
Chapter 93: Fixing the ship.

Chapter 93: Fixing the ship.

Chasm had the Nebos divert the leaking fuel away from the power dowel. Although Chasm didn’t know the name for most of the parts on an alien ship, that didn’t mean he didn’t know how they went together or the dangers. He knew that if the fuel got too close to the energy peg, there could be an explosion. He'd seen firsthand that the fire that followed was difficult to extinguish.

Once the glowing liquid was streaming from the dowel, Chasm crouched over the power source. He had the Nebos form into a glove and then pulled the white fabric over his hand. Chasm used his thumb and the tip of his index finger to grab the very tip of the peg. At the two ends of the tiny rod, the energy was less powerful. The most treacherous part of the power source was in the very center. The dowel buzzed at his fingertips as he rose slowly.

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