
Chapter 72: TYLER

I had the biggest fucking grin on my face as I shoveled in some kind of country style eggs that were so flavorful I could've wept. No one was talking they were too busy scraping their plates.

"Geez Zak at least leave the pattern on the plate." He gave me the finger behind his daughter's head. Even the baby thought the shit was good if the way she waved her legs and chortled while stealing bits from my plate was any indication.

My brothers were singing her praises and my chest swelled with pride until I felt Dev and Quinn staring at me. When I scowled over at them that fucker Quinn had the nerve to mouth the words 'bitch made at me' the fuck. I'll take both of them no sweat.

"Do you really like it sweetie?" She calls me sweetie, too cute, and if these fuckers don't stop choking on their shit I'll give them something to choke on the fucks. "Yeah baby it's really good."

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