back together.

"What happened, what did she say that has sent you into such a rage?" He knew her too well.

"She's afraid, she's afraid of herself, of us."

"So what do we do?" She flinched knowing what she had to do, knowing that it might just break the very last piece of Ana.

"We have to make her remember, make her remember who she is, and what they did to her that night." Axton stopped and she turned to him the storm clouds dissipating, if only to reveal a sky still blocked by clouds, even if they were lighter.

"If we push her into that dark abyss, Ana may not come out."

"If it's the only way to save her, then so be it."

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