
Will you marry me?

Hanna's Diner.

Lilian sighed exhaustedly as she looked at the others and asked rhetorically, ''is everything ready?''

''Yes, I think this much is enough considering that we just got called out this morning to prepare'' Miss Gladys replied.

''Ayah is going to be the most beautiful bride today'' Sandra said.

''Yes'' Gideon affirmed.

''The cake is ready…'' Jennifer entered the diner speaking. Two men carried giant box of cake following her.

''Jasper just called. They will be here in 5 minutes'' Nick turned to said to everyone.

''Berth, let's go and get dressed'' Clara said to Bertha.

''Yes. You girls should hurry up before they get here'' Ben said to them.

''This place doesn't even look like a diner anymore. Is so beautiful'' Mrs. Hanna said as she looked at her diner which had become a wedding venue.

''Sis Gladys, have you called the Priest?'' Lilian turned and asked.

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