
Chapter 149

Ian had arranged for Seth to keep Manuel's sister and mother locked up until they could give them their options.

Seth also promised to show Ian who he was planning on selling Manuel's sister's hand in marriage too. According to him it was a vile man who was involved in a lot of shady business who was looking for a wife that would make him sound a little bit more respectable.

Since the Juan's case was still not yet public knowledge, their name was somewhat intact. It was only in those small circles that news of the bankruptcy and arrest had traveled. 

On the other hand, Ian was also eager to speak to Camilla, he wanted to clear things up with her.

He didn't deny that his hunger for revenge made him somewhat of a monster, he knew he was wrong to want it so much and it was something he tried hard to control and change.

Ian struggled as he didn't want his friend to think of him as such a horrible person.

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