
Chapter 8: TALON

"Skylar I asked you a question."

"Talon I don't know what he's up to okay." ?She started sneezing again. That's it, I'm taking her stubborn ass to the doctor if that shit doesn't stop no matter what the hell she says.

Who would've thought that my girl would be so hard headed? I've been telling her to go for the past few days but does she listen, no way. Now I'm putting my foot down, but first I have to deal with this bullshit.

"Has he been calling you or trying to contact you in some way?"

"Not that I know of." She looked pissed as hell, which helped to cool the fire burning under my skin.

I noticed her annoying ass roommate still hanging around listening to everything we said, probably needed gossip for her demented friend. "Do you mind? We're having a private conversation here." I glared at her.

?"Excuse me Mr. Big shot, but this is as much my room as hers I don't have to leave if I don't want to."

I don't have time for this shit, "That's it Skye, let's get your shit, you're coming with me now." ?I started to grab her shit. I knew I was acting like a prick but I didn't much care right now. I wanted her with me anyway and this was just the catalyst I needed. Fucking flowers and shit, what was next? I knew for damn sure that douche won't be sending any motherfucking flowers to my place. Not unless he wanted me to gut him with a rusty knife.

"Robyn could you please give us a minute alone, please? It'll only take a minute."

She huffed out of the room with attitude after Skye asked her nicely.

Personally, I couldn't give a shit; there was nothing more to be said. She wasn't staying here anymore and that was final. I mean what was the point? She was practically living with me already anyway so I didn't see the big deal.

"Talon we have to talk about this."

"Nothing to talk about." I kept clearing her side of the room, throwing shit haphazardly into her travel bags. I'd get the bigger shit later. "Go get your girly shit out of the bathroom."

She folded her arms and tapped her foot. "You do realize we've known each other a total of three weeks right? Twenty-one days Talon, people don't move in together after twenty-one days."

"You've slept next to me every night of the past fourteen days. What the fuck do you think is going to happen if you move in with me? Have I tried to force you into anything, am I pressuring you to fuck?"

"Talon, there's more to it than that, it's not just about us sleeping together, and would you stop swearing at me?"

"No Skylar, fuck, I'm pissed way the fuck off, some fucktard is sending my woman fucking roses, this shit's gonna be all over campus by end of day. Fuck me."

"Calm down..."

"Skylar, Get, Your, Shit." She doesn't listen worth shit.

"I don't understand why you're acting like this. I didn't talk to Robert, I have no intentions of ever talking to that jerk again, okay!"

"Get your shit or we're leaving without it."

She rolled her eyes at me and sat on her bed, and then the fucking sneezing started again.

"Babe, you sure that's just allergies? You've been sick for a while, fuck it, I'm taking you to see the doc." I dropped her shit and went to pick her up but she fended me off with her stubborn ass.

?"No baby it's fine I promise, they're just a little worse than usual but nothing to worry about." Yeah, I've been hearing that shit for days now. I studied her teary eyes and red nose with suspicion, I didn't care who laughed at me, seeing her sick was not an option.

My boys thought I'd lost it but what the fuck did they know? How would they know how it felt to have someone so deep under your skin that you wanted to keep all the bad away? They were just a bunch of horny asses looking to get laid.

For me this was the big stakes, the until death do you part shit that seemed designed to make men stupid, because I couldn't see where she was losing her damn mind. She was all smooth sailing while I spent every waking moment thinking up ways to attach her to me so I can keep an eye on her twenty-four seven.

The last two weeks have been fucking amazing; apart from the strange fucking looks and the whispers everywhere we went things were going smoothly. I knew they were working out that way because I've been steamrolling over her.

I made a decision and carried it through. Like the decision to spend every night in the same bed, she hadn't been too sure about that either, but I didn't take no for an answer.

I knew I was moving too fast for convention, ask me if I give two fucks. She's my girl and she'll be my girl when she's ninety. Nothing's gonna change that, why the fuck should I go slow, to impress who or abide by whose standards?

Life's too mother-fucking short for that shit, kill that noise. Of course my teammates joked behind my back that I was pussy whipped.?First one of those assholes I hear saying that shit was gonna get a fist to the face.

Not for making fun of me, but because it was disrespectful to my girl. My girl wasn't easy, she didn't give it up and surprisingly I didn't feel the need to rush her. Not that it was anybody's fucking business, but all the same I didn't want them thinking that shit let alone saying it.

I took her everywhere with me, even practice; I had her sitting in the stands while we went through our routines. My baby didn't know shit about the game but that didn't bother me, I don't need a cheerleader.

She could sit there and read or play on her phone or some shit, as long as I could see her when I looked over there that's all I cared about. I didn't care about anyone else's opinion. All those people who swore they knew me and whispered that we wouldn't last, that I'd soon grow bored and pull an Avery as it was called around here; everyone seemed to be questioning my behavior. Just a good hard look usually had them shutting the fuck up.

I knew other girls were approaching her and giving her shit, she didn't tell me this of course, she didn't have to. There were more than enough people on campus that made it their business to keep me in the loop. None of them dared approach her in my presence, it would only make them look stupid since she knew all about them.

I told her everything, well I didn't go into detail, that's just fucking crass, but I told her who I'd fucked before, well the ones that were still here anyway. So none of them could try to throw that shit in her face. She knew too that I never hit the same skin twice, didn't want anyone getting ideas.

I knew they were mad as fuck that I treated her differently after only just meeting her, when some of them had been trying for years to snare me. I tell you one thing, I'm not into disrespecting women, I won't call any of my past conquests whores for sleeping with me after one night, what would that make me after all? But if they fucked with her I won't think twice about drop kicking one of their asses.

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