
Book 4 : Chapter 83

Leo's POV

Blair and I leaped behind our truck, ducking low, as another round of machine-gun fire was sent our way.

We breathed heavily pressing our backs against the armoured metal.

The bombs laid on the roads and around the border had all been detonated by the first fleet of Martinez's men meaning now there was a free passage for hundreds more to flood in, all trigger happy and ruthless.

We were struggling to hold them back and chaos had quickly gripped the entire territory as we lost countless good soldiers, including every man in my patrol except myself and Blair. It was now just the two of us against a group of about a eight of Martinez's men and only a short distance away, we could hear the fire and shouts of other patrols as they fought just as we were.

"Any word of Martinez?" I asked Blair as I looked over to him.

He shook his head, "no sign of him. But division three have some prisoners. They might find something."

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