
Chapter 107: DEVON

No one breathed easy as we flew through the night, heading towards the gulf, which is where Mancini informed us Khalil was meeting with the senator.

"So that's how he's always evaded us, he uses a decoy." Logan looked around at the rest of us.

"Yep, I guess for the criminal element it pays to be paranoid." Con stretched out his legs and closed his eyes.

"But how did he know we were coming?" Ty dropped his head back and rubbed his eyes.

"I'm not sure he did, but after the move on the general, he must've decided to be extra careful." Mancini filled us in.

"How sure are we that he's the one with the senator?"

"Track seems pretty sure, like I said, he has eyes on him and they're in a convoy tent. Lots of security so we have to go in hard and fast."

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