
The Voice Note [1]


"don't interrupt the audio, just listen to it and you can decide what to do with me later" Nikolai gulped as he pressed play.

"command to Nikolai. Command to Orlov. Wow, I never really thought I would ever have to use the sequence on you, but then again, tough times brother. I know you will be mad at me for what I'm about to do, but i can't take it anymore Nik.

They're here acting all happy and shit, they seem content with their families, flaunting their dad and mom like we don't deserve to have the family unit too. It's almost like they're throwing it in my face. But it was they who took form us.

They snatched our happiness and it's only fair that i do the same I hate it here.

I thought being in love with Alexander could ease my pain, but it's not working. That shit is just fucking me up daily. And I have to pretend to be the loyal girlfriend, I'm honestly starting to think this love shit was not a really good idea.

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