
So much for that

"What?" Eve looked at her hands with a lost expression. "What the—"

"Don't sleep!" I shouted, pulling her by the arm towards the exit.

Just in time—foxmen didn't dawdle, and neither did Cornellio. I saw him moving to intercept Staghead, but foxmen were fast, too—not as fast as a bullet, but fast enough to give Staghead the opening.

It was time for the plan B. Plan B started with me and Eve reaching the doors outside. Without any more words, we ran and didn't look back, me right behind Eve and her longer legs.

We were almost there when I heard a swish of a sword right above my ear. It all happened so fast that I didn't even have time to process it—one moment I was sure I was done with, the next the swish ended and I was out of the room and still alive and whole.

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